College Heights Connection
November 14, 2019
School Mission
Thank You!
Morning Carpool Reminders
In addition, please make sure your student has finished eating and is ready to transition from the car to school.
Thank you for your support.
Sign up for each classroom is now available. Please see your student's classroom teacher for available dates and times. Conferences will be held December 2nd-13th.
Upcoming Break Schedule
The prek, special education and head start programs are closed Nov. 25-29
The 0-3 program will close at noon on Nov 27 and be closed on Nov. 28-29.
Winter Break:
The preK, special education and head start programs will be closed Dec 23rd-Jan. 6th.
The 0-3 program will be closed Dec 23rd-Jan. 2nd.
Lost and Found
Please check out the lost and found table located at the front desk. Lots of clothing items and water bottles are missing their homes.
Donations Needed
We are still in need of donations for our staff community service project:
- new hats, gloves, socks (adult and child size)
- toiletries
- feminine hygiene products
Pre-K Community Circle
Just a reminder about our Pre-K Community Circle format. We will hold the September and May community circles outside in the front parking lot. During our September community circle the students highlighted a song or activity they were doing in their music and spanish classes. During our May community circle the students will highlight what they have learned in zumba.
Beginning in November, each month there will be performances by two of our preK classrooms. We are requesting parents only attend the month your student is performing. Your student's teacher will share with you the classroom's assigned date. Keeping the students, parents, and staff safe is our main priority . After assessing the number of adults and children who typically gather in the cafeteria for community circle we feel we would be in violation of our fire code if we continue with previous year's community circle format. We appreciate your understanding and support.
The students performing in this month's community circle will be from Ms. Johnson and Ms. Baca's classrooms. Parents in these classrooms please join us on November 22 at 8:15 in the cafeteria.
After School Program News
PreK winter break camp will be held the week of February 17-21st. Camp hours are 7:30-5:00 pm. Registration is open to any preK student. Registration packets will be available at the front desk starting on January 13th. Enrollment is first come, first serve and open to the first 40 children registered. Camp cost is $200/week which includes breakfast, lunch, and snack. Tuition is due at the time of registration.
News from Around the District
Save the Date for the Fall Decatur Farm to School Dine Out - November 20, 2019, 5-9 p.m.
Twice a year families eat out at a participating restaurant and a portion of the proceeds are donated back to Decatur Farm to School to support our many programs. The dine out is our main fundraiser that supports CSD scholarships, grants, internships, and so much more! Consider buying a raffle ticket online or at a restaurant for some amazing prizes. For list of restaurants, to purchase raffle tickets, and more, visit: https://www.facebook.com/events/387747888588902/. Volunteers also needed during the dine out to sell tickets and merchandise. Grab a friend and enjoy the night out! Sign up at https://www.signupgenius.com/go/30e0f4fadae29a7fa7-decatur1.
Battle of the Bands
Westchester is very excited to host another Battle of the Bands. They are currently looking for sponsorship and band submissions, and the deadlines are fast approaching. This is the major fund-raising event for our school (March 27, 2020 @ The Marlay), and it helps pay for school supplies, field trips, and teacher grants, in addition to other school needs. They need your help to make this a successful event! They are currently looking for bands to submit to be part of the battle! Bands must be at least 21 years old and at least one band member must have at least one child in a CSD school. The deadline for submission is November 24th. Go to westchesterrocks.org to submit your band.
Save the Date
Nov 21- Advisory Council @ 4:45 pm
Nov 22- PreK Community Circle
Nov 25-29- Thanksgiving break: prek, special education, and head start programs
Nov 27- 0-3 tuition paying program closes at Noon for Thanksgiving break
Nov 28-29--0-3 Tuition paying program closed for Thanksgiving break