Cougar News
Week of April 18th - April 22th
Letter from Principal Nelson
Cougar Nation-
We trust all is well with you and your student on yet another 3-day weekend and hope you get to spend as much time with one another this holiday. Spring is all about rebirth and rejuvenation (and yes, pollen), and few things created by man can match the peace we find when we are with the ones we love. Being with family and friends is the ultimate energizer, and we are fortunate to have these days provided to us for this natural, necessary charge.
Bring out the Fred!
Please read below about our very own Fred Tabares. If your student has him, chances are he’s their favorite teacher for one simple reason; he digs kids. He knows what makes them tick because it’s the same stuff that makes him tick. Fred has been living the life as a perpetual middle-schooler all his days, and it’s precisely why he can connect so well with our students. He enjoys shaping young minds and helping make the connection between their heart, mind, and hands. Whether the medium is clay, graphite pencils, or charcoal, the goal is the same, to be creative and to be able to express yourself. Students enter his dojo as novices and leave as masters. Not necessarily master artists, but master humans who know more about themselves, learn how to be creative, and know that there is a person on campus who loves them and wants them to always do and be their best.
Mr. Tabares was nominated for the annual Austin Monthly "Thank a Teacher" contest and ultimately won! He says of the win, "I'm part of this wonderful village that puts in on channeling students towards a little bit of greatness day by day. The hope is that, over time, it leads to something even greater when they cross a graduation stage and continues in the years to follow. The people I work with- we all push and pull each other up in the same way we do that for our students. I'm grateful for the reality that I can be great because I'm surrounded by it. ...and that's why Clint Small Middle School is the best middle school in Texas."
'Thank a Teacher' Finalists Announced - Austin Monthly Magazine
1712 Rio Grande Street, Suite 100 Austin, TX 78701. 512-263-9133
Enjoy your holiday!
Matthew Nelson
Clint Small Middle School
(512) 841-6705
Help a Small MS Family
One of our Small family members had a devastating fire which destroyed the trailer they were living in and the car that was parked next to it. One of the students is in our 6th grade, while the other student is attending Oak Hill Elementary. A family of 8 lived in the trailer. They had been moving from motel to motel using the Visa cards and HEB cards that were donated. They have recently moved into a rental home but are needing help. As if this was not enough, the mother has been going through her second round of chemotherapy. Any help that can be given for this family would be appreciated.
Go Fund Me link for Small family fire victims:
Splash Fest Needs You!
Check out our New Splash Fest website
It is still a work in progress, but soon it will have the ability to buy wristbands and tickets online, sign up to volunteer and see what we have instore for our special day.
Pages that are up and running:
Please, Please, Please Register for Next Year!
Do you hate seeing all these reminders about Online Registration?
We do too! We don’t like bothering you guys.
We have 845 people who have NOT registered for the 2022-2023 school year. The more people who register, the faster we can stop bugging you!
Are you thinking “do I really have to register online? My kid is already enrolled.”
Yes! We need all parents to online register EVERY year, so that we have the most current information on file. This helps ensure we have appropriate staffing too.
Can’t remember what you need to do to register?
Please visit click or search the “AISD Student Registration” Tile.
Here are some step by step instructions:
Parent Guide to Online Registration: English
Guía de inscripción en línea para padres y tutores legales Espanol
Not coming back to Small?
No problem, just email your student’s full name, and what school they will be attending in the fall. We will update the database, so you come off our list.
8th Grade Promotion Ceremony
Save the date May 27th at 10 AM
More details to come.
Get paid to make a meaningful impact! Open to all Austin, TX-based students in 7th-12th grade.
Austin School of Film is partnering with award-winning poet and cultural worker KB Brookins on a free one-time Super 8 film & poetry workshop. Students will learn both the basics of film production on an analog camera and basic poetry skills to create thematic short film poems (images & voice over) while exploring the topic of "policing in school".
All work will be showcased in a final exhibition & screening on May 7, 2022 at Austin School of Film from 6-8pm that is free & open to the public. This is a chance for students to cultivate new skills and participate in a pivotal project combining youth engagement, filmmaking, and poetry.
