California 2024
Burke Instrumental and Vocal Departments
Flying for the First Time?
Are you (your student) flying for the first time or need a reminder of what it is like to fly? Check out these flying tips from a different travel agent: https://www.kaleidoscopeadventures.com/flying-with-a-student-group/. These tips include:
What to Take on the Plane
Packing Dos and Don’ts
Surviving Security
Tips for Success
Trip Updates 2/27/24
Final Trip Meeting
Our final meeting for our trip to California will be on Tuesday, February 27 at 6:15pm and mandatory for all attendees and chaperones. In this meeting we will discuss the final itinerary, flight details, expectations, prescription/medical protocol, and much more. If you are unable to attend, please contact either Mr. Groth, Teacher Cam, or Mr. Brubaker.
Band App
We will be using the Band app to communicate with all travelers and ask each student and chaperone to join: https://band.us/n/a4ad0cS69c5di
Disneyland App
To help ease the day, Disneyland offers an app in the App store. We suggest travelers use is it during our visit. Tips and instructions on how to use it are below.
Prescription Medication
Students who take prescription medicine during the school day will follow normal school procedures with Mr. Groth, Teacher Cam, or Mr. Brubaker administering the medication. Any prescription medicine that is normally taken out of the school day (before bed time or at breakfast) will be the student's responsibility to store, manage, and administer. If families do not want their student to be responsible for storage, managing, or administering these medicines, their doctor will have to send over doctors orders for one of the teachers to administer those.
Flight/Hotel Information
We are asking that students with instruments the size of Viola/Alto Sax or smaller take their instruments on board as one of their unchecked bags. Larger instruments like bass clarinet, bari sax, euphoniums, and cellos will need to be checked. We are asking all students who play these instruments use a school instrument for the trip instead of their personal instrument.
Behavior Expectations
Throughout the trip, this is a wonderful way to demonstrate the good humans within our programs, school, and community. Behavior both in language and action should be thoughtful and positive representation of all groups.
Hotel Procedures
Free time at our hotel will be limited throughout the trip. However, the following expectations are in place.
- While at the hotel, students are expected to stay on hotel grounds.
- Students are not allowed into each other's rooms. If students want to visit with friends, they can do so in the lobby prior to room checks.
- Room checks will happen each night and each student must be visibly seen by their chaperone for the room check to be complete (meaning, they cannot be in the bathroom or shower during that time). Once checked, students doors will be taped and they will be expected to remain in their rooms until 7:00am wake up call.
- Approximately after 30-60 minutes after room checks, we will make a call for lights out.
- We are not the only people in the hotel. We need to be respectful of other guests by keeping noise levels appropriate to the situation and location.
- If traveling to the lobby, vending machines, etc. within the hotel, students should travel in groups of 2 and never alone.
- No bare feet when moving through the hotel.
Bus Procedures
During our time in California, we will have a bus we will use to get around town from Anaheim to San Diego. Here are our expectations for when we are on the bus:
- There will not be any open seat on the bus. All students and adults will have to share a set of seats. Students will not be allowed to sit on the floor or the aisle.
- Everyone should remain seated while the vehicle is in motion.
- If the bus has a restroom, keep in mind the following analogy: it operates like a bank.
Downtown Disney, Disneyland, and Universal Park Procedures
During our time in the various parks, students should keep in mind the following expectations:
- Students should travel in groups of four. If a director or chaperone sees a group of less than 4, they will ask that group to spend the remainder of the day with them.
- Students will physically check in with chaperones once every 3-4 hours while in the park. These spots will be determined by the chaperone and the students. Students MUST check in with THEIR chaperone, not just any chaperone.
Final Trip Payment
This is a reminder that the final trip payment is due in full on January 1.
Rooming List
We are now figuring out hotel rooms for our stay and need to solidify rooms.
To have a room request go through, all 4 people in a room must request each other and submit the form. That means everyone has to fill out the form.
- Roommates need to be of the same gender that is listed in Infinite Campus. If you or your family have a concern about this, please contact Teacher Cam, Mr. Brubaker, and Mr. Groth to come up with a solution.
- If a room isn't filled, a student may be placed in your room.
