Jackson Jaguars ROAR!
---------March 2024--------
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From the Principal...
This is my favorite time of year...Spring is filled with lots of activities, field trips, performances, state testing, ESL night, Field Day, and Read Across America Day and so much more! Continue to read Class Dojo for upcoming events and announcements.
As we move through this final semester of the school year, please continue to encourage your child(ren) to come to school ready to learn. As AVID students, they have been taught the skills necessary to be ready for the next stage in their educational career. They have been taught organizational skills, reading and writing strategies, how to answer higher level questions, and how to talk to one another in an academic setting. Let's all continue to work together to help our students succeed!
Thank you for being a part of what makes it so special! As always, please feel free to reach out via ClassDojo, by phone, email, or stop by if you have any questions, needs, comments, etc.! Together, we will make a difference!
Thank you,
Sara Miller, Principal
Upcoming Events
March 1st & 4th
3rd grade JA in a Day
3rd, 4th, 5th grade-Philharmonic and Olympic museum field trip
-->Students will be asked to sign an academic and behavior contract before the field trip in order to earn this amazing experience. Look for this contract to come home the first week of March.
March 13th
Last Day to sell Butterbraids
March 14th & 15th
Teacher Professional Development Days-NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS
March 18th
Butterbraid Delivery
March 20th 9:00-10:00
Theater Across Borders Presentation for K-5
March 21st & 22nd
Challenger Planetarium @ Jackson for PreK-5
March 22nd
Read Across America Day for K-5
March 25th-29th
Butterbraids are on sale!
Butterbraids are on sale February 28th until March 13th. Butterbraids will be delivered to the school on March 18th for you to pick up our have your child take home.
The class who sells the most Butterbraids will earn a pizza party.
If we reach our goal of raising $2000, Mrs. Miller (Principal) will wear a blow-up dragon costume all day!
Colorado Measures of Academic Progress (CMAS) Testing for 3rd-5th
Colorado Measures of Academic Progress (CMAS) testing is coming for grades 3-5. It’s important for students to be at school on time and present EVERY day during April.
Testing will be on Tuesdays-Friday April 8th-26th. Specific schedule is coming!
If you have specific questions about testing, please contact your child’s teacher or Kyla Kahrs.
Theater Works with Mrs. Slabach
It's hard to believe we will begin Quarter Four on March 18! That means many students will be transitioning from drama to art or art to drama.
The actors and tech crew for "Annie Kids" are continuing to rehearse and put together the show. They are doing an amazing job!
Important Dates:
- Thursday, May 2: 6:00 PM "Annie Kids" Performance
- Friday, May 3: 1:30 PM "Annie Kids" Performance for the School
Annie Kids rehearsal
4th grade Stage Combat
3rd grade Theater
Media Moments with Mrs. Sobecki
March 2024 Media Moments
Colorado Children’s Book Awards
Our Kindergarten and 1st Graders have been reading the Colorado Children's Book Award books to vote on the Best Book in Colorado for 2024. The Jackson favorite is “Not My Underpants” by Melissa Martin. In a month we will find out which book won the state title. Happy Reading!
Read Across America
We will be celebrating Read Across America on Friday, March 22nd. We have guest readers coming to read books to the students and the Challenger Space Center Planetarium will be in the gym for all classes to learn about space. We are looking forward to this fun day for everyone!
Counseling Corner with Mrs. Kisler
Hi Jackson Jaguar Family,
Happy March! I always look forward to this time of year because of the warmer weather – though I know we still get snow fall in the spring months in Colorado and a lot of wind some weeks. Nevertheless, things start to blossom and bloom after the winter months, so this is a time of rebirth and renewal.
Speaking of things blossoming or growing, I have recently done lessons with our kindergarten-fifth grade classes related to our personal interests and how those can possibly lead to future careers one day.
I am wrapping up career lessons this week, but many of your children have had the opportunity to discuss their personal interests, consider possible future careers, and even practice filling out a kid-friendly job application (third-fifth grades).
Your students have been encouraged to bring their applications home to show you what they have learned and been considering for their futures.
NOTE: Please chat with them about what you may have pondered doing for a career when you were younger and how you apply your personal interests in your work setting or outside of work.
Lastly, thank you to those of you who completed the survey I sent out in February. It is helpful for me to know what topics you all might be interested in hearing about next year from myself or other helping professionals.
If you would still like to answer the questions on the survey, here are the links in English and in Spanish:
Please remember to reach out any time you have questions or concerns. I am here to support you and your child(ren).
Mrs. Jan Kisler
School Counselor
Jackson Elementary School
Time with our Social Worker, Mrs. Ruiz
Parents and Guardians,
March is here! We have 3 weeks until Spring Break and then State Testing will be upon us! Please take care of yourselves and your students. Here are some resources that may be helpful. If what you need is not listed, you can call 2-1-1 or (866) 760-6489, Text your ZIP CODE to 898-211*, or go online to https://www.211colorado.org/.
Need extra food for the break?
On this website, you will find a list of 7 different food pantries on the Westside of Colorado Springs: https://www.westsidecares.org/get-help/food/
Public Service Hours
Eligibility Requirements:
One household may visit up to 6 times each calendar year. https://mercysgatecs.org/get-help/direct-services/food-pantry
Need ideas to keep the kids busy during Spring Break?
Here are a few FREE ideas/activities:
- Garden of the Gods https://gardenofgods.com/
- Air Force Academy Visitor Center https://www.usafa.edu/visitors/
- Colorado Springs Pioneer Museum https://www.cspm.org/
- Starsmore Visitor and Nature Center https://coloradosprings.gov/starsmore
- Bear Creek Nature Center https://communityservices.elpasoco.com/nature-centers/bear-creek-nature-center/
- Any branch of the Pikes Peak Library District https://ppld.org/
FREE Counseling
Remember that students can still receive FREE counseling through the I Matter website: https://imattercolorado.org/ AND https://yoimportocolorado.org/
6 FREE sessions with a Licensed Therapist are available!
Need assistance with Heating bills?
- Click on links below to download a LEAP application and drop it off at your local human services office, or mail/email it to your county/contractor to process. For contact information, call 1-866-HEAT-HELP (1-866-432-8435). You can also find your county's mailing address in this contact list.
- Click here for the LEAP English Application and Information Sheet.
- Click here for the LEAP Spanish Application and Information Sheet.
- To request a paper application mailed to your please call 1-866-HEAT-HELP (1-866-432-8435)
- If you are having a heating emergency please call 1-866-HEAT-HELP (1-866-432-8435) to apply over the phone.
Leslie Clinite Ruiz, LCSW, MA
School Social Worker
Jackson Elementary School
Se Habla Español
(719) 328-5836 Desk
(719) 328-5800 Jackson Main office
(719) 328-5813 Attendance
Jackson Elementary School
Email: sara.miller@d11.org
Website: https://www.d11.org/Domain/37
Location: 4340 Edwinstowe Avenue, Colorado Springs, CO, USA
Phone: 719-328-5800