Algonquin Lakes Elementary
October 20, 2024
Important Information
1401 Compton Dr.
Algonquin, IL 60102
(847) 532-7500
Marilynn Smith
Rachel Buczkowske
Assistant Principal
Jennifer Ellett
Student Service Specialist
Other Phone Numbers
Attendance: (847) 532-7520
Fax: (847) 532-7515
Nurse: (847) 532-7511
Transportation: (847) 658-3262
Outdoor Supervision Begins = 7:45am
First Bell Rings = 7:55am
School Begins = 8:00am
Students are Dismissed = 2:15pm
Office Hours = 7:00am – 3:30pm
Important Dates
October 22nd - Board of Education Meeting
October 23rd - ALES PTO Dine and Share at Panera!
October 24th - ALES PTO Halloween Family Dance Party
October 25th - Teacher Institute Day - No School
October 31st - Halloween Parties
November 1st - ALES PTO Fun Friday - Red, White, and Blue
November 5th - General Election Day - Schools are closed
November 6th - Late Start - School is in session from 10:00 AM - 2:15 PM
Club Reminders
Tuesday - Young Rembrandts Drawing Club After School
Wednesday - Choir Practice After School
Tuesday and Thursday - Boys Running Club After School
Tuesday and Thursday - Game Club Before School
Cheer on our boys running club for the final two mile run on Thursday, Oct 24!
Thursday, October 24th is the final two mile run for our Boys Running Club! They will meet at the flag pole for a 2:20 start. It's a great opportunity for the boys to show off their hard work. Come cheer them on for a great run!
Board Game Club!
Mr. Nelson's Board Game Club began meeting this week! They meet Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 7 am-8 am. Please reach out to Mrs. Linden erin.linden@d300.org or 847-532-7500 if you are interested in joining!
Our Den is Full!
School attendance is crucial for closing the achievement gap and fostering healthy habits for many reasons.
Consistent Learning: Regular attendance allows students to engage continuously with the curriculum, reinforcing learning and improving retention. Missing school can lead to gaps in knowledge that are hard to fill.
Social Skills Development: Being in school helps students develop important social skills through interactions with peers and teachers, which are essential for personal and academic success.
Healthy Routines: Attending school regularly encourages the establishment of daily routines, which can promote better time management, discipline, and overall health.
Support Systems: Schools often provide access to resources like counseling, nutrition programs, and extracurricular activities that can help students develop healthy habits and a sense of belonging.
Community Engagement: Regular attendance fosters a stronger connection to the school community, which can lead to increased motivation and support from peers and educators.
Because of this, Algonquin Lakes Elementary has prioritized reducing chronic absenteeism as one of their school improvement goals for the 2024-2025 school year. At the end of the 2023-2024, Algonquin Lakes had a 14% chronic absenteeism rate. Our goal is to reduce 14% to 11% by the end of the 2024-2025 school. After Quarter 1, our chronic absenteeism rate is 13%, we need your help to reach our goal! By prioritizing attendance, we can help close the achievement gap and instill lifelong healthy habits in students. We thank you in being our partner to help us reduce chronic absenteeism!
Mrs. Tregler's full den enjoyed popcorn and a movie for filling their class jar!
Smiling faces for a full den in Mrs. Butera's class!
Check out the forts in Mrs. Bohlen's full den! How fun!
Mr. Belick's full den was excited to celebrate after lunch!
Mrs. Baumann has had a full den all week! They celebrated with a dance party!
News from Nurse Cook!
Eye Exams
Halloween Reminders:
Algonquin Lakes Elementary will be celebrating Halloween on Thursday, October 31st with a whole school parade beginning at 1:15 pm and classroom parties to follow. The Algonquin Lakes PTO also looks forward to seeing families on Thursday, October 24 in the evening at their Halloween Family Dance Party! More information to come.
Students are permitted to wear costumes on Halloween as long as their attire meets the following set of expectations for a school setting:
Children should not wear bloody, gruesome, or especially scary costumes. Costumes involving fake blood are not allowed.
Actual weapons, look-alike weapons, toy weapons or weapon-like objects are not allowed. These accessories should remain at home.
Masks that cover the face and head are not allowed. Students should not wear make up. Staff members must be able to identify students at all times.
Costumes that could be offensive or perpetuate a stereotype about someone’s culture, gender, heritage or religion are not allowed.
Teachers may communicate additional considerations or recommendations. Please reach out to your child's teacher if you have any questions.
Due to limited space in the classrooms, only pre-approved volunteers arranged by the PTO Head Room Parents, that have completed the online verification process, will be permitted to assist in the classrooms.
For students who do not celebrate Halloween, they will have the opportunity to participate in an alternate activity in an alternate location.
Volunteers, Party Helpers, Chaperones, etc.
Return by Friday, October 25th
The Algonquin Lakes Elementary PTO is volunteer-based non-profit organization committed to supporting the school community.
The PTO organizes events throughout the year, like classroom parties, family events, and fundraisers, to bring together families, faculty, and staff in a fun and engaging way.
If you have questions or are interested in joining or volunteering, please contact the PTO at alesptoweb@gmail.com
Lion Pride Corner
Focus for October: Failure Leads to Success
I am excited to visit each classroom next week to engage students in an important lesson about failure leading to success! During these visits, we will be discussing how we can view failures as feedback - opportunities to learn and make changes to be successful in the future. We encourage you to talk with your child about how they can apply these principles at home.
Dinner Chat Question
Can you share a time when failure taught you a valuable lesson or ultimately led you to success? What strategies do you use to overcome the fear of failure when trying something new?
Mrs. Buczkowske
Assistant Principal
Community News
Chicago Wolves Read To Success
The Chicago Wolves’ “Read To Succeed” community initiative has been a successful library-based program since 1996 — encouraging more than a million students to make reading a fun and rewarding part of life.
Ms. Masching has introduced students to this reading program during book check out. Once a student has completed the the reading log, they can return it to our Media Center for a Chicago Wolves ticket order form that includes a list of all eligible home games.
The games go until April 2025, so there is still plenty of time to participate.
1401 Compton Drive
Algonquin, IL 60102