Eagle Edition January
Students Return Tuesday, January 7
- ¡Haga clic en el enlace TRADUCIR y seleccione su idioma preferido!
- Kliknij link TŁUMACZ i wybierz preferowany język!
- TRANSLATE എന്ന ലിങ്കിൽ ക്ലിക്ക് ചെയ്ത് നിങ്ങൾക്ക് ഇഷ്ടപ്പെട്ട ഭാഷ തിരഞ്ഞെടുക്കുക!
- અનુવાદ લિંક પર ક્લિક કરો અને તમારી પસંદગીની ભાષા પસંદ કરો!
- ترجمہ لنک پر کلک کریں اور اپنی پسند کی زبان منتخب کریں!
Message from the Principal
Dear Euclid Families,
We are all excited to see your children's faces as they return to the halls and classrooms of Euclid in 2025. Every new beginning is an opportunity to reset intentions or start fresh with a clean slate. I encourage you to chat with your child about one (or two) ways they might make the new calendar year even better than last. Set an intention together as a family...
- less screen time (less youtube, social media, video gaming) for everyone?
- more time reading together or at specific time each evening?
- commit to family dinners more nights a week?
- go for walks together after dinner? just 10 minutes can make a difference for your mental well-being
At this month's Board of Education Meeting held in Euclid's new Library Media Center (Tuesday, January 14 @7pm), I will have the opportunity and honor to celebrate some of Euclid's hard work this year. We will celebrate the emotional growth and well-being of our Euclid community, our continuously improving attendance rates, and the hard work of our students who are learning and practicing critical thinking and meaningful discourse. You can watch in person or the livestream online.
On Tuesday, January 28, our teachers are planning a parent/family night to learn about and plan together for how you can support your children's emotional regulation at home. Pencil this evening into your calendar. Parenting is the most wonderful and, yet, the most challenging job of our lives. Learning regulation strategies together can make the "hard stuff" a little easier.
Ms. Daly
What's Happening @ Euclid?
January (Happy New Year!)
- 6 - Institute Day - No Student Attendance
- 7 - Students Back to School
- 9 - Chorus Concert 6:45@ Euclid
- 8 - PTC Mtg 6:30@Euclid LMC
- 14 - BOE Mtg, 7pm@ Euclid
- 15 - Parent Technology Meeting 5p@ Euclid LMC
- 28- Euclid Parent Night!! 6-7p@ Euclid *Supporting Emotion Regulation @ Home!
- 8- Annual Fun Fair 11-2
- 11 - BOE Mtg 7p
- 12- PTC Mtg 6:30-7:30
- 17- No School - President's Day
- 19 - Kindergarten Registration 4-8p @ Prairie Trails
- 26 - McTeacher Night! 4:30-7:30
Congratulations Are In Order!
Four Euclid artists' designs were selected for RTSD26's winter cards!
Attendance & Being On Time Matters
Ways to help your child's attendance:
- Keep an attendance chart at home. At the end of the week, reward your child for attending school every day. Rewards could include a visit to the park, pick the family movie, extra time for a preferred activity.
- Make sure your child is in bed by a certain time each night and the alarm clock is set.
- Don’t let children stay home unless they are truly sick. Keep in mind complaints of a stomach ache or headache can be a sign of anxiety and not a reason to stay home.
- If your child seems anxious about going to school, talk to teachers, social workers, or other parents for advice on how to make him/her feel comfortable and excited about learning.
- If your child has a cold but no fever (less than 100 degrees), send him/her to school anyway. If you don’t have a thermometer, purchase or borrow one.
- Identify a relative, friend or neighbor who can take your child to school if you can’t or if he/she misses the bus.
- Avoid medical appointments and family trips/vacations when school is in session.
For more information, check out the Attendance Works website: www.attendanceworks.org.
Upcoming Testing Information
- ACCESS: January 20 - mid-February - A test of English language proficiency for our multi-lingual students.
- IAR/ISA: March 3 - March 21 - State accountability tests in Math, Reading, Science
- Spring MAP: Week of April 14 - Local, standardized, & individualized tests in Math & Reading for 2nd-5th.
- Panorama SEL Survey: Week of May 5 - measures student mindsets, behaviors, and attitudes that might be related to success in school
- Aimsweb: Week of May 19 - for screening and progress monitoring of math and reading skills for 1st and some 2nd/3rd.
What if winter weather closes schools?
The district will use eLearning days in the event that weather or other circumstances prevent students from learning in the building. If an eLearning day is called, students will receive their learning instructions for the day through the Seesaw application.
Order your 2024-25 Yearbook Now!
Purchase forever memories for $15.00. Gift a book forward for $15.00.
School Code: 0112565YB
Cold Temperature Limits
We use the chart below to help determine whether is too cold for students to be outside. If the "Feels Like" temperature is in the red on the chart, students will be inside for arrival, physical education class, and/or recess. In the winter, that typically means the temperature + wind chill is 10°F or below.
Please make sure students are dressed appropriately for the weather when they leave in the morning. Students will be outside unless the temperature is dangerous, there is thunder/lighting, moderate/hard falling rain/snow, or extreme amounts of ice.
*Contact our social worker(s) if your family could use some confidential help getting appropriate winter weather gear. Jenna Welch (224-612-7440) or Arely Flores (224-612-7454)
Euclid Parent Teacher Council (EPTC)
Next EPTC meeting is Wednesday, January 8 in Euclid's LMC @ 6:30pm.
Mark your calendars for Euclid's Annual Fun Fair!
Saturday, February 3 (11-2pm)
3rd Grade Families
Calling all 3rd Grade Families: FILL THE FRIDGE during January!
Show Euclid teachers how much we appreciate them by sharing some extra snacks/treats/drinks during the grayest of winter days!
Is DAD not available? Moms, grandparents, aunts/uncles can also serve our student community as a WATCH DOG! Spend part of the day with your student, in classes, at lunch, in music/art/gym!
Food Pantry Schedule
Information about the Free and Reduced Lunch Program for those that qualify can be found here. If you have any questions, please reach out to Kelly Diaz, Director of Food Services: kdiaz@rtsd26.org
Attendance Line: 847-259-3303
Contact Us!
Please call ahead or email with any questions. Thank you for your patience with trying to limit the traffic of people at Door #1.
Office Hours on School Days: 7:45m - 4:30pm
Main Office: 847-259-3303
- Erni Santiago esantiago@rtsd26.org
- Claudia Rodriguez crodriguez@rtsd26.org
- Lisa Gutzler (Nurse) lgutzler@rtsd26.org
- Principal, Karen Daly: kdaly@rtsd26.org or 224-612-7400
- Assistant Principal, Sarah Hogan: shogan@rtsd26.org or 224-612-7401