2025 9th & 10th Grade Resources

Welcome, Freshmen and Sophomores and those who support them!
We hope this newsletter helps make the first couple years of high school a little easier to navigate.
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Introducing Our 9th and 10th Grade Team
The 9th & 10th grade counselor assignments are based on the student's last name and whether they are part of Classic South or the International High School (IHS). All counselors are located in the Counseling Department.
A-L in 9th Grade and 10th Grade Classic South: Evelyn Kennedy kennedy_e@4j.lane.edu
M-Z in 9th Grade and 10th Grade Classic South: Melissa Martinez martinez_m@4j.lane.edu
A-Ha in 10th grade IHS: Juli McGlinsky mcglinsky@4j.lane.edu
He-Pe in 10th grade IHS: Michael Leahy leahy_m@4j.lane.edu
Pf-Z in 10th grade IHS: Shantel Buss buss_s@4j.lane.edu
Contacting Your Counselor:
- E-mail
- 541-790-8013 (connects with Jessica Kuehn, counseling secretary)
- Make an appointment here.
- Stop by during counseling drop-in days/times with no appointment needed.
Counseling Center Drop-In Days/Times:
- Mondays 9:00-10:00
- Tuesdays 10:30-11:30
- Wednesdays Student Lunch
- Thursday 2:30-3:30
- Friday 9:00-10:00
Introducing Our College and Career Team
Hello! I'm Lori Sauter, and I help students and parents through:
- Meetings with parents and students to ponder the future
- Workshops and resource newsletters (like this one!)
- Visits to SEHS by reps from colleges, the military, and local industries
- The Junior Project (a brief Canvas course with activities about college and career readiness)
- Test prep for the PSAT, SAT, ACT, and APs
- Student volunteering opportunities
- Scholarships and financial aid
- Help with college applications, essays, resumes, and other tasks
- Study abroad/gap-year/travel options
- Reference books available to check out
- Publicizing upcoming events in email, e-newsletters, loudspeaker announcements, Canvas messages, Instagram, and bulletin boards.
Contacting Lori:
- E-mail sauter_l@4j.lane.edu
- 541-790-8052
- @sehsccc
- Make an appointment for a Tuesday-Thursday between 10 am and 4 pm via email/phone
- Stop by to see if I'm available Monday-Thursday between 10 am and 4 pm and Friday between 10 am and 1 pm
4J’s Newest Course Requirements
Beginning with the SEHS class of 2026:
- .5 credits (1 semester) of Civics (Social Studies)
- .5 credits (1 semester) of Economics (Social Studies)
Beginning with the SEHS class of 2027:
- .5 credits (1 semester) of Personal Finance (Personal Finance)
- .5 credits (1 semester) of Higher Education & Career Pathway Skills (HC)
Beginning with the SEHS class of 2028:
- NO LONGER REQUIRED: .5 credits (1 semester) of Earth & Space Science (Science)
9th-Grade Counseling Presentation: The 9th Grade Journey, Graduation Requirements, and Personalized Learning Goals for the Class of 2028
Introducing Our Ninth-Grade Transition Coordinator, Brittany Beebe
9th grade academic performance is one of the strongest predictors of college and career success. The Ninth Grade Transition Coordinator provides intensive support to a targeted caseload of students during their transition to high school and throughout freshman year. Just who is Brittany Beebe?
10th-Grade Forecasting Presentation
Class of 2027, check out this webinar recording, Future Junior Forecasting Parent Information Night, from 2/20/25. Length: 1h15m. Agenda includes Getting to Graduation, Opportunities at South for Junior & Seniors, and South & District CTE (Career & Technical Education) Pathways.
- Assistant principal, Rhiannon Boettcher
- Counselor, Michael Leahy
- Post-graduate planning specialist, Leann Hollenbeak
- CTE Pathway teacher, Ingrid Bodtker
Health and Wellness Supports in our Community
Mental-Health Supports at South Eugene High School
Mental-Health Supports in our Community
Supporting Students and Families Experiencing Anxiety
Want to learn to support your child (and yourself) when they or you are engulfed in anxiety? This hour-long 2021 video-slide presentation by former 4J school counselor, Rebecca Pang, offers guidance and resources for doing just that. Here are the slides from Becky's presentation with live links to the resources she shares in the video. While Becky is no longer employed by the school district, and the video references the early days of returning to school after the pandemic closure, almost all of her presentation is still absolutely relevant.
Introduction to Dialectical Behavior Therapy for Anxiety and Depression
Know someone who is struggling with anxiety and depression? (Perhaps the real question is whether you know someone who isn't!) This hour-long video-slide presentation by local mental-health therapist, Jen Strickland, teaches some practical basics of DBT technique.
Contact Information:
Jennalyn Strickland, MA, LPC, CADC I
Insight Northwest Counseling
Additional Academic Supports
Was the first semester of school a bit rough, grade-wise? Need some help with schoolwork? Try out Club 9 (above), or check out our list of academic supports for other ideas.
Join the Club!
1) The Senior Experience
Many Classic (non-IHS) South students meet their Extended Application graduation requirement by undertaking a Senior Experience. The Senior Experience involves participating in 10 hours of college- or career-preparation activities and creating a poster or slideshow about the activities to present at a Senior Experience Showcase. Review the Senior Experience newsletter for more information.
