Second Grade is Soaring
This week in Second Grade...
Language Arts: Our genre this week was realistic fiction. We reviewed what realistic fiction was and read books that focused on this genre. We talked about the character and the setting in the story and also answered comprehension questions. We did various activities with synonyms and learned about the subject and predicate in sentences. We also again worked on understanding the meaning of our word study words through sentence practice.
Writing: We continued to learn about the writing process focusing on spelling strategies, revising, editing and conferencing. We finished (or almost) finished our first writing pieces using the writing process!! We are having a writing party on Monday (please don't tell) for all our hard work!!
Math: We finished our unit on Addition Strategies and had our very first chapter test.
Social Studies: We continued with our unit on geography. We started a me on the map activity to understand the differences between our town, state, country and continent. We will continue with this next week and the class will be introduced to cardinal directions, map scales and map keys.
Just For Fun!
Please sign up for SeeSaw to view your child's personal journal! If you did not sign up a sheet explaining how to do so was sent home on Thursday. Let me know if you have an additional questions.
Writing Workshop
Learning about synonyms by designing our own wild things and describing them
More writing workshop fun..
Fly Eagles Fly!!!
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