No prior experience in film or poetry needed.
This project is supported through the Broadway Advocacy Coalition as KB’s final project for the Artivism Fellowship. Each student will be given a $50 stipend for their participation in this experience.
ABOUT BROADWAY ADVOCACY COALITION: The BAC Artivism Fellowship is designed to support artist activists around the US using their tools to have an impact on the world around them. This year’s fellowship focuses on the theme of “Reimagining Justice through Abolition.” Over the course of four months, the program provides financial and production support, mentorship, networking opportunities, community and education workshops.
ABOUT KB BROOKINS: KB Brookins (also known as KB) is a poet, essayist, and cultural worker from Fort Worth, Texas. Their work is published in American Poetry Review, Poetry Northwest, Huffington Post, Teen Vogue, and other venues. KB is the author of How To Identify Yourself with a Wound (Kallisto Gaia Press, 2022), a chapbook selected by ire’ne laura silva as winner of the Saguaro Poetry Prize. They have received Best of the Net and Pushcart Prize nominations, along with fellowships from PEN America, Lambda Literary, and The Watering Hole among others.
This workshop is in-person at our facility and will take place in our classroom studio at Austin School of Film.
The AISD Summer Theatre Series is back!
Students of all experience levels are welcome to shine on stage during the free Summer Theatre Series program. Current fifth through 12th graders in Austin ISD are invited to try out for the program’s seventh consecutive season.
The program will start June 6 and run through July 25 and will feature The Addams Family musical production, Alice in Wonderland black box studio production, and the new Summer Theatre Series Rising Stars program—a one-week educational theatre camp that offers workshops in acting, dance and voice.
The technical track of the Summer Theatre Series allows students to explore design and construction in costumes, make-up, scenery, properties, lights, and sound. Students will work with professionals from the Austin theatrical community to create all of the technical elements of the productions.
Rehearsals take place at the Austin ISD Performing Arts Center. Several transportation options will be provided for participating students, including a daily bus running to and from Bedichek Middle School, carpools and free city bus passes available through the Kids Ride Free program with Capital Metro. City bus locations are located at the corner of Mueller Boulevard and Barbara Jordan Boulevard, and across from Dell Children’s Hospital.
Students interested in participating must register by April 13 and video auditions need to be submitted by April 15.
An audition workshop and Q&A session will be available Monday, April 11. For access to audition materials and more information on the 2022 Austin ISD Summer Theatre Series, go to
For questions, please contact Program Coordinator, Jessica Champion, at
Se invita a estudiantes con cualquier nivel de experiencia a brillar en el escenario durante el programa gratuito de la serie de teatro de verano. Se invita a los estudiantes de quinto a 12.° grado del Austin ISD a hacer una audición para la séptima temporada consecutiva del programa.
El programa comenzará el 6 de junio y continuará hasta el 25 de julio y presentará la producción musical La familia Addams, la producción de cámara negra Alicia en el País de las Maravillas y el nuevo programa Estrellas en Ascenso de la serie de teatro de verano, un campamento educativo de una semana que ofrece talleres de actuación, danza y voz.
La opción técnica de la serie de teatro de verano les permite a los estudiantes explorar el diseño y la construcción de vestuario, maquillaje, escenarios, utilería, iluminación y sonido. Los estudiantes trabajarán con profesionales de la comunidad teatral de Austin para crear todos los elementos técnicos de las producciones.
Los ensayos se llevan a cabo en el Centro de Artes Escénicas del Austin ISD. Se proveerán varias opciones de transporte para los estudiantes participantes, incluyendo un autobús diario de ida y vuelta a la Escuela Secundaria Bedichek, vehículos compartidos y pases gratuitos para autobuses de la ciudad disponibles a través del programa Los Niños Viajan Gratis de Capital Metro. Las paradas de autobuses de la ciudad están en la esquina de Mueller Boulevard y Barbara Jordan Boulevard y frente al Hospital Dell Children's.
Los estudiantes interesados en participar deben registrarse a más tardar el 13 de abril y las audiciones en video deben enviarse a más tardar el 15 de abril.