2) International High School (IHS) Pathway to Graduation
3) Career and Technical Education at SEHS
South offers many CTE courses in different career areas. These courses may be taken individually, or students may pursue multiple CTE courses in the same subject as a way to complete their Extended Application graduation requirement. Five themes are currently operating (computer & information science, culinary arts, early childhood education, graphic design, and journalism & media arts). Visit our CTE brochure for more information.
4) Career and Technical Education through 4J
5) Career and Technical Education through LESD
Two CTE programs are available for next year's juniors and seniors to forecast for through Lane Education Service District (LESD). Find information about the Lane Career Academy's HOPE Factory (construction CTE) and the LCA's Emergency Services CTE below. Applicants should fill out the interest form linked in the flyers and check in with their counselors to schedule a program. (These programs can be complicated to work into the rest of a student's course schedule.) Email Shareen Vogel with questions: <svogel@lesd.k12.or.us> about the programs (not about scheduling).
6) IOP Outdoor Leadership CAM
The IOP Outdoor Leadership CAM (Career-Aligned Mastery) allows seniors to complete their Extended Application graduation requirement by helping design and oversee activities in the Integrated Outdoor Program course. This course combines English and physical education with a focus on the natural world and includes many outdoor activities. Visit our IOP CAM brochure for more information.
1) College Now Courses at South
What is College Now?
College Now allows area high-school students to earn Lane Community College credits for approved courses taken at their high school and taught by specifically qualified high-school teachers.
LCC Credit for College Now Courses
Receiving LCC credit is not automatic. Students need to register for the courses through LCC. College Now course teachers assist with registration within each CN class.
Do keep in mind that LCC credits earned through College Now count towards the Oregon Promise Grant's credit maximum.
South's College Now Options
SEHS College Now Liaison
Leann Hollenbeak
Email: hollenbeak_l@4j.lane.edu
Location: College and Career Center
Phone: 541-790-8012
2) Advanced Placement Courses at South
Advanced Placement (AP) and College
Which AP courses are offered at South?
South Eugene High School Curriculum Guide 2025-26
See the AP course table, shown in the Earning College Credit at High School section of the curriculum guide.
The Advanced Placement Program at SEHS
A Broader View of College Readiness
3) The Duck Link Program at the U of O
4) Eugene International High School (IHS) International Baccalaureate Program
College Planning To-Dos
Need a little help knowing how to get yourself to college? Take a look at College Planning To-Dos for a year-by-year to-do list and a college-prep guide called Opportunities.
More than Credits: How You Can Be Ready to Succeed in College
April 1: Registration Opens for the U of O's Summer SAIL Program
The U of O's SAIL program offers incoming juniors and seniors free one-week summer programs on the University of Oregon campus. Students take mini-classes from faculty members and also dig into college admissions, scholarships, careers, and financial-aid. Participants must come from households with low income.
BONUS! Participants with financial need have the chance to apply for scholarships once they're seniors, including a 1-year room and board scholarship for the U of O, a rarity!
Pass/No Pass High School Grades and College Admissions
Traditionally, 4-year colleges only accept high school credits earned with a C- or above in core subjects (math, science, social studies, language arts, world languages, and sometimes visual and performing arts) when considering admitting a student. During the pandemic, this requirement loosened at many colleges, but pandemic grading flexibility has largely come to an end. When South students opt for a pass in core courses, colleges can’t distinguish an A+ from a D-. This can result in the courses not counting towards freshman admission requirements. For this reason, 4-year-college-bound students considering the pass/no pass option, even early in their high school career, should first check the specific requirements at the college(s) they hope to apply to.
SEHS Financial Aid Night Video
1) Career and Technical Education at SEHS
As mentioned above, South offers many CTE courses in different career areas. These courses may be taken individually, or students may pursue multiple CTE courses in the same subject as a way to complete their Extended Application graduation requirement. Five themes are currently operating (computer & information science, culinary arts, early childhood education, graphic design, and journalism & media arts). Visit our CTE brochure for more information.
2) Career and Technical Education through 4J
3) Career and Technical Education through LESD
Two CTE programs are available for next year's juniors and seniors to forecast for through Lane Education Service District (LESD). Find information about the Lane Career Academy's HOPE Factory (construction CTE) and the LCA's Emergency Services CTE below. Applicants should fill out the interest form linked in the flyers and check in with their counselors. (These programs can be complicated to work into a student's schedule.) Email Shareen Vogel with questions: <svogel@lesd.k12.or.us> about the programs (not about scheduling).
4) Elevate
Elevate is a program run by Connected Lane County that offers a wide variety of mostly free career-connected opportunities for students including job shadows, internships, hiring fairs, and more. Connected Lane County's calendar of events and activities
5) Career Prep for SEHS Students
Find here a list of local activities for students who would like to gain experience in specific career fields: Career Prep for SEHS Students.
6) Student Volunteering for SEHS Students
Find here a list of local organizations that invite help from student volunteers: Student Volunteering for SEHS Students.
E-mail Lori Sauter, sauter_l@4j.lane.edu, and I'll help you find the information you need.