LP Principal Newsletter
July 2024

PBIS Picnic and Launch
Along with special picnic activities, we had a photo booth.
Much of the fun was led by our Lion Cub!
And for the first time, our mascot is revealed: Thank you Ms. Gonzalez!
Unity Day
Where we celebrated stomping out bullying!
Making bullying extinct!
Crafts with friends is fun!
There was even a stomp out bullying dance!
After School Programs
Assembling Robots
Electronic "coding strips" that students used for their robots
Coding robots
Reading is Fundamental (RIF)
We continue to partner with the RIF Foundation which allows us to provide free books to students. Our librarian, community liaison, and parent volunteers work hard to make each book give-away special and fun for students.
Our first give-away event was our "Starbooks" Cafe.
Students enjoyed hot chocolate along with their books.
Reading with friends is so much fun
Our second distribution was on Valentine's Day
Along with getting new books, students wrote kindness notes to friends and/or family members.
We also celebrated the specialness of all of our students.
Celebrating the 100th Day of School
Ever wonder why the 100th day of school is such a big deal?
Aside from making it fun, it also teaches students about basic numeracy concepts using 100. A big part of students learning numeracy is understanding the concept of quantity. As they begin to understand terms such as "more than" and "less than," they also start to learn that a number followed by a zero is more than a single digit number. They also begin to understand that a number followed by two zeros is more than a 2-digit number...and so on.
Understanding the concept that zero is a "place holder" for a number is an abstract idea, so teachers look for ways to make to the concept more meaningful. It was from this effort that the 100's Day celebration was created.
Glad to see that being old doesn't mean you can't be stylish
We should all have such a big smile when we're 100!
Wait, who's the old person here?
Farmers' Market
La Primaria continued its Farmers Market tradition this Spring. Students prepared and sorted the varying vegetables and fruit, created signs to market the event, and provided personal service for all of their customers. The whole experience provides real-life experience with math, team work, and customer service skills. Finally, if you missed the first one, our next Farmers' Market will be May 10th.
The marketing team in action...
Attending to customers and running the checkstand.
The selection of produce was particularly good!
Learning...It's What We Do!
From reading, to writing, to math, La Primaria students made so many gains...
Not just math, but writing during math to justify reasoning!
Becoming a fluent reader through guided practice.
Even recess provides an opportunity to learn
Campus Counselor
Leticia Olivas, our school counselor, is here at La Primaria on Wednesdays and Thursdays, and every other Friday. Along with helping our students through individual and group counseling, she also provides help to all of our students through social-emotional lessons (SEL) that teach them about managing their emotions, making good decisions, and being a good friend. Additionally, she is the force behind some of our most fun events, such as Unity Day and College and Career Week.
To bolster our counseling efforts, we also have a partnership with Foothill Family Services. Thus we have a counselor and intern here on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Fridays. Ms. Berenice Salvatierra is here at the beginning of the week and Mr. Jorge Berumen is here on Fridays. Both of them work with our students individually or in small groups, and also provide support to students in the classroom.
State Testing
As we enter May, all schools in California will be participating in CAASPP testing. This is the end-of-the year testing that all students in grades 3 through 11 are required to participate. For La Primaria, this means our 3rd grade students will be the only grade taking the State test.
Specifically, our students will be testing on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday the weeks of May 6 and May 13. Since this will be the first time for our 3rd grade students to participate in the CAASPP test we ask the following:
- Students need to bring their laptops to school everyday
- Students need to arrive to school on time. Students arriving after 8:30 will not be able to enter class until after the testing session is done. (This is a test security rule the state requires schools to follow.)
As usual, students should have a good breakfast and be well rested for school. We also ask that parents try avoid scheduling medical or dental appointments during the morning of these two weeks. The time we have to administer the CAASPP is limited and we do not want students to miss class time in order to make up missed sections.
Important Dates
- May 4 - University of La Verne Family Literacy Event (See Flyer Below)
- May 6 - Parent Nutrition Workshop continues
- May 9 – Board of Education Meeting, 6:30 p.m.
- May 10 - Parent Trip to the Arboretum
- May 10 - Farmers' Market
- May 13 - Parent Nutrition Workshop continues
- May 15 - Virtual Mental Health Workshop, 6 p.m., Anxiety and Depression in Your Child
- May 20 - Parent Nutrition Workshop continues
- May 21 – Community Fair, 5:30 to 7 p.m., Mt. View Family Center
- May 24 - LP's Annual Color Run
- May 27 – Memorial Day Holiday – Schools and District Offices closed
- May 28 – Open House for Elementary Schools, 6-7:30 p.m.
- May 30 – Open House for K-8 Schools, 6-7:30 p.m.
- June 3 - Parent Nutrition Workshop continues
- June 10 - Parent Nutrition Workshop continues
- June 11 - 3rd Grade Promotion
- June 12 – Last Day of School
News from the District Office
Summer Enrichment
MVSD’s 2024 Summer Program will be held June 20 through July 18, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. at several of our school sites. Register your child for a summer of fun that will include weekly raffles, field trips, arts and crafts, English/Language Arts and Math, theatre production, water days and more. Half day and full day options are available. Click here or scan the QR code pictured right or on the flyer to register your child. Registration closes on May 24.
Enrollment for 2024-2025 School Year
Serving students in preschool through 8th grade, Mountain View School District is dedicated to preparing today’s students and tomorrow’s leaders for success. Following our mission to inspire each student to succeed every day, we are strongly committed to supporting the academic, social and emotional growth and achievement of all students. MVSD is proud to have school counselors and mental health partners at every school supporting the development of the whole child.
We are proud to provide innovative learning experiences that prepare students to become problem solvers, critical thinkers, effective communicators and positive contributors to their
community with programs like STEAM, Spanish Dual Language Immersion, AVID, Mandarin Enrichment, Visual and Performing Arts, Band, a strong college bound culture, no cost after school enrichment, care and instructional support, and comprehensive summer enrichment. MVSD is also proud to be one of four Los Angeles County Disney Imagination Campus Districts. Enrollment for the 2024-25 school year is underway for all grade levels Transitional Kindergarten through 8th grade.
Children who will be 5-years-old on or before September 1, 2024, are eligible to register for Kindergarten and children turning 5-years-old between September 2, 2024 and June 2, 2025 are invited to register in Transitional Kindergarten (TK), which is a bridge between preschool and kindergarten and gives young learners a head start, providing them with an opportunity to learn and grow in an environment that is tailored to meet their academic and social needs.
To access the online student enrollment process for all grades, click this link https://mountainviewesd.asp.aeries.net/air/
For more information on MVSD’s excellent Preschool Programs, click here to view the MVSD Preschool Programs Principal Newsletter.
Stay Connected
Aeries Parent Portal
Use the app to keep your contact information current, check attendance and your child's grades
Class Dojo
Teachers at La Primaria often stay in contact with parents via Class Dojo. Click the icon to create a free account if you don't have one already.
Email or Telephone
Click here to view the Preschool Programs Principal Newsletter
Christian Diaz - President
Jacqueline Saldaña- Vice President
Adam Carranza- Clerk
Veronica Sifuentes- Member
Cindy Wu - Member
Raymond Andry, Ed.D. - Superintendent
Darin De Knikker, Ed.D. - Associate Superintendent of Business Services and Strategic Planning
Jefferey Lagozzino, Ph.D. - Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services
Roberto López-Mena - Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources