Pence Press
March 2, 2025
FFA Strawberry Pick Up Day
February Read-a-thon
The Read-a-thon ended February 28th and money is due by Wednesday March 5th.
Musical Ticket Sales
Ticket Sales are now OPEN! Purchase online HERE
Yearbook Sales
Attention Pence Families! Students will be able to preorder their copy of the yearbook via cash/check beginning Monday, February 24. This is only a short period as this option will end on March 7. Your student can bring $20 cash or check to Mrs. Dove in room 201 to guarantee their copy of the yearbook when distributed at the end of the year. If you are unsure if you have already preordered a copy online, please contact Mrs. Dove via email at kdove@rockingham.k12.va.us as no refunds will be given for multiple books ordered.
Online Sales
You can still order online through March 31st.
After School Homework Help
Our Homework Help Program takes place Tuesday and Thursday afternoons from 3:30 - 4:30. Assistance will be given with homework assignments, late or missing work and difficult learning areas. Complete the Homework Help Permission Form and Bus Transportation Form (if needed) and return it to the front office.
Rising 7th grade Immunizations
Current 6th Grade Pence Families- Please see the attached information regarding immunization requirements for students prior to entering 7th grade. If you have any questions, contact Nurse Weaver at mweaver@rockingham.k12.va.us.
Pence Track & Field
3/3 First Day of Practice. Track practice take place every day after school until 4:45pm. A current sports physical must be on file in the front office.
Track Pictures are scheduled for March 17th after school.
Track meets begin at 4:30pm.
3/18 HOME vs MMS
3/25 AWAY @ THMS
4/8 HOME vs JFHMS/EMHS/Redeemer
4/15 AWAY @ SKMS
4/22 AWAY @EMS
4/30 District Meet
Questions? Contact Boys Head Coach: Mr Anderson at tanderson@rockingham.k12.va.us
Contact Girls Head Coach: Ms Beck at rbeck@rockingham.k12.va.us
As a reminder, students are not to consume commercial restaurant fast food while in the
cafeteria area prior to, or during lunch periods. This is part of the food and nutrition handbook.Pence Gear Shop
Attendance Info
-If your student is absent or late to school, please call the school (879-2535) or email the school (wspmsattendance@rockingham.k12.va.us) before 9:00 AM.
-If your student will be picked up early, please send a note or email the school (wspmsattendance@rockingham.k12.va.us) that morning AND then call us (879-2535) when you are 5-10 minutes away so we can have your student in the office ready to go. Your student will sign themselves out and head out when they see your vehicle.
Students will be responsible for contacting their teachers directly and making up any missed work.
Administrators will be creating attendance plans for students numerous days. Excessive tardies and early dismissals will also be documented and may require an attendance plan. Please note that for every three unexcused tardies students will lose one REP point.
Students who are not at school for at least a half day should not be in attendance at afterschool activities, including both Pence and Turner Ashby athletic activities and/or extracurricular activities.
Pence Resources
Do you want to know more about the polices and procedures at Pence? Check out the school website: http://wspms.rockingham.k12.va.us/
The "Parent Resources" & "Student Resources" tabs are especially useful. I recommend that all Pence families take some time to review the Student Handbook.
Bookmark this page to access a wealth of information: //www.rcps.net/page/families-students
Stock The Teachers Lounge
Calling all Pence Families! Please help us stock the teachers lounge with coffee, snacks, and treats! We want to make the teachers feel loved and supported throughout the year since they do so much for our kids!
Two options for easy drop off:
- Leave your items at the front office of Pence Middle.
- If items are to be delivered or shipped to the school (375 Bowman Road), please have them delivered to Door #1 and call the school to let the office staff know the items are on their way.
Pence Middle PTO Hospitality Committee
Ideas: Kcup coffee, Kcup hot cholocate, individual bags of chips, individual bags of trail mix/peanuts, small individually wrapped beef sticks, granola bars, protein bars, individually packaged cookies, small individually wrapped candies/chocolates - basically anything that is a GRAB and GO item!