Habrá un taller para las audiciones y una sesión de preguntas y respuestas el lunes, 11 de abril. Para acceso a los materiales de audición y más información sobre la serie de teatro de verano del Austin ISD de 2022, vaya a
Si tiene preguntas, comuníquese con la coordinadora del programa, Jessica Champion, a
Our Green Team needs help!
We are running low on animal feed funds, and prices are rising as we head into summer. We can accept donations of food or checks, but the best way is to contribute to the Animal account on schoolcashonline
We also need new volunteers to help with animal care over the summer. It is a great family opportunity to spend time with the animals and support the Green Academy. To learn more about this opportunity, please fill out this form and Mr. Brooks will contact you.
8th grade Schlitterbahn Trip - UPDATE
Dear Students and Guardians,
We are opening the May 26th 8th grade Schlitterbahn Trip online payment early (April 11- May 5) We understand that it may be beneficial to pay at certain times of the month. Total cost for the trip is $75.00. Payment however does not guarantee your students eligibility to attend the trip. Please check the eligibility requirements with your student prior to paying.
Students must meet all of the following requirements to be eligible for the Schlitterbahn trip:
Must pass all classes ─ including electives ─ for the 8th progress report (April 29th) and the final report card.
Must have a completely clean discipline record for the 4th 9 weeks. (For example, the student must have no referrals of any kind, no more than 3 trips to lunch detention for behavior, no home suspension, and no bus referrals)
Attendance of 90% for the last 9 weeks (March 11- May 26) (less than 3 unexcused absences)
Must have approval from all of their teachers (including elective classes) for participation in the trip.
Must clear all obligations (including textbooks, library books, Chromebooks, and charger, etc.) by Friday May 13th, 2022.
We are looking for students that will be on their best behavior and represent Small MS in a positive way.
Payment DOES NOT guarantee
your students' eligibility to attend the trip.
Refunds will automatically be issued
if you pay and are NOT eligible at the time of payment.
Any student removed from the trip after May 13, 2022,
will NOT receive a refund,
but will still receive their ticket that can then be used over the summer.
Online payment window will close May 5th
there will be NO late payment acceptions.
Scholarships are available. Please contact Ms. Castenada
Here's a link to the online store:
It will show up under the student tab once the parents access the site.
Please complete permission form along with payment:
Thank you,
8th Grade Team and Mrs Becky White
Chromebook Chargers
We can no longer give out extra Chromebook chargers if your child looses theirs. If your child needs a replacement charger you can purchase them on Amazon. Here is the link:
8th Grade Girls going to Bowie
All current 8th grade girls interested in playing softball at Bowie next year, please have your parents complete the following form:
More information can be found at
Incoming 6th Grade Information
Important dates for incoming 6th Graders
Cougar Camp - August 1st - 2nd, 2022 (Choose AM or PM Session)
This is the transition camp to help teach kids about how middle school works, make new friends and learn more about the campus - Click here to register and learn more
Scavenger Hunt - Aug 4, 2022 - Time TBD
Come show your parents what you learned in camp. See if you can find your way around Small and that you are ready for the first day of school. More details to come
Parent Camp - August 4th. 5:30 pm - Zoom
This is all the information every new to middle school parent will need to know about Small and how middle school works. Click here to register
First Day of School - August 15th, 2022
Ways to keep informed.
Parent facebook page:
Email or call Jennifer Newell at 512-841-6701
Thank you to our Sponsors!
Be sure to send some busniess thier way for partnering with Small Middle School!!!
Order a Yearbook
Have your heard the new jingle staring our 6th grade choir? Check it out here.
Clint Small, Jr. Middle School
Location: 4801 Monterey Oaks Boulevard, Austin, TX, United States
Phone: (512) 841-6700
Keep Small MS Beautiful
Join the Small MS PTA on April 9, 2022 at 9am to keep the campus beautiful. We will be picking up trash around the building and grounds. Gloves and trash bags will be provided. Feel free to bring your own gloves or trash picking up tools. Volunteers will meet at the main entrance and will be assigned areas of the campus to beautify. RSVP on Facebook to join us. Questions -