Lowell P.E. Newsletter
April 30th, 2024
Hello Parents, Guardians and Students:
In this P.E. Newsletter, you will find activities and challenges that the K-5 students have participated in the month of April, 2024. The K-2 students played cone/ball game, solar eclipse game, Earth ball game, climbed on the rock wall and played parachute activities. The 3-5 students played foose ball, Earth ball game, climbed on rock wall, and played a cone/ball game. All grades participated in the Walk-A-Thon to help raise money for the school.
Also, if interested in volunteering at our Field Day, look at the information below.
In addition, if interested in participating in the Watertown Elite Field Hockey camp, the brochure is located at the end of this newsletter.
Eileen Donahue. eileen.donahue@watertown.k12.ma.us
Tina Loguidice tina.loguidice@watertown.k12.ma.us
Field Day Volunteer Form
On Thursday May 30th, the Lowell Physical Education teachers, Ms.Donahue and Ms. Loguidice, will be holding a Field Day for the school. The Lowell Field Day will be held at Victory Field. Lowell students will walk with their class to the field. Field Day is a day for the school to get together for a number of physical events and friendly competition. Grades K-2 will be participating in events such as water activities, running races, cooperative challenges, etc. Grades 3-5 will participate in a track meet as well as several group and water activities. This will be an all day event. Students will need to bring a bag lunch. We invite families to come and cheer on the students in the stands. The Volunteers will be the only ones allowed on the field. If you are interested in volunteering to help with these events, please fill out the this google form. The deadline for the Volunteer sign-up is May 20th. Please submit Cori forms no later than May 20th. Thank you for your help!
Congratulations to the Lowell School for raising over $15,000 during the Walk-A-Thon!
A special thanks to Mrs. McCollum and Ms. Chroneos for helping Ms. Donahue and Ms. Loguicice throughout the Walk-A-Thon.