The Latest from L'Etoile
Dear Franklin Academy Families,
We hope you and your loved ones are safe following Hurricane Milton. If you or your family need any assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out. We are a family here at Franklin, and we are committed to helping in any way we can.
As you know, our Spirit Week was interrupted due to the storm. We are excited to announce that the events have been rescheduled! Please see the flyers below for the new dates and details.
Thank you for your understanding, and we look forward to celebrating with you soon.
Here are a few important reminders for the week ahead:
- Staff SHOUT OUT: A huge thank you to everyone who has submitted a Staff SHOUT OUT! If you haven’t had the chance, please take a moment to complete the survey each week to help us recognize our amazing staff members. Link to survey.
- Next Saturday, October 19th, is our Fall Festival and Trunk or Treat, one of my favorite events! I hope you can join us. For more details, please see the flyers below.
- Cell Phone Reminder: All cell phones must be turned off before entering school grounds and kept in backpacks until students are picked up in the afternoon. At no time should students have their phones out. If they need to call home, they should visit the office.
- Uniform Reminder: We are a uniform school, and all students must wear Franklin-approved tops and bottoms purchased through iUniforms. If your child is wearing non-Franklin attire, you will be called to bring the appropriate uniform. Thank you for your support in maintaining our uniform policy.
- Grade Check: Please log in to PowerSchool and ensure that your child has completed all assignments before Monday, October 14th. Teachers will be finalizing grades that day.
We hope you have a wonderful weekend! A quick reminder that Monday, October 14th is a teacher workday, so there will be no school.
Thank you for your continued support!
All the Best,
Mrs. L'Etoile
Updated Spirit Week Information
Please fill out the form by clicing the tab above. sharing a shout out for a Franklin Staff Member! Your feedback is crucial in helping us recognize the hard work and dedication of our staff members. By sharing your positive experiences, you not only motivate our team but also contribute to creating a more positive and nurturing learning environment for all our students. Thank you for your continued support and partnership in your child's education.
Service Hours Opportunities
Handbook Highlight: Cell Phones
Some of our middle school students have been taking their phones to the restroom and creating TikToks during school hours. This behavior is against our school policies, and any students found with their phones in the restroom or engaging in TikTok or other social media activities during school will face disciplinary action in accordance with the Palm Beach School District's Behavior Matrix and Code of Conduct.
We kindly ask that you discuss this matter with your child and reinforce the importance of adhering to our school policies. Thank you for your ongoing support and cooperation.
Middle School Student Badges
Middle School students must wear their ID at all times while on campus. If a student doesn't have their ID, a new one will be issued, and a $10 charge will be added to their account. Please ensure they have their badge each morning.
Raptor Service Hour Account
First-time Portal Users: To Access the Volunteer Portal, you are required to complete a one-time “Volunteer Application”. Once the application is approved, you will receive an email with instructions on the next steps, including a link to setup your portal password. All information will remain confidential.
Returning Portal Users: Click HERE to sign in.
Important Arrival/Dismissal Time Reminders for Elementary and Middle School
AM Carline Reminder:
For our elementary school students, we have noticed that there is little to no line to drop off students at 7:15 am, which provides an excellent opportunity for a smooth and stress-free drop-off experience. To give your child ample time to settle in and be ready for the start of their classes at 7:30 am, we kindly request that you aim to arrive prior to 7:30 am. Please pull all the way up when in carline. This will help the wait time for all families in carline.
PM Carline Reminder:
For the safety of everyone involved and to prevent traffic congestion that can lead to accidents, we kindly request that you do not park your vehicles on Military Trail or Miner Road during dismissal times.
We understand that waiting can sometimes be inconvenient, but we encourage you to plan your arrival between 2:20 PM and 2:35 PM for elementary students and 3:20-3:35 for middle school students. This will not only reduce your wait time but also contribute to a safer and more organized dismissal process.Please pull all the way up when in carline. This will help the wait time for all families in carline.
Please be aware that the Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office (PBSO) has informed us that they will be issuing fines to individuals who park on Military Trail and Miner Road. We want to avoid any unnecessary fines and, more importantly, prioritize the safety of our school community.
