Book Lovers Day
heyitstoday.org | August 9th
August 9 Book Lovers Day
📚 Hey, it's Book Lovers Day!
Five Fun Facts:
1. The Snowy Day by Jack Ezra Keats is the New York Public Library's most checked-out book of all time.
2. There are Little Free Libraries on all seven continents (yes, even Antarctica!)
3. The longest overdue book was returned after 288 years!
4. Books used to be chained to shelves to prevent people from stealing them.
5. Book Lovers in France are called "Ink Drinkers".
📘 Vote!
Where do you like to read books most?
Voting ends in 365 days
Votes are anonymous but results are public
📗 Joke!
Why isn't there a clock in the library?
(answer at the bottom of the page)
📕 Celebrate!
Watch today's video to learn how to make a bookworm:
Book lists to help your bookworm grow:
📙 Explore More!
Joke Answer:
Because it "tocks" too much 😆
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