Parent Newsletter #24: 1/31/25
Highlander News from the Principal's Office
About Piedmont High School
Website: https://phs.piedmont.k12.ca.us/
Location: 800 Magnolia Ave, Piedmont, CA 94611
Phone: (510) 594-2626 | Instagram: @piedmonthigh
Parent Newsletter: Archives
2024-25 School Profile | Bell Schedule (Regular)
Road to Graduation | Yearbook Info
College & Career Newsletter | Athletic Newsletter
Principal: Dr. Yoshihara
Assistant Principal: Mr. Marik
From the Desk of Your Principal
Dear Highlander Families,
Well, we've reached the end of January. What a month! And we have so much in store for your February too. Winter sports will be wrapping up, springs sports will be starting. From the crack of the bats, the splashing of the water, or the formal dances--they are all just around the corner.
Our seniors will await their college decisions, our frosh (freshmen/sophomores) [edit made on 2/1] will await their own special dance. We are well underway with course planning along with graduation. We have many exciting events in store over these 4+ months, and I'm sure it will go quickly.
Try to stay dry and safe for this potentially stormy weekend.
Warmly (with hot chocolate),
Dr. Yoshihara
Important Dates
February 4: Shelter-In-Place Drill during P5 (normal schedule)
February 7: Last day to drop a semester 2 class
February 8: Winter Ball (Upperclassmen only)
February 11: College & Career Open House (6:30-8:30pm in AHT)
February 17-21: Mid-winter break
February 27: PHS/MHS Young Professional Panel Discussion (6:30-9 pm, AHT)
February 28: Career Day (Academy)
Academy Schedule
Link to FlexiSched: https://piedmont.flexisched.net/
Friday (seniors only) - report to Academy for attendance. Then go to Witter Field (or Binks Gym in case of rain) for your Senior Class Picture. Wear your ORANGE class color!
CA Healthy Kids Survey - Open Through 2/28
The purpose of this survey is to obtain parent perceptions about the school. Your participation is voluntary. It is also very important. The information you provide will help guide district and school efforts to promote safety, enhance learning supports, and improve student achievement.
- This is an anonymous survey. It is designed so that no one can be identified from the data.
- You do not have to respond to any questions that you feel could be used to identify you. Simply skip any such questions
- All questions apply to this school only.
- The results are for the use of your district. The California Department of Education and WestEd will preserve data confidentiality and refer any data requests to the district.
If you have any questions about this survey, contact Stephanie Griffin, sgriffin@piedmont.k12.ca.us.
Highlander Hunt Update
Well, we are currently in our 32nd round of the Highlander Hunt, and we definitely have some next level Hunters. They analyze color, shadow, texture. They hunt in the morning, they hunt at night. They hunt at brunch, lunch, and open periods. They collaborate with friends, they plan in secret. They ask teachers, custodians, and front office staff for clues. They ask if the Hunt has been found. They ask when the next Hunt will start.
As such, we will expand the rules of engagement. Future hunts may exist on people--staff and students. They would of course be willing participants and items will be visible so one could simply ask and validate.
We are also thinking about establishing a Highlander Hunter of the Year or a Highlander Hunter Hall of Fame. We may even consider a year-end Highlander Hunter banquet for all our winners. Who knows, maybe we'll ask that select guests share their stories and hunting strategies. This is all for fun and feedback is always welcomed. Hunt on!
2024-25 Yearbook Information
Please access this document: Yearbook Info 24-25 for all information and important dates for the PHS Yearbook.
Leadership Opportunity in a Statewide Council
Are you interested in politics, legislation and statewide leadership opportunities? The California Department of Education is now accepting applications for the Superintendent's Youth Advisory Council (YAC). The mission of this group is to "empower students to contribution to education policy development and amplify the voices of underrepresented youth in statewide decision-making." YAC members will also receive a $500 stipend upon completion of the program. The deadline for submission is 11:59 pm on February 17, 2025. You may get more information here.
