Character of the Week
Dear Families,
This week our school community will be focusing on the character strength of Kindness. Kindness means you are generous to others and you are never too busy to help out. You enjoy doing good deeds for other people.
Kindness is grounded in the belief of a common humanity in which others are worthy of care, attention, affection, and compassion. Kind people think about the needs and feelings of other people, and then act to help those people. Kind people are selfless. That is why a true act of kindness is distinct from helping another person in order to simply gain something for yourself. An individual with the strength of kindness helps others because it's’ the right thing to do, not because they expect any reciprocal treatment or gain in reputation.
In addition to empathy and sympathy, the character strength of kindness is indicative of an individual’s moral reasoning capacity and level of social responsibility. That means people who develop kindness possess a strong personal ethical responsibility to care for other people. And, their acts of kindness towards others lead to additional acts of kindness by those who have been helped.
To practice and encourage the character strength of kindness with your child, please visit the Positivity Project’s P2 for Families (password: P2) where together you will watch a video, read a quote and talk about the answers to three questions.
Have a wonderful week!
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Queridas familias,
Esta semana nuestra comunidad escolar se centrará en la fuerza del carácter de la amabilidad. La amabilidad significa que usted es generoso con los demás y que nunca está demasiado ocupado para ayudar. Le gusta hacer buenas acciones para otras personas.
La amabilidad se basa en la creencia de una humanidad común en la que los demás son dignos de cuidado, atención, afecto y compasión. Las personas amables piensan en las necesidades y los sentimientos de los demás, y luego actúan para ayudar a esas personas. Las personas amables son desinteresadas. Por eso, un verdadero acto de bondad es distinto de ayudar a otra persona con el único fin de ganar algo para uno mismo. Un individuo con la fuerza de la amabilidad ayuda a los demás porque es lo correcto, no porque espere un trato recíproco o ganar reputación.
Además de la empatía y la simpatía, la fuerza de carácter de la amabilidad es indicativa de la capacidad de razonamiento moral de un individuo y de su nivel de responsabilidad social. Esto significa que las personas que desarrollan la amabilidad poseen una fuerte responsabilidad ética personal para cuidar de otras personas. Además, sus actos de bondad hacia los demás conducen a otros actos de bondad por parte de los que han sido ayudados.
Para practicar y fomentar la fuerza del carácter de la amabilidad con su hijo, visite la página del Proyecto Positividad P2 for Families (contraseña: P2) donde juntos verán un video, leerán una cita y hablarán sobre las respuestas a tres preguntas.
¡Que tengan una buena semana!
🕯Theme of the Week: December Holidays 🌛
Benjamin has shown Kindness in Kindergarten. He helps classmates when they need help, he is kind to them.
Gabriela has such a kind heart. She is caring, loving, and looks out for her friends.
Aimee demonstrates kindness towards others. She is considerate and caring.
Monica demonstrates kindness by doing good deeds. She helps clean up the breakfast / lunch area, and around the classroom.
Lissette is always kind and considerate to others. She greets everyone with a smile.
Bryan is a helpful and kind person who always takes the time to clean up the classroom at the end of the day. He is never too busy to lend a helping hand.
December Calendar
8th Graders get their Senior Sweaters
8th Graders are expected to lead with kindness, respect and love.
Class of 2024
Received their class sweaters today
Bryan is modeling the sweater
Parent Volunteers--were a treat this Halloween
Christmas Program Schedule
For the fist group, student are asked to be in school 30 minutes early ( ready to perform)
3:30pm - 4:30pm First Group: TK, K,1,2, 3, (These students meet at school at 3:00pm)
5:00pm - 6:00pm Second Group: 4,5,6,7,8, (These students meet in the church at 4:30pm)
💡 Reminders
St Odilia School
Email: principal@stodiliaschool-la.org
Website: www.stodiliaschool-la.org