Friday Focus Newsletter
310th Issue - November 22, 2024
Marian Central Catholic High School
From the Desk of Rev. Charles Warren
A priest from our diocese taught one of my favorite classes in seminary. One of the most impactful lessons has stuck with me for years. He said when we look at the women and men of the early church and how they lived…we see a very similar spirituality. This sort of apostolic spirituality plays out over and over again in the lives of saints throughout the ages.
They started with recognizing their limitedness, namely their sin. Acknowledging how they failed to live in a way that made them fulfilled. But the turn really happens in the second step, gratitude.
Gratitude opens the heart, to see where God has worked and where he will work. It expands the heart to let in more grace and realistically more people that God sends to us. Through this expansion of our heart (certainly a growth in love) we come to theosis. Union with God. By loving others we become like love - God himself.
These steps: recognizing our sin, gratitude, expansion of heart, theosis…are key to a healthy Christian community. In particular, that 2nd step, gratitude, seems to me to be a crucial moment.
I’m assisting at many parishes because many of my brother priests have taken time off to work on their health. I was so pleased with our junior and senior leaders of the sophomore retreat. I had to leave quickly after the beginning to go to another parish. When I returned, the team told me all the good things that happened. The other chaperones confirmed the experience.
It is not average for young people this age to be so confident in their abilities and be able to lead others in the faith. Gratitude is the only response I can have for their work. I’m thankful I have students that I can entrust to lead their peers and our younger students. That is the Holy Spirit working. If each of us did as our young leaders did, imagine what our community could be!
In thanking God, we become more human. We are reminded of the goodness that is offered to us, something way better than our own designs. Something way better than our own ideas. Gratitude puts us in a place of recognizing that we have so little control over this life and the right Christian mindset is to receive what we are given, good or bad, and offer it back to God.
Gratitude sees the good in others, notices the movements of the Holy Spirit, engenders community. Thank God for Marian Central Catholic!
Rev. Charles Warren
NHS Offers Tutoring Sessions
Marian Central's National Honor Society (NHS) will be hosting tutoring sessions during Advisory on Tuesdays and Thursdays (December 3,5,10,12) leading up to Semester Exams so that any students who may be having a little trouble in a class or just have a few questions can stop in the cafeteria after checking in with their advisory teacher.
We hope that these study groups with the tutors will be able to prepare the students for their exams at Marian. By offering this walk-in service, our students will get more of a college-setting tutoring experience, as NHS seeks to help all of our classmates succeed.
College Information Night
Please save the date for the annual College Information Night. This in-person program will take place on Tuesday, January 14th from 6:30pm - 8:30pm, with a meet and greet with college reps from 6:00pm - 6:30pm. More information will be available after the first of the year. This program is also open to freshman and sophomore families.
Freshmen and Sophomore Parents: PreACT Results Have Arrived!
Mr. Fearn and Mrs. Hilton have been busy this week delivering and explaining PreACT results to our 9th and 10th graders during Advisory. All freshmen and sophomores who tested in October will receive their paper score reports and test booklets by Monday, November 25. We encourage parents to review their student's PreACT score report. The results help identify where your student is performing academically so far - identifying strengths and areas for improvement, help with starting to make more concrete plans for the future, and help with setting academic goals. The results also give a predicted ACT score and an indication of whether your student is on target for success in college.
This booklet is helpful for understanding scores and score reports.
2025-2026 School Year Financial Aid Application DUE TODAY
- Complete FACTS Grant and Aid Assessment online with all necessary
financial documents, including the 2023 tax return and 2023 W2s,
by November 22, 2024
Simple Steps to Apply for Financial Aid Online
1. Choose “Sign In” or “Create a user name and password”
2. Then click on the Start Application Link
3. Select the appropriate school year (2025-2026)
4. Complete the steps as prompted (be sure to upload required 2023 tax documents
after submitting application)
All families must apply by November 22, 2024, for tuition assistance for the 2025-2026 school year.
Award letters will be sent in January 2025.
Summer Leadership Conference Opportunity for Sophomores
The sophomores have received information regarding applications for a leadership conference - a fantastic learning opportunity that is available to all Marian Central sophomores. The Hugh O'Brian Youth (HOBY) Leadership conference brings sophomores from all over the state of Illinois together for a weekend in June on a college campus to gain experience with developing leadership skills. Students have the opportunity to hear motivational speakers, be involved in team building activities, and to participate in service projects. All sophomores are welcome to apply for this conference by grabbing an application from the Guidance Office. Marian chooses 2 sophomores to attend the conference and pays the registration fee. The application deadline is Thursday, December 5.
Early Dismissal
Whenever possible, please contact the office prior to 8:00 am on a day when your student needs an early dismissal. Students are then given a pass to excuse them from class at the designated time. This allows for less interruption to class time. Thank you.
Get Ready to Rock the Night Away!
SAVE THE DATE! The Athletic Boosters are bringing the party to town like never before, and you don’t want to miss it!
On Saturday, February 15, join us at the The Vixen for a night filled with music, energy, and good vibes – all to support a great cause. This isn’t just any event; it’s a first-of-its-kind concert fundraiser, and you’ll want to be there when it happens!
Who’s the band? We’re keeping that under wraps for now but trust us – it’s going to be epic. Stay tuned for the BIG REVEAL!
Mark your calendars, spread the word, and get ready to rock.
Yearbook Photo Retakes
Picture retake day is Tuesday, December 3rd during lunches. Students who were absent on picture day should plan to be photographed on this day.
Students who would like a retake can also be photographed. Please email Mrs. DiSilvio at ldisivio@marian.com or stop in the office to sign up for a retake.
Upcoming Calendar
Wednesday, November 27th - Noon Dismissal
Thursday, November 28th - Friday, November 29th - Thanksgiving Break; no school
Wednesday, December 4th - Late Start; Classes Begin at 9:45 am
Wednesday, December 18th - Semester 1 Exams (periods 1,3); 10:40 am dismissal
Thursday, December 19th - Semester 1 Exams (periods 4,567,8); noon dismissal
Friday, December 20th - Semester 1 Exams (periods 9,10); 10:40 am dismissal
Monday, December 23 - Friday, January 3 - Christmas Break; No school
Monday, January 6th - Teacher Inservice; No School
Tuesday, January 7th - Classes Resume