MRHS Orchestra Newsletter
February 2025
February After School Activities
- Thursday, 2/6 5:30-6:15pm Mariachi at Morton Ranch Elementary International Night
- Friday, 2/7 7pm Trip to Houston Symphony
- Wednesday, 2/12 Mariachi at MDJH and MRJH for recruitment
- Wed/Thurs 2/13-2/14 Directors at TMEA
- Monday, 2/17 No School! (holiday)
- Thursday, 2/20 6pm MRJH and MDJH Pre UIL in MRHS PAC (Host)
- Friday, 2/21 5:30-6:45pm Mariachi at Arc of Katy
- Friday, 2/28 Andretti's Fun Night!
COMING SOON required
- Thursday, 3/6 7pm Pre UIL String Concert (All MRHS Orchestra Students will perform in their formal attire)
- Monday, 2/10 3-4:30pm
- Thursday, 2/20 3-4:30pm
- Monday, 2/24 3-4:30pm
- Wednesday, 2/12 Rehearsal is Cancelled
- Wednesday, 2/19 3:45-4:30pm
- Wednesday, 2/26 3:45-4:30pm
Chamber Purple
- Wednesday, 2/12 Rehearsal is Cancelled
- Wednesday, 2/19 3-3:45pm
- Wednesday, 2/26 3-3:45pm
String UIL Preparation
Students are:
- required to complete Canvas Sight Reading Factory assignments on time. Late assignments will not be accepted. There are 8 assignments in total and students need to earn an average of 85% or higher to attend UIL. Students have one week to complete the assignment that is due by 7am on Tuesday.
- All rehearsals are required, only excused absences are permitted for student to attend UIL (see handbook on website for approved vs unapproved absences)
- Playing Exams must average to an 85% or higher for student to attend UIL. Students who missed the exam for whatever reason are required to submit a recorded video of them playing all the exam cuts (look in your Canvas announcements). I will put an M or missing grade 0% in the gradebook until the exam is completed
- Students can ALWAYS makeup or redo an exam for a better grade up until the Wednesday at 7am before a Report Card submission is required
Course Selection and 2025-26 Info
It's time for 2025-26 Course Selection! Everyone is making an amazing amount of improvement on their instrument. Stay with Orchestra and Katy ISD Fine Arts for all four years of high school!
When speaking to your counselor you can add Mariachi in addition to Orchestra to your schedule for credit. 2025-26 will be a historic year, and the first time you will be able to enroll in a Mariachi Course for credit. For students interested, you can also play a different string instrument in a separate Orchestra class for credit. Talk to a Director if you are interested in either option.
When speaking to your counselor here are the Course Codes for Mariachi and or taking another Orchestra ensemble to learn a new instrument for credit.
7255 Instrumental Ensemble I
7256 Instrumental Ensemble II
7257 Instrumental Ensemble III
7258 Instrumental Ensemble IV
Please contact me if you are having trouble fitting Orchestra or Mariachi in your schedule.
Master Schedule for next school will be:
2nd period Camerata
3rd period Chamber Purple
4th period Sinfonia
5th period Chamber White
7th period Mariachi
Here is how you can take Orchestra for all four years in High School!
Trip to Houston Symphony
Houston Symphony Itinerary
Friday, February 7, 2025
2:35pm Meet in Orchestra Room (get a smart snack, stay in Orch rm after school)
4:15pm Load bus and depart for Memorial City Mall
5:00pm Arrive at Memorial City Mall. Dinner in the Food Court.
6:00pm Load bus and depart for Jones Hall
6:45pm Arrive at Jones Hall. Distribute tickets and find seating.
7:30pm Concert Program begins.
9pm Load and Depart for MRHS
9:30-10:00pm Approximate arrival time at MRHS
Dress: Semi-formal attire - no jeans or t-shirts
What to bring: $ for dinner at the food court in Memorial City Mall
Andretti Indoor Karting and Games Night
Please join us for Andretti Indoor Karting and Games Night Friday, 2/28 from 6-9pm.
Students should provide their own transportation to and from the event. We are joining forces with MRHS Band for a fun evening of go karting, games and dinner!
$45 package includes: a go kart race, a game of laser tag, 3 hours of arcade play and our pizza bar (3 slices per person, a house salad, chocolate chip cookies, and beverages). It also includes a gratuity for food service.
Any student attending less than 18 years old are required to have their parent sign a safety waiver
2025-26 MRHS Orchestra Auditions and Final Exam
Students wanting to audition for Sinfonia (Varsity) will need to find a Class 1 solo or difficult Class 2 solo and have a video submitted by the 5/2 deadline.
The purpose behind this is to find a solo that your student can use for 2025-26 UIL Solo and Ensemble. It should be a solo that challenges your student within their current level. Students should consider technical items they would like to work on and improve when looking for a new solo - come talk to me, I'm happy to give suggestions!
Finding a solo the week before the audition is not a wise move. These solos are complex and generally take 3 months to study and learn well.
Solo and Ensemble
Our students did a phenomenal job at UIL Solo and Ensemble this school year!
44 of our students medaled and 19 students qualified for State!
Solo and Ensemble is placed perfectly within the school year calendar. Students can plan ahead of time and put the preparation in with careful planning to be successful at this contest. Students received great comments from the judges to make improvements; this event helps your student grow musically.
If your student did not enter into Solo and Ensemble this year, I hope they will consider for 2025-26.
Mariachi News
January was an amazing and super busy month we had a total of 5 performances: Highlights included Mariachi Luna Performing at Legacy Stadium for the Katy ISD Counselors course selection and the Fine Arts Department.
During this meeting it was announced next year’s Mariachi new course. The class will be during 7th period, it will offer a Fine Arts credit, and it is under the name of Instrumental Ensemble I. I recommend all the Mariachi students to sign up for it if possible. Please let me or Mr. Katz know if you need help to include the class on your schedule. Our project for next year is to compete for UIL but this will be only possible if at least the advanced ensemble entirely joins the class for daily consistent work.
Luna de Jalisco also performed at Rylander Elementary for a very well attended international night event where the kids were treated as super stars, it was fun.
The Mariachi continues working towards our April the 24th Concert: “Cuando el Mariachi suena el mundo canta” we will include a wide variety of different styles from all-time favorite Mariachi Songs and potpourris!
Rehearsals continue on Mondays 5:00-6:00 pm for Junior High and for High School Mariachi Torito 3:00-4-30 pm and Luna 4:35-6:05 Students must leave thru the back door at the end of rehearsal.
Please continue to check our website links for rehearsal schedules and events for Mariachi Luna. For the month of February Mariachi Luna de Jalisco will perform two times: February the 6th from 5:30 to 6:15 pm at Morton Ranch Elementary School and February the 21st 5:30 to 6:45 at the Arc of Katy.
Exciting news: Mr. Jose Longoria the Director of the University of Houston Mariachi Pumas will come to clinic us from 3:00-6:00 pm on Thursday March 27th and Tuesday April the 1st all students are required to attend and take advantage of this wonderful opportunity. Mr. Longoria will work on the Concert repertoire but also will speak about the UH Summer Camp and the possibility of continuing Mariachi as a career at the Moore’s School of Music at UH. Please save the dates!
Let’s stay united on this amazing journey as February will be another busy month with different commitments from different organizations please keep track of our rehearsals and events and inform any conflict with a minimum of 48 hours in advance.
Thank you for supporting Mariachi Educations we are a great Family.
Mr. Roca