The Messenger

May 2024
McKinley Updates
As we approach the final stretch of the school year, there's still plenty of learning to be done and activities to finish up. It's a time of both excitement and reflection as we gear up for summer break.
First and foremost, let's celebrate the dedication and service of Mr. Sunderman, who has been an integral part of the McKinley family for an impressive 29 years. It is with mixed emotions that we announce his well-deserved retirement at the end of this school year. Mr. Sunderman has left an indelible mark on our school community, touching the lives of countless students and families with his passion for education and unwavering commitment to excellence. We are grateful for his years of service and wish him all the best in this new chapter of his life.
Looking ahead, we are excited to share that staffing for the next school year is in full swing. While we bid farewell to familiar faces, we also eagerly anticipate welcoming new members to our McKinley team, each bringing their unique talents and perspectives to enrich our learning community.
Additionally, we are excited to inform you of an upcoming construction project. Over the summer, we will embark on a significant remodeling endeavor, renovating eleven classrooms and hallways to enhance our learning environment. As a result, access to the building will be restricted during the summer months. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation as we work to create an even better space for our students.
Finally, we extend our heartfelt thanks to all parents and guardians for your continuous support and partnership throughout the year. Your involvement and dedication play a crucial role in nurturing our Bulldogs and helping them thrive academically, socially, and emotionally.
As we navigate these final weeks of the school year, let's come together as a community to celebrate our achievements, cherish our memories, and pave the way for a bright future. Together, we will finish the year strong and set the stage for another successful academic journey ahead.
McKinley Fun Day - Mrs. Burandt
The McKinley FUN Day events will kick off outside at 10:00AM on Friday, May 17. Visitors are welcome to meet us outside at their students' first event.
These will also be available at the nurse's station.
If you are interested in volunteering and traveling with your student, please contact your student's teacher or our Volunteer Services Coordinator Natosha.Hanson@ahschools.us.
Have your student(s) dress appropriately for the weather. Tennis shoes are a must! Water bottles (with names), hats and sunscreen may also be a good idea.
Students may wear a shirt color of their grade level. This is optional! Shirt Colors for this year are as follows:
- Kindergarten - Green
- First - Red
- Second - Orange
- Third - Blue
- Fourth - Safety Yellow
- Fifth - Purple
Parents MUST sign out student(s) in their classroom if you plan to leave prior to the regularly scheduled dismissal.
This is an exciting day for students to showcase their talents. McKinley staff foster the principles of respect, teamwork and sportsmanship!
Parents/guests may purchase a lunch from the cafeteria on Fun Day. The menu includes a hot dog, chips, cookie, apple, carrots and a drink(milk or water). The cost of the meal is $5.00 and cash only is accepted.
May Character Trait - Mrs. Ness-Manary
Our fourth graders will be participating in a Kindness Retreat on Thursday, May 9. This is a day where we learn more about each other and experience a day filled with kindness! Scooter's Coffee is once again helping provide our lunch for the day!
Please stop by Scooter's Coffee on Tuesday, May 7th and 30% of your order will be donated to the Kindness Retreat lunch! Thank you Scooter's!
News From Explorations - Mrs. Marano
May News
Kindergarten Explorations:
The Kindergarteners are enjoying learning about how shade protects us from the sun, and how the sun warms the earth. Ask your child about the model umbrellas we tested out!
This month, we will continue to describe different types of weather and predict temperature and weather patterns over time. We will end the unit by learning about being prepared for some kinds of severe weather. This is always a popular topic! I have really enjoyed getting to know the Kindergarteners–what a sweet and smart bunch of kids!
First Grade Explorations:
First graders have just finished learning about how shadows change size by making and using shadow puppets. Please ask your child for a demonstration at home! This final month of school, we will investigate questions about how we can see in the dark, and which materials let light through or reflect it. It will be an exciting month of many small experiments; please ask your child if they can share their favorite one with you!
Second Grade Explorations:
Second graders are exploring the amazing ways that plants are pollinated by animals and wind. In our final month, students will be taking their learning and making a model of a plant to be pollinated by a specific pollinator. We will talk about how structures of both plants and animals work together for the awesome function of pollination!
Third Grade Explorations:
In our final month together, third graders will be learning about the adult stage of our painted lady butterflies! They are out of their chrysalises and doing well! Ask your child about what surprising things they learned about butterfly chrysalises. We will also be exploring more about genetic traits. It’s going to be a month packed with learning about life!
Volunteer Services - Tosha Hanson
We are all familiar with May the fourth be with you, Cinco de Mayo, Mother’s Day and Memorial Day, but did you know that May is also the month that we celebrate Teacher Appreciation week? We at McKinley take this week to show our love and support to all staff members and to also show them just how appreciated they are. Each day, starting Monday, May 6th, and going through Friday, May 10th, our staff will enjoy a themed day with snacks, treats, and meals. That Wednesday our PTO will be putting together a breakfast buffet and are looking for donations. If this is something you are interested in donating to, check out the link provided below.
The McKinley Student Council is also excited to travel the halls with their Appreciation Station for the second year on Friday, May 10th and are also looking for some help to fill their cart. I have also included the link below if you’re interested in donating.
Student Council Appreciation Station
Lastly, I want to make sure to send a special thank you to all who volunteered at the McKinley Spring Carnival. This is always an exciting evening that students look forward to and without your help, these events wouldn’t be possible!
It's time for spring cleaning and we want your books! Book-o-Rama is coming back to McKinley and we need your donations! Please send in gently used children’s books by May 24, 2024. We will also be accepting donations during McKinley Fun Day on May 17th for your convenience.
Students will be able to shop for books May 29 - 31st to build their home library for summer reading. Proceeds from Book-o-Rama are used to encourage reading at home by purchasing reading tags and backpack rings. Thanks for your help in making Book-o-Rama a success!
Next Year
If you are planning to move or have arrangements for your student to attend a different school next year, we kindly request your assistance. Please take a moment to notify the school office of any such changes. Your proactive communication is invaluable for our planning process and ensures a seamless transition for your student. Additionally, it allows us to efficiently share your student's records with their new school, facilitating a smooth continuation of their educational journey.
To update your student's information or inform us of any changes, please call the office at 763-506-3400. Our staff will be more than happy to assist you.
Thank you for your cooperation and support in this matter.
Upcoming Events
- May 6 - Staff Appreciation Week Begins
- May 7 - McKinley Day at Scooter's Coffee - 30% off your purchase donated to McKinley
- May 8 - Safety Patrol Field Trip to MOA
- May 8 & 9 - Grade 2 MAP Assessments - Math
- May 9 - Fourth Grade Kindness Retreat
- May 9 - 15 - Students may check out one book from library
- May 13 - PTO Meeting - Library @ 6:30PM
- May 16 - 22 - All library books are due
- May 15 & 16 - Grade 2 MAP Assessments - Reading
- May 17 - McKinley Fun Day - All Day
- May 23 - Second Grade Field Trip
- May 27 - Memorial Day - School District Closed
- May 31 - First Grade Field Trip
- June 5 - Kindergarten Field Trip
- June 5 - Third Grade Field Trip
- June 6 - Fifth Grade Field Trip
- June 6 - Last Day of School
This e-newsletter is published by McKinley Elementary School. Questions, comments or concerns about the school e-newsletter? Contact us.