The Panther Pulse
Pershing Middle School Newsletter: Vol. 2, Issue 35
Principal's Message
Dear Families,
Thank you to all the families that were able to come out last Tuesday for Spring Fest, we had a great turnout and it was fun to see so many future Panthers visiting the campus as well!
It's Teacher Appreciation Week and this our chance to celebrate and thank our amazing staff for the hard work they put in day in and day out to create quality learning experiences for your child. Looking for ideas of ways you can show your appreciation? Check out our suggestions for the week in the important announcements sections!
And last but not least, I wanted to remind all families that we begin state testing this week. Students will take the Math CAASPP in their math classes May 6-10 and we will be on a special block schedule. To help set your child(ren) up for success we ask parents to focus on the following:
- This is our time to shine - although there are multiple measures schools can use to show they are great learning environments for students, state testing is one of the most public. We ask that you encourage your child(ren) to try their best on these exams.
- Your attendance matters - we need our students here every single day! Please do not schedule doctor's appontments or other appointments during the next few weeks. Our school is penalize if less than 95% of students take the exams. Since students are testing in their math classes this week it is also important that all students arrive on time everyday.
- Please set your child up for success - ensure they get a good night's sleep and eat a healthy breakfast before coming to school
- Please bring your laptop to school everyday and make sure it is fully charged
- If your child uses their laptop at home please make sure they clear their cookies every evening before they come to school the next day.
- The testing schedule for this week and next are in the important announcement section below.
Let's have a great week Panthers!
Melanie Kray
The Pershing Challenge Course is a way for our students to participate in raising much needed funds for our school while also having the opportunity to win some great prizes and have some fun. Donations raised will be used to continue to support the teachers, staff and students of Pershing Middle School. If each family was able to raise or donate $25 we would reach our goal!
How it Works:
Visit the event website at: https://pershingmiddleschoolfoundation.rallyup.com/challengecourse24
Click on the “Students” tab or go to the “Student Center”, use the search box to find your student’s name and go to their fundraising page. You can cut and paste the page link to send to family and friends.
For every $10.00 your student raises in donations, they will earn 1 raffle ticket. Tickets will be placed in the prize boxes of their choosing at lunch the week of the all-school obstacle course on Friday, May 24th. The last day for donations to count for tickets is Friday, May 17th. Winners will be chosen after the event and announced in the Sunday newsletter.
What Can You Win?
Click on the flyer below and see the awesome prizes available!
- Flower Monday: Bring a flower for a staff member. Giving flowers is a way to express love and gratitude
- Gift of Giving Tuesday: Who doesn't love classroom supplies? Surprise a staff member with an item to help them restock their classroom - a ream of xerox paper, expo markers, hand santizer, Flair pens, etc.
- Thankful Wednesday: Let's show staff how thankful we are for them by delivering a kind note of appreciation to a staff member
- Sweat Treat Thursday: Bring a sweet treat for a staff member
- Friday Surprises: Bring a surprise gift for a staff member
Week 1: Math CAASPP (May 6-10)
Students test in their math classes. Please note our normal start time (8:00 AM) and end time (2:50 PM) remains unchanged this week.
- Monday, May 6: Periods 1, 3, 5
- Tuesday, May 7: Periods 2 ,4, 6 (for sixth grade 6th period is a B day)
- Wednesday, May 8: typical minimum day schedule (for sixth grade 6th period is an A day)
- Thursday, May 9: Periods 1, 3, 5
- Friday, May 10: Periods 2, 4, 6 (for sixth grade 6th period is an A day)
Week 2: English Language Arts (ELA) CAASPP (May 3-17)
Students test in their English classes. Please note our normal start time (8:00 AM) and end time (2:50 PM) remains unchanged this week.
- Monday, May 13: Periods 1, 3, 5
- Tuesday, May 14: Periods 2 ,4, 6 (for sixth grade 6th period is a A day)
- Wednesday, May 15: typical minimum day schedule (for sixth grade 6th period is an B day)
- Thursday, May 16: Periods 1, 3, 5
- Friday, May 17: Periods 2, 4, 6 (for sixth grade 6th period is an B day)
For this Henry Cluster meeting we are moving back to a virtual format. We hope you will be able to attend.
Microsoft Teams Need help?
Meeting ID: 273 413 384 784
Passcode: osqJ9D
Our apologies but due to a staffing vacancy and some recent illnesses we have not been able to get the Honor Roll and Principal's Honor Roll certificates for P3 and P4 out in the timely manner like we typically do. This does not diminish in any way the academic accomplishment of our Panther scholars. We apologize for the delay and hope to have all certificates for students who earned these honors in P3 and P4 out to students over the next two weeks. Again, we apologize for any inconvenience.
Dance Team Tryout Info for our 8th Graders and Future Patriots
Email: pershingfoundation@outlook.com
Website: https://pershingmiddleschoolfoundation.org/
Facebook: https://facebook.com/pershingpanthers
Dates for Your Calendar
- April 30: Spring Fest: Exhibition of Learning @5:30-7:00 PM
- May 6-17: School-wide Testings CAASPP English & Math (special block schedule)
- May 24: Challenge Course Day
- May 28: 7th Grade Awards Ceremony @8:00 AM and 6th Grade Awards Ceremony @2:00 PM
- May 30: 7th Grade Experience: Rockin' Jump Trampoline Park
- May 31: 8th Grade Semi-Formal Dance @5-7 PM
- June 3-7: 6th Grade Camp for Group 2
- June 3: 8th Grade Awards Night @6:00 PM
- June 5: 8th Grade Trip to Dave and Busters
- June 6: 8th Grade Promotion @8:30 AM
Stay Connected
Follow Pershing Middle on Instagram & Threads
Interested in volunteering on campus?
Contact our Community Assistant Ms. Johana Moreno at jmorenoperez@sandi.net
Email: mkray@sandi.net
Website: https://pershing.sandiegounified.org/
Location: 8204 San Carlos Drive, San Diego, CA, USA
Phone: (619) 352-3550
Twitter: @melanie_kray