Bennett Bear Business
Week of September 16, 2019
Dear Amazing Bennett Families,
Thank you parents for sharing your precious children with us every day! Your continued support and partnership is appreciated. We will see YOU at school.
Proud to be a Bear,
Amy Holderman
NEW - Bennett's Best Award Recipients of the Week
NEW - Bennett's Best Award
This week, Tactic Team 5 is celebrating and recognize
two Bennett staff members for going above and beyond to serve our school and promoting a positive school culture at the BEST school in McKinney!
Ann Sanders - Bennett's Best Recipient
Natalie White - Bennett's Best Recipient
Bennett Elementary's Campus Improvement Plan - Executive Summary
Campus Improvement Tactic Teams - Parents Welcome to Join
Bennett Elementary Budget 2019-2020
Big Kahuna Principal Fundraiser is Under Way - Orders Due Wednesday, September 25th
- Student Recognition Awards - Bear of the Month, Creed Award, Birthday, Perfect Attendance, No Early Check-Outs, No Tardies, Choir, Tech Crew, End of Year Certificates
- Staff Recognition Awards - Birthdays, 100 Hour Professional Development Club, Luncheons, Staff Shirt, Snacks/Drinks for Meetings, Teacher Appreciation
- Resources & Materials in our Professional Library for Parents & Staff
- Staff Development for Staff - Speakers, Materials, Conferences
- Flexible Seating for Classrooms
- Headphones
- Flexible Seating Tables for Primary Classrooms
- Safety Items - Cones, Walkies, Megaphones, Vests
- Supplies for Jingle Bell Run in December - Bells, Necklaces, Hot Chocolate
- Miscellaneous School Supplies & Materials for Classroom Use
Information from Nurse Martin
Here we are in September, and the mosquitos are still going strong. Below are a few reminders from the Texas Department of Health to prevent mosquito bites:
· Use an approved insect repellent every time you go outside. Approved repellents include those that contain DEET, picaridin, oil of lemon eucalyptus, or IR3535. Follow the instructions on the label.
· Regularly drain standing water, including water that collects in empty cans, tires, buckets, clogged rain gutters and saucers under potted plants. Mosquitoes breed in stagnant water.
· Wear long sleeves and pants when outside. With the summer heat, an alternative may be to opt for longer shorts, plus socks and tennis shoes instead of sandals.
· Avoid being outside or take extra precautions at dusk and dawn when mosquitoes are most active.
· Use air conditioning or make sure there are screens on all doors and windows to keep mosquitoes from entering the home.
Stephanie Martin, BSN, RN
Bennett Elementary Clinic
Take a look at September's Guidance Lessons
McKinney ISD Free & Reduced Lunch Program
Each year, parents need to reapply to the Free and Reduced Program for that school year. State regulations allow for a grace period for the first 30 days of school, which keeps the students in the same free or reduced category they were in the previous year to allow time to submit a new application. That grace period ends this year on September 27th. At that time, any student who has not had an application submitted by their parents will no longer have their meal benefit until a new application is processed. We’d very much like to encourage online applications, as they are less prone to error and processing delays.
Parents can quickly and easily fill out an online application at, although if a paper application is more desirable, those are also available in the Bennett office. Those who have received a notification of benefits or who have already submitted an application do NOT need to apply again. The online portal is the best way to apply, as it is the most accurate and fastest for us to process.
McKinney ISD has already sent an email to ALL parent/guardians (doing so allowed us to avoid overt identification of any students) reminding them about the grace period and how to apply to the program if they want to (we cannot force any parent to fill out an application).
If you have any questions, please contact Pilar Gilabert-Barrera at the Child Nutrition office. We can be reached at 469-302-6364.
Food Service Department
Student T-Shirt Size Needed
PTO is requesting our help in getting t-shirt sizes for all our students. Please use the link below to provide us with your child's t-shirt size by Friday, September 20th. If you have already submitted your child's t-shirt size to your child's teacher, please disregard.
T-Shirt Link:
September Staff Birthdays
September 17th - Natalie Vera, 2nd Grade Teacher
September 21st - Natalie White - 5th Grade Teacher
September 27th - Lisa Howard, Library Aide
Mark Your Calendar for Upcoming Events
Tuesday, September 17th
Room Rep Meetings in Science Lab
*Kinder-2nd Grade Meeting - 9:00AM-9:45AM
*3rd-5th Grade Meeting - 10:00AM-10:45AM
Thursday, September 19th
Bear Buddy Meeting 7:30AM in Learning Commons
Friday, September 20th
Bear Feet Running Club 7:30AM-7:50AM
Watch D.O.G.S. registration closes
Monday, September 23rd
Drama Kids 3:30PM-4:30PM - Science Lab
Safety Patrol Team 2 assists with Arrival & Dismissal
Tuesday, September 24th
PTO October Newsletter goes home
Wednesday, September 25th
Big Kahuna Principal Fundraiser ends - return your order forms and money to school
Friday, September 27th
Bear Feet Running Club 7:30AM-7:50AM
Friday Live 2:15PM
PTO One Check Fundraiser begins
Student Council forms due to Mrs. Lytle
4th & 5th Grade Recorder Money due to Mrs. Mac
Free & Reduced Lunch grace period ends
Saturday, September 28th
Crape Myrtle Run at Boyd High School
Monday, September 30th
Creed Lunch 10:30AM
Safety Patrol Team 1 assists with Arrival & Dismissal
Drama Kids 3:30PM-4:30PM - Science Lab
Crape Myrtle Trail Run
PTO's September Newsletter
About Us
Location: 7760 Coronado Drive, McKinney, TX, USA
Phone: 469.302.5400
Twitter: @AmyHolderman2