Summer 2024
Underlined Items in Blue Font are Hyperlinks
We value your feedback. Please let us know how we can improve our communication and support to serve you and your child better. Your input is essential to our success.
New for 2024-25 School Year
- Bell Schedule
- School Begins at 7:45 a.m. & Ends at 2:50 p.m.
- Raider Rally moves from 2nd period to 4th period
- Courses
- AP Physics
- AP Seminar
- Chamber Choir
- University of Findlay Financial Literacy
- Privilege Requirements for Activities, Clubs, Extra-Curriculars*, Dances, Field Trips, etc.
- Passing Grade in ALL Classes.
- Maintain a minimum 90% attendance rate.
- Have and maintain a good disciplinary record.
- Maintain satisfactory progress toward graduation.
- School fees paid in full.
- *Athletics, Band, and Choir are governed by the Athletic code of conduct in concert with the Athletic Director and Director/Head Coach.
- Safety & Security
- Entrance doors for students will be reduced to the Main Entrance and the Band/Choir Doors
- Tutoring and Extra Help
- Teachers will be available on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7:15 - 7:45 a.m.
- Math tutoring will be offered during all lunch periods.
The Program of Studies includes the following information:
Academic Programming, Class Standing & Promotion, Course Descriptions, Extra-Curricular & Student-Athlete Academic Eligibility, and Grading Policies
Attendance Policies & Procedures
- Reporting Procedure
- Report all absences by telephone to the attendance office. Please call 236-5001 prior to 8:00 a.m. on the day your child is absent.
- A written excuse is required upon return to school.
- If a student fails to bring a written excuse to the attendance office within 24 hours of the day he or she was absent, the absence will be marked unexcused. Please refer to the CLSD attendance policy listed on the district student handbook on the district homepage.
- Tardy To School
- Tardy to school is defined as not being in the student’s first scheduled class of the day when the bell stops ringing indicating that the period has begun.
- If a student is tardy to school, he must report to the Attendance Office for a class admit pass. Student will only be admitted to class with an office admit pass.
- Students are permitted four tardies.
- After five tardies, a detention is issued. For every tardy after five, a Saturday School is issued.
Curious or want more information on Why Attendance Matters? Click Here
Bell Schedule & Calendar
CHS Bell Schedules can be accessed via the CHS homepage
The doors open daily at 7:15 a.m. for breakfast.
Students are not permitted on campus before 7:15 a.m. unless they have made arrangements to meet with a coach or teacher.
First Period starts promptly at 7:45 a.m.
Students arriving after 7:45 a.m. are marked tardy. After five tardies, a detention is issued. For every tardy after five, a Saturday School is issued.
School Ends at 2:50 p.m.
Students must leave campus promptly unless they have made arrangements with a teacher or are under the supervision of a Club Advisor or Coach.
Bussing, Drop-off, & Pickup
- Bussing - Bussing is provided home.
- Visit the Transportation Website for Bus Route Information & Bus Rules.
- Contact Mr. Cantrell, Transportation Supervisor, at 440-236-8222 or acantrell@clsdraiders.org if you have any questions.
- Morning Drop-off - students may be dropped off at the Main Entrance. Doors open at 7:15 a.m.
- Afternoon Pickup - Because the buses use the turnaround in front of the school, pickup location should be pre-arranged with your child in the Whitehall Parking lot.
Class of 2025
Seniors - we are working to finalize dates of events and deadlines. Stay Tuned for more information and if you have any questions do not hesitate to contact the Main Office. Confirmed dates are listed in the 'Dates of Note' section near the bottom of this newsletter.
How to stay informed
Daily Announcements, Events, and Information are updated daily and can be accessed via the CHS Home Page.
Download the Columbia Local School District App on Google Play or from the Apple Store to receive calendar notifications and updates.
Monthly Electronic Newsletter
Regularly monitor and check academic progress using Power School
Teacher-specific Google Classrooms for class assignments
Text messages - more information coming soon
X (formerly Twitter) is used primarily to share accomplishments - @CHSRaiders
We value your feedback. Please let us know how we can improve our communication and support to serve you and your child better. Your input is essential to our success.