Your cooperation in following these parking guidelines is greatly appreciated, as it ensures the well-being of all our students and families. Together, we can create a safer and more efficient dismissal experience.
How to access your child(ren)'s username and password.
Franklin families can access their child(ren)'s username and password via the website based Parent Portal of PowerSchool. The information can be found by clicking "Student ID's" on the left-hand side and looking under "student credentials". These credentials allow students to access clever, which connects students to curriculum materials (like HMH, Go Math, iXL, progress learning...etc), google classroom, PowerSchool, and more.
For a more detailed parent tutorial on how to access the Parent Portal of PowerSchool and look up student credentials, please click here to view this short interactive video tutorial.
Upcoming Events:
10/14- No School/ Teacher Planning Day
10/15-10/25- Book Fair
10/15- Start of 2nd Quarter
10/16- Unity Day- Wear Orange shirts with uniform bottoms
10/18- Report Cards Issued
10/19- Fall Festival/Trunk or Treat (more information to come soon)
10/23- Philly Grill Spirit Night
10/30- Coffee with Admin at 8:45 am virtually
10/30- Fall Picture Day (Yearbook Picture)
10/31-K-3 Character Parade
10/31- Vocab and Idiom Parade
11/5- No School/Offices Open
11/8- Veteran's Day Ceremony
11/15- Interim Report Cards Issued
11/25-11/27- No School/Offices Open
11/28-11/29- No School/Offices Closed
2024-2025 Academic Calendar
Fortify FL is a suspicious activity reporting tool that allows students to instantly relay information to appropriate law enforcement agencies and school officials.
By accessing Fortify FL, students can provide a description of the threat, share pics, and videos and optionally submit their contact information. Submissions can be anonymous or non-anonymous. Submitting a tip is quick and easy using our mobile app or website.
All Franklin Academy students have access to Fortify FL via their Clever portal dashboard.
October IB Learner Profile Attribute of the Month: Open-minded
Parental Support in the PYP: How you can get involved...
Review our school’s Programme of Inquiry
If you have an interest in or expertise related to our units. We may be able to use you as a valuable resource during one of our units of inquiry. Contact the IB Coordinator Yamile Francese- francese.yamile@franklin-academy.org
Ask your child about the theme, central idea, and concepts into which they are inquiring… show interest in their units of inquiry.
Encourage your children to “discover” rather than telling them answers. This will foster lifelong self-efficacy that will benefit them both inside and outside of school.
Bring the IB Learner Profile home by incorporating the language of the ten attributes. Complete the "I See IB" forms.
Foster independence in your child by supporting them with school projects and in problem-solving interactions with others, versus doing the work for them. This will give them the confidence needed to thrive and grow.
PYP 1 had a special presentation from the local police department about rules and laws. This presentation linked into their unit 2 planner
"Who We Are".
Middle School Hispanic Heritage Inquiry at Boynton Beach!
Ms. Fundora's PYP 4 is classifying objects by physical properties.
Who to Contact
Please review the list below of who to contact when certain questions/concerns arise.
Dash Pass-:Please ensure that you have an active Dash Pass account and it is working upon arrival on campus. Any Dash pass questions, please contact Ms. Huelsman at huelsman.tina@franklin-academy.org
Service Hours: Please ensure that you have a Raptor account to log your parent volunteer hours. Any questions please contact Ms. Dowdell at dowdell.alexandria@franklin-academy.org
Transportation: All transportation inquires should be directed to Ms. Huelsman at huelsman.tina@franklin-academy.org
Clever Access: If you are experiencing difficulties with your Clever account, please contact Ms. Plummer at plummer.danielle@franklin-academy.org
Power School Access: If you are experiencing difficulties with your Power School account, please contact Ms. Atway at atway.faten@franklin-academy.org
Franklin Academy Office Hours
Our office hours for in-person assistance are as follows:
Office Hours: 8:45 AM - 1:45 PM
Additionally, you can reach us by phone at any time during the following hours:
Phone Hours: 8:00 AM -4:30 PM
SLA Food Service
Connecting to your online lunch account. for snacks and ice cream.
Franklin Academy, Boynton Beach Campus
Building Better People Every Day
7882 South Military Trail, Boynton Beach, FL 33463