Family Ministry News
January 24, 2025
News at a Glance
- This Sunday: New Members Ceremony, Forum, OWL Meeting
- Save the Dates: Look Ahead to February
- Photos: MLK Day of Service at St. James
- Growth Mindset Resources: Videos, Ted-Talks, etc.
- Letter from the Director: You are seen! You are loved! You are a valuable part of this community!
This Sunday, January 26
- This Sunday at 10:30AM - Let's extend an enthusiastic and warm welcome to the newest members of the UUFH Family this Sunday, January 26 during the service!
- This Sunday at 12PM - After the service, all are invited to participate in a UUFH Forum and bagged lunch event to discuss the signs displayed outside of UUFH.
- This Sunday at 2PM - Parents of 7th-9th graders interested in attending OWL classes are gathering at UUTC for an OWL Parent Meeting.
Please email Morgan at or Vicki at if interested in joining the dynamic group of parents and grandparents that plan and prepare FM programming and events. They'll save you a spot at the table! You can also just plan on showing up on Sunday, 2/2 at noon. All are welcome!
Save the Dates
Sunday 1/26 - New Members Warm Welcome, Congregational Forum, OWL Parent Meeting
Sunday 2/2 - Intergenerational Music Program (Nursery open but NO Sunday School), FM Council Meeting in the Cottage, Free childcare during the FMC Meeting, OWL Class at UUTC
Saturday 2/15 - Feel the Love Coffee House and Open Mic
Sunday 2/23 - Sunday Parker is Out of Town, Volunteers Needed
This Week's Photo Highlights
Growth Mindset Resources
Change Your Words; Change Your Mindset
What Can I Say to Myself?
Videos on Grit, Growth Mindset, and Optimism too!
TED-Ed Lesson Plan
A Pep Talk from Kid President to You
Why You Need to Fail
Musician and author Derek Sivers explains the importance of failure--for effective learning, growth mindset, and quality through experimentation.
Activity: Take a few minutes and think about a time when you made a really bad mistake. Write down what happened: what was the mistake, why did you make it, how did you feel, what could you have done differently? Reflect a bit more and write down what you learned from making the mistake--maybe about what you were trying to accomplish or about yourself. Divide into small groups and share your experience with others.
Assignment: Be an investigative reporter and ask as many different people as you can to tell you about a bad mistake they made and what they learned from it. Write down their answers. Be sure to get their first name, age, and what they do now.
Click the link below to access these resources.
What Kids Can Do: Excellent Website With Tons of Resources
Letter from the Director of Family Ministry
Dear UUFH Family,
I see you. I hear you, and I know that for many of you this winter has been rough! You are not alone! You are held dear by this community, and I just want to remind you that growth and joy alike are possible ...even in the winter.
I know late January is not exactly the time of year when one thinks about growth. Budding flowers, baby animals, and all things spring may feel far away and foreign right now. I get that, but that's exactly why I invite you and your kids to think about growth - more specifically growth mindset.
This week I challenge you to fail. I encourage you to consider the value of your mistakes and to flex your tenacity muscles. This is the week to learn from your mistakes and lean into hope.
Parents - there's lots to be stressed about right now but try to smile if you can. Even a fake smile produces oxytocin. Are your kids are watching? Of course, they are... they're always watching. It's okay to say aloud that you're struggling but trying to smile. Singing aloud - that helps too! Acknowledging that you're taking steps to alleviate your own stress is a great way of modeling self-care and self-regulation to your kids. They're learning from you and will model their approach to failure during cold weather and warm weather alike based upon how they see you respond to life's difficult moments.
Need help? Craving support? That's okay. The UUFH community is here for you and can help you connect with professionals and community resources that can help. I don’t always get it right. And I definitely don't have all the answers, but I’ll do my best to discreetly connect you with the people and resources that can help if you need it.
As always, please know you are loved; your children are cherished, and you are a valuable part of the UU community. After we cheer for the new members during the ceremony this Sunday, we're going to go downstairs and play some fun, uplifting, UU-style cooperative games. It's sure to be a hoot, a giggle, and hopefully a guffaw or two! I can’t wait to see you there!