Winona Elementary
January 2025 Newsletter
Happy New Year! We hope that you had a wonderful break and enjoyed the extra time with your children! My family and I enjoyed a little hiking, some sun, playing games and watching football on TV! We also indulged in some movies on the couch!
We are excited for the second semester of school! It was so enjoyable to get to know all of our families and students throughout the first semester of school. We look forward to working with each of you to support our kids with reaching the goals that they set and helping to ensure that they are reaching their potential academically.
The charts below show our school's mid-year data. The chart on the left shows our school's progress toward students achieving at least one year of growth. The chart on the right shows the percentage of students that are at/above grade level, one grade level below, and more than one grade level below. Our Literacy data is up 11% compared to mid-year testing from last year, and our Math data is 9% higher than last year's mid-year data. This is a huge accomplishment and celebration! Your kids and our staff are working hard!
Just as we have seen in previous years, our students who are making the highest amount of growth, are the students who have the fewest absences. It is so important for our students to be at school, on time, each day that they are healthy enough to. As a reminder, our first bell rings at 7:55 (8:55 on Wednesdays). The final bell rings at 8:00, which means that students are counted as tardy and must check in at the office after that second bell has rung. Please have your student to school on time so that they are able to be a part of the class's morning routines, and have a nice calm start to their school day!
We have many fun events planned for this second semester of school that we hope you can come and join us for. Thank you for sharing your children/family with us each day!
2024-25 K-5th Grade Literacy Growth & Achievement
2024-25 K-5th Grade Math Growth & Achievement
Important Upcoming Dates and Events
20- No School Martin Luther King Jr. Day
14- Donuts with Dudes
17- No School Presidents' Day
18- No School Professional Development Day for TSD Staff
6- No School Staff work Day
7- No School Family Conferences
17-21 No School Spring Break
Special Education Advisory Committee
Interested in joining the Special Education Advisory Committee?
The Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC) meets virtually on the 2nd Wednesday every month during the school year. During the meetings, the SEAC receives updates from the district, provides updates to members, and reviews proposals that require consensus/votes. The SEAC may also host presentations and trainings. Please click on the link for more information
Important update Winter Concert Cancelled
Due to unforeseen circumstances, we regret to inform you that our Winter Concert, originally scheduled for January 24th at TVHS, will not take place. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused to you and your family. We are working hard to hire a new music teacher.
Thank you for your understanding and support.
Winona ’s Talent Show will be held February 27th at 5:30pm!
Auditions will be held the week of January 13th. Students must have their permissions slip turned in my Friday, January 11th. Please reach out to Ashley Crossland (School Counselor) with any questions!
Cooler Weather is Here!
We will be moving into our cold weather season. Please make sure that your children are wearing coats, and possibly hats and gloves to school on those cold days. When the snow begins to stick to the ground, we also recommend students have boots for recess or to stay on the blacktop. We do not typically have students change their clothes if they are wet if they have chosen to roll in the snow without the proper gear to keep them dry. Please let our school know if there is a way that we can help with cold-weather gear. One final request would be to make sure that your child's gear has their name labeled on it so that we can return any lost items to the correct owner, and so that you do not have to buy any replacement gear!
Two Hour Delay Start
Office Hours
7:30am-3:30pm M-F
Office Number
Attendance Line
Fax Number
How sick is too sick??
How sick is too sick? Does your Child need to stay home?
Yes – The child or staff member may return to school or child care 24 hours after their
last episode of diarrhea.
Fever is a temperature of
100.4°F or greater.
Yes – The child or staff member may return to school or child care if the fever has
been resolved for 24 hours without fever-reducing medications.
Flu-like Symptoms
Sore throat
Runny nose or congestion
Yes - Children and staff may return to school or child care as long as they are
fever-free for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medications and symptoms are improving.
We are seeing a lot of flu-like symptoms since the start of school. Please do not send your students to school with symptoms that could be contagious. Call the health office to excuse an illness or if you have any health questions.
Thank you!
Mrs. Ashley
January Lunch Menu
Winona Spirit Wear!
Kim Tymkowych
Location: 201 South Boise Avenue, Loveland, CO, USA
Phone: 970-613-7100