NMS Family Newsletter
Weeks of Aug 5 - 16
Principal's Message
Hello NMS families.
The school year is quickly approaching. Please remember that all families must register their child through Skyward Family Access. Residency information can be found HERE. Please make sure your child is registered for school by August 18th, 2024.
Orientation Camp for incoming 6th graders will run on August 13th and 14th. Information about the camp can be found HERE.
The following informational letters for the upcoming school year were sent out in July. Please refer to these links for accurate information:
NMS Open House information can be found HERE
We are looking forward to another great school year!
-Brandon Creason
Principal, NMS
2024 - 2025 Athletic Information
Mark Your Calendar
Upcoming Dates
August 13th+14th - 6th Grade Orientation Camp 8:45 am - 11:30 am
August 14th - Locker day 12:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Our doors will be open for your child to come set up their locker and drop off supplies
August 15th - Open House 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
August 19th - First Day of School!
September 2nd - NO SCHOOL - Labor Day
September 6th - Early Release SIP Day - 10:50 am dismissal for students
September 12th: Picture Day
The NMS summer band camp was a tremendous success. We had over 60 NMS students in attendance! Thank you to RGS for hosting camp during the NMS construction project.
Helpful Links
New Transportation App!
We have a new transportation app for student busing information! Traversa Ride 360 has been updated and rebranded to My Ride K-12. Your information from the previous app will transfer over, so you can use your same log in.
First time? Create an account and search for our school districts under RB157NSD2. You'll also need your student's ID, found under the Student Info tab of Skyward.
Your student's bus route isn't changing, but make sure to download the new app now to ensure you have access to the most updated transportation information.
Questions? Call Transportation at 815-678-2232.