Dress Code
The general district dress code is listed in the Student Handbook on the district homepage.
- Columbia High students will observe the specific guidelines for dress and appearance listed below.
- If a conflict arises concerning a student’s appearance, the student will be approached and the appearance in question will be discussed.
- Parents may be contacted to verify their awareness of their child’s appearance. Students may be sent home to change into appropriate attire.
- Shorts or mini-skirts must be fingertip length or longer.
- No shirts and blouses that expose the midriff.
- No tank tops, muscle shirts, or shirts that expose the shoulders (halters, strapless tops, etc.) - boys must wear shirts with sleeves.
- Hats, hoods, bandanas, and sunglasses are not to be worn in the building.
- No dress that promotes hate, profanity, vulgar or negative messages, anything advertising or related to alcohol, tobacco, and drugs, or anything sexually explicit, is not permitted
- No jeans or pants with holes above the knees may be worn without leggings or tights underneath.
- No transparent garments or garments with large open sides may be worn without a shirt underneath.
- Shoes must be worn and not present a safety hazard.
- Hair must be clean and groomed at all times. No extreme or distracting hair color or make-up.
- Lower garments are to be worn at waist level; if a belt is worn, it must be of proper length; undergarments are not to be exposed.
- No gang-related or cult-related items of any kind.
- No pajamas, robes or slippers are to be worn to school.
- No blankets are permitted for use in the building.
Early Release, Late Arrival, & Open Lunch Applications for Juniors & Seniors
Students must meet and maintain the following requirements:
- Junior or senior status.
- Have and maintain a 3.0 or better GPA.
- Maintain a minimum of 90% attendance rate.
- Have and maintain a good disciplinary record.
- Maintain satisfactory progress toward graduation.
- School fees paid in full
Click Here for Early Release Application
Extracurricular Activities
To join or for more information, email the teacher advising the club listed on the website or contact SNeff@clsdraiders.org
Fall Sports Information:
Cross Country - contact AdBailey@clsdraiders.org
Football - contact MRice@clsdraiders.org
Boys Golf - contact JScharf@clsdraiders.org
Girls Golf - contact JWard@clsdraiders.org
Boys Soccer - contact fwashburn@windstream.net
Girls Soccer - contact blazepratt@gmail.com
Volleyball - contact KGeanuracos@clsdraiders.org
Mr. Ward, CHS Athletic Director, can be reached at JWard@clsdraiders.org
Dance and Field Trip Eligibility
The following conditions must be met:
90% or better attendance
Passing all classes
School Fees are paid in full.
- Athletic forms on OneView will open for the 2024-2025 athletic seasons on July 1.
- Please do not attempt to enter information prior to that date.
- Forms must be completed prior to your child participating in 2024-2025 athletic programs.
- All sections of your child's OneView account and current physicals must be uploaded one week before the season begins.
- If you are unable to upload your child's physical form, all hard copies must be handed to Trainer Adam or dropped off in the main office.
- All athletes must have a valid physical by the first day of practice.
- Please upload the 2024-25 PPE in PDF format. All pages must be scanned as one document and then uploaded.
- If you are unable to upload the physical form, please bring it to the main office and we will scan and upload it for you.
- The hard copy of your child’s current physical form must be on file or submitted to your child’s coach/director no later than the first official day of practice.
- Click here for Instructions on completion of the forms are available here.
Free & Reduced Lunches
- Click Here to access the application
- Did you know?
All students are assigned a locker, and student-athletes have access to the locker room. In-season student-athletes will be assigned a locker by their coach.
Student Lockers have a combination lock built in.
Combination locks for Locker room lockers are available in the Main Office for $5.
Student Locker assignments will be handed out with their class schedule at the Incoming Freshman & New Student Orientation on August 20th and for students in grades 10-12 at Open House on August 22.
Military Families
Parking Permits
- Available for submission August 1.