Room requests are not guaranteed to be filled per director discretion
If you're at a loss at who's going on the trip, it is everyone that has been CC'd on the email. I would ask them before you submit the form to make sure that everyone is on the same page.
Price Update
The other thing to be aware of is that the insurance cost is based on a percentage of the total trip price. After the online price is adjusted, all travelers who purchased insurance will receive a notification of unpaid balance. Because the insurance must be purchased with the initial deposit, the system recognizes those additional insurance dollars as an unpaid balance. Please log in and pay that small difference as soon as possible.
We appreciate your patience and understanding.
Trip Meeting
Omaha Burke HS Band, Choir, & Orchestra to Southern California - March 9-13, 2024
Package Includes:
➢Round Trip Air Transportation from Omaha to Southern California
➢All Ground Transportation in Southern California via Deluxe Motor Coach
➢4 Nights Deluxe Hotel Accommodations
➢4 Deluxe Breakfasts
➢Visit to Balboa Beach
➢Visit to Downtown Disney District
➢2-Day Park Hopper Pass to Disneyland & Disney’s California Adventure
➢Band & Orchestra Disney Imagination Campus Combined Workshop
➢Choir Disney Imagination Campus Workshop
➢Band, Choir, & Orchestra Performances at a Disney Property
➢Visit to Mission Park Beach
➢Boxed Lunch
➢Admission to San Diego Zoo
➢Visit to Old Town San Diego
➢Group Dinner at Café Coyote (or comparable)
➢Visit to Hollywood Walk
➢Tour of TCL Chinese Theatre
➢Admission to Universal Studios
➢All Taxes, Tips and Tolls
➢Tour Director provided from Travel With Barb upon request and availability
Price Package per person is $2190.00 based on 185 students in quads, 22 adult chaperones in doubles and 4 free directors in single occupancy.
*If required, luggage handling is NOT included in this bid.
Trip Payments
Travel Insurance
We cannot require those attending the trip to purchase travel insurance but we do strongly recommend it. When registering on the portal, every passenger will have the option to register for Standard insurance, register for CFAR (Cancel for Any Reason) insurance, or decline insurance coverage. One of these must be selected before the traveler is considered fully registered. All the information regarding each type of insurance and the coverage allowances are linked in the portal.
For the convenience of travelers, the option to purchase insurance coverage is located directly in your portal, however travelers could choose to decline this insurance and choose to purchase something else on their own. This is your legal right.
Adult Chaperones
Trip Registration
We are asking all families to register for our 2024 Spring Break trip to Disneyland in California. This is where we will be able to store important information necessary. All payments will go directly to the travel agent. Please see the attached document below for instructions on how to register below. First payments will be due on May 1.
To begin, we are asking just students register. Mr. Groth, Mr. Cam, and Mr. Brubaker will be working with those adults who are wanting to chaperone for this trip and provide them specific instructions.
*When registering, be sure to read the document in it's entirety.*
Both the instrumental and vocal boosters will look to provide opportunities throughout the year to help reduce the overall cost of the trip. We will share our fundraising efforts in this section which we hope to begin before the 2022-2023 school year is finished.
When we receive fundraising efforts, we will apply that credit to accounts and you will notice a change in amount due.
Krispy Kreme Fundraiser
We have partnered with Krispy Kreme through GroupRaise and we will be selling dozen boxes of original glazed donuts for $15. 50% (yes, 50%!) of the proceeds will come back to us and help us get our students to southern California (and Disneyland in case you're wondering).
Here's Mr. Cam's link to purchase your boxes: https://www.groupraise.com/oc/13074/5T6H6
If you are unable to purchase boxes, please share and help us spread the word!
Frequently Asked Questions
I have not registered my student (and/or myself) for the trip, is it too late to sign up?
Will we have enough people to make this trip happen?
- There are minimum participant numbers for ensembles to both perform and receive a workshop. If we don't meet those numbers, then groups will lose the opportunity. The rest of the trip would happen as planned.
- We will need to rebid a few things on the trip like charter buses. Depending on those costs, we could see a slight increase in the last payment of the trip for those that are attending.