Dike-Newell School Newsletter
January 17th, 2025
January 20th - Martin Luther King Jr. Day - NO SCHOOL
February 17th - NO SCHOOL for President's Day
February 18th - February 21st - NO SCHOOL for Winter Break
March 14th - Professional Development Day - No School for Students
March 27th - Parent Teacher Conferences - 1/2 day for Students
March 28th - 1/2 day for students
April 21st - April 25th - NO SCHOOL for Spring Break
A Message from Ms. McKay
Our school has such a wonderful PTA! I want to take a moment to thank them for all the work they do to help our community be the fun, welcoming and joyful community it is. Just in the past two weeks alone, the PTA has given our second graders a stuffy sleep-over complete with a slideshow and popcorn, and celebrated National Rubber Duck Day with rubber ducks for all students to take home. From movie nights and dances, to funding teacher needs, to field trips and t-shirts, they do it all - and they do it with huge smiles on their faces! If YOU are looking for a way to become more involved in our school, consider joining the next PTA meeting! We will be meeting online on Wednesday 2/12, from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Thank you Bath Elementary PTA!
News from the Nurse
Strep throat and respiratory illnesses are circulating at school and in the community. Please keep an eye on your child and keep them home if they develop a fever, have an uncontrolled cough or have vomiting or diarrhea. Health services are available to all RSU1 students at the School Based Health Center in Morse. If you suspect your child has strep throat or an ear infection sign up for an appointment or contact Tasha in the Morse Health Center, nsuttmeier@rsu1.or or call 207-443-8250, option 2.
Students need to stay home if they have:
➔ A fever (temperature of 100.4 degrees or higher);
➔ Nausea, vomiting and/or diarrhea;
➔ An unexplained/undiagnosed rash;
➔ Discharge from they eyes that is green or yellow;
➔ Uncontrolled coughing;
➔ Sore throat with a fever, stomachache, or red and swollen tonsils
Students may return to school once they are fever free for 24 hours, without the help of fever reducing medications, and free of vomiting or diarrhea for 24 hours. Give a call if you have questions about keeping your student home from school or about returning to school after an illness.
PTA Information and Updates
Fun things happening this week!
Our second grade winners of the DNS coin challenge had their stuffy sleepover and popcorn party late last week and boy did those stuffies have some fun alone in the school! Check out our facebook page for the full video of stuffy shenanigans! Huge thanks to all DNS families who contributed!
The PTA was very excited to help our students celebrate National Rubber Duckie Day on Monday, 1/13, by sending each kid home with a friend of their own! For more information about how this day started, check this out: https://www.nationaldaycalendar.com/national-day/national-rubber-ducky-day-january-13
Mark your calendars for our annual Valentine’s Day Family Dance! Friday, February 7th, 5:30-7:30pm at the Bath Middle School! Our craft and calm down area will be back due to popular demand in the cafeteria while music and dancing is going in the BMS gym. Can’t wait to see you all there in your Valentine’s Day best!
If you’re interested in volunteering or donating to this event, please see opportunities to signup here: https://m.signupgenius.com/#!/showSignUp/30E0A48ABAD28A7FE3-54397699-family
Keep an eye on our FACEBOOK PAGE for all PTA related events.
Volunteering in RSU1
Are you interested in being on a list of eligible volunteers? Visit the RSU1 website to learn more and to sign up: https://www.rsu1.org/page/volunteer-information. Be sure to click "Submit" after the form is complete and signed. Please allow one week prior to a field trip or event for processing.
Dike-Newell School Information
Email: kwalker@rsu1.org
Website: https://dns.rsu1.org/o/dike-newell-school
Location: 800 High Street, Bath, ME 04530
Phone: (207)443-8285