- Please complete the parking permit application
- Bring the following to the Main Office
- Copy of driver license
- Copy of insurance
- $35
- Payment for outstanding School Fees
Raider Way - CHS' Non-Negotiables
The following violations of the Student Code of Conduct result in Out-of-School Suspensions & Loss of Event/Extra-Curricular/Dance/Game privileges:
- Altercations
- Disrespect / Failure to Comply with a Directive
- Harassment
- Instigation
- Possession and/or use of illegal items
- Recording anyone without permission
- Vandalism
- Vaping
Safety & Security
The safety, security, and well-being of our students and staff are the top priority for both our district and our community.
CLSD utilizes the Run, Hide, Fight protocol used by the Lorain County Sheriff’s Department as well as other first responders in our area.
Fire, Tornado, and Run, Hide, and Fight drills are regularly practiced. If you or your child have concerns or need accommodations, do not hesitate to contact the Main Office.
Reporting concerns or incidents:
Call CHS at 440-236-5001
Call Columbia Local School District Offices at 440-236-5008
Call the Lorain County Sheriff’s Department at 440-329-3709
Call or text the Safer Ohio School Tip Line at 844-723-3764 to report anything that is suspicious.
- 9th Graders will receive their class schedules on August 20th at the Incoming Freshman & New Student Orientation at 6 - 7 p.m.
- 10th, 11th, & 12th Graders will receive their class schedules on August 22nd at Open House from 5 - 6 p.m.
- If you cannot make the above events to pick up your schedule they will be available by accessing your Power School Account on August 23.
School Supplies
The CHS Supply List can be found on the menu that appears on the left side of the CHS homepage.
Please note that supplies are class-specific. Further complicating this is that student schedules will be shared on August 20 at the Incoming Freshman & New Student Orientation and Open House for Grades 10-12 on August 22. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding.
If you need assistance securing the needed supplies we have supplies available due to generous donations from local business. Reach out to Ms. Neff if we can help.
Social Media
We would like to address an important matter concerning the role of social media in our school community. At CHS, we prioritize maintaining a safe and orderly environment conducive to education and personal growth. While social media can be a valuable tool for communication and community building, it can also present challenges outside the school's purview.
CHS' Stance on Social Media:
Focused on Education: Our primary focus is on providing a high-quality education and supporting the well-being of our students. We do not engage in or monitor social media activities unless they directly impact our ability to maintain an orderly environment or hinder the educational process. CHS discusses the proper use of Social Media at the Opening Day Class Meetings, Quarterly Class Meetings, in Health & Wellness, Guest speakers, and in class when the opportunity poses itself and/or a need arises.
Parental Responsibility: We believe that monitoring and patrolling social media activities is the responsibility of parents. Parents play a crucial role in guiding their children's behavior, including ensuring they use social media responsibly. If you need resources or advice, do not hesitate to contact Ms. Neff in the School Counseling Office. Parents are encouraged to have open and ongoing conversations with their children about the appropriate use of social media.
Together we all play a part in ensuring your child has a positive and productive educational journey.
Student Support Services
The School Counseling Office is here to support you and your child. Not only can we assist, we can provide mental health resources and contact information.
Ms. Neff, CHS School Counselor, can be contacted at 440-236-5003 or SNeff@clsdraiders.org
Mrs. Maassen, Director of Special Education Services can be contacted at 440-236-5021 or JMaassen@clsdraiders.org
CLSD District Calendar 2024-25
- August 1 | Parking Passes available for purchase in Main Office
- August 14 | Pictures for Color Guard, Fall Sports, & Marching Band
- August 16 | Senior Parking Spot Painting
- August 20 | Incoming Freshman & New Student Orientation | CHS | 6-7 p.m.
- August 22
- Open House & Schedule Pickup for Grades 10-12 | CHS | 5-6 p.m.
- Jamboree | Columbia Park | 6-8 p.m.
- August 28 | 1st Day of School Year
- August 29 - 30 | Class Meetings to review handbook, code of conduct, dress code, etc.
- August 30
- Senior Sunrise Breakfast
- Fall Sports & Band Pep Rally
- September 2 | No School | Labor Day
- September 3 | Lockdown Drill
- September 5 | Internet Safety lesson | 4th Period | Raider Rally
- September 9-13 | MAP Testing
- September 13
- Student Assembly Guest Speaker | Period TBD
- Military Night | Football vs Firelands | 7 p.m.
- September 16 | Cap & Gown Assembly | 4th Period | CHS Gymnasium
- September 18 | Picture Day
- September 20 | No School | Staff Professional Development
- September 26 | Early Release
- September 27 | No School | Staff Professional Development
- September 30 - October 5 | Homecoming Spirit Week
- October 2 | Senior Night for Boys & Girls Soccer vs Brookside
- October 3 | Senior Night for Volleyball vs Keystone HS | CHS Gymnasium
- October 4 | Homecoming Pep Assembly | Homecoming Football Game
- October 5 | Homecoming Dance | 7-10 p.m. | CHS Gymnasium
- October 7 - 11 | College Spirit Week
- October 9
- College Fair | Periods 7-10 | CHS Gymnasium
- Parent-Teacher Evening Conferences | 3:15 - 7 p.m.
- CCP Informational Meeting | 6 - 6:45 p.m. | CHS Gymnasium
- FAFSA Workshop & Financial Aid Night | 6:45 - 7:15 p.m. | CHS Cafeteria
- October 10
- ASVAB (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery) | 7:45 a.m.
- PSAT Testing for Grades 9-11 | 7:45 - 11:15 a.m.
- Senior Wellness Assembly
- Early Release | 11:15 a.m.
- Parent-Teacher Conferences | 12:00 - 4 p.m.
- October 11 | No School | NEOEA Day
- October 18 | Lockdown Drill
- October 23 - 29 | 1st Quarter Exams
- October 25 | Senior Night for Band, Cheer, Cross Country, Football, & Golf at Football Game vs Black River | CHS Stadium
- October 26 | Band & Choir Music Fall Fest | CHS Stadium
- October 29 | End of 1st Quarter
- October 31
- Halloween Costume Contest & Assembly
- Rise & Shine with a Raider Breakfast | 8:30 - 9:30 a.m. | Gymnasium
- November 4 | No School | Staff Professional Development
- November 7 | Fall Play | 7 p.m.
- November 9 | Fall Play | 2 p.m. and 7 p.m.
- November 20 | JVS Tour for Sophomores | 8:45 - 11:45 a.m.
- November 27, 28, 29 | No School - Thanksgiving
- December 4 | Winter Sports Pep Assembly
- December 11 | Senior Citizens Breakfast | 8:30 - 10 a.m. | CHS Cafeteria
- December 16 | Band & Choir Holiday Concert | 7:00 p.m. | CHS Gymnasium
- December 16 - 20 | Winter MAP Testing
- December 20
- Lockdown Drill
- Last Day to Order Cap & Gown
- December 23 - January 3 | Winter Break
Please Note All Dates Are Subject To Change*
Updated 7/1/2024
Athletic Boosters
With Fall sports beginning soon, we would like to remind everyone of the impact of the Columbia Athletic Boosters. They help with athletic needs as well as supplemental purchases for our student-athletes and they offer scholarships for our senior athletes that apply if their families are Booster Members.
Please see the forms attached to decide which membership level is best for you.
Click Here for Membership Form
For more information, you may contact Laura Bosworth: laura21homes@gmail.com or 440-552-1904 or Jed Cavadas: jedcavadas@gmail.com or 440-554-4787. Thank you for your support!
Columbia Parent-Teacher Organization
Click Here for PTO Meeting Information.
Click Here to join the PTO. Membership is only $5.00!
*Guardians of Class of 2024: In order for your senior to be a eligible for a PTO Scholarship, you will need to be a member of the PTO for the 2024-2025 school year.
We value your feedback. Please let us know how we can improve our communication and support to serve you and your child better. Your input is essential to our success.