World Language Placement Testing
The test is approximately 1 hour and will involve reading, writing, listening and speaking. Once we have the results, your student's counselor will follow up to discuss how this impacts scheduling for next year.
Please review the World Language Pathways Document prior to registering for this test to have a better understanding of the world language program in PUSD.
To register for the World Language Placement Test, please fill out the appropriate form below. Individual make-up tests will not be offered. Registration is due by February 10th.
- Spanish Placement Test Spring 2025
- Chinese Placement Test Spring 2025
- French Placement Test Spring 2025
Please note that the Spring test is for currently enrolled PUSD students only and it is primarily intended for either:
- Heritage speakers who have never taken a course in the language before or
- Students who previously took courses at private schools that are not equivalent to our course sequence (Language 1, Language 2, etc.) prior to enrolling in PUSD, and who have not yet taken a language in PUSD.
Regeneron Scholar is One of Our Own
Did you know what have a science scholar amongst us? I would like to issue a special "shout out" to our very own Aliana Tang. She is a senior who is amongst one of only 300 students nationwide who was selected as part of the Regeneron Science Talent Search for 2025.
Aliana was chosen "based on their outstanding research, leadership skills, community involvement, commitment to academics, creativity in asking scientific questions and exceptional promise as STEM leaders demonstrated through the submission of their original, independent research projects, essays and recommendations". Her topic was Network Method for Building a Sample-Specific Glycan Database for N-Linked Glycosylation From MS/MS Data.
She is interested in computational biology or bioengineering in college. Impressive work indeed Aliana! You can view the scholar book here.
Media Guides Available for Men's Basketball
The PHS men’s basketball teams are selling media guides as a fundraiser for $25 each. If you’re interested in purchasing one, please contact Rupa at rupa_basu@yahoo.com. Thanks for your support!
Snacks for Wellness Center Needed
The Wellness Center has been struggling with donation consistency. Please consider donating any of the following snacks: oranges, apples, cheese sticks, or made-good bars. You can donate snacks directly here (link for sign-up genius) or to the Wellness Center snack fund here.
Piedmont School Maker Faire - Call for Makers Now Open!
Please mark your calendar and save the date for the return of the 11th annual Piedmont School Maker Faire to the Piedmont High School campus on Sunday, May 18 11am - 3pm! Come celebrate K-12 Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts & Math (S.T.E.A.M.) education for the Piedmont community & beyond. Our Call for Makers is now OPEN where students & community can submit their projects to share at the Faire! Looking for ideas to get started over winter break? Check out our project ideas page. When ready, submit your project. Submissions are due by April 30th.
Short-term Independent Study
Do you know in advance that your child will need to miss school? If so, short-term independent study is an option for them. This can now be done for as short as one day (used to be 5-day minimum). To initiate this process, please check with your child's counselor in advance with the dates of when you plan to be out of school.
Short-term independent study allows your child to do work while away and the school can also claim the revenue, unlike any type of absence.
SAVE THE DATE: College & Career Center (CCC) Open House!
Tuesday, February 11
6:30 to 8:30PM
Alan Harvey Theater
All PHS/MHS students and families are invited to the first Open House for our College & Career Center. Whether you're a freshman just beginning to explore possibilities or a junior planning for your applications this fall, this event will showcase all the different ways the district can help support and inspire your post-high school plans.
- Meet Stefanie Manalo-LeClair, the new College & Career Center Director
- Discover how PHS is preparing students for diverse future opportunities including gap years and career plans
- Learn about how the CCC partners with Academic Counselors, particularly during the college application process
- Get some college SWAG! We have free college posters, pennants, magnets, pens, etc. for over 100 schools!
Please RSVP HERE so we have an idea of attendance.
Editorial on Fan Behavior
On Wednesday, I was able to watch our boys basketball take on Alameda High School. I was dismayed, not at the outcome the scores (our boys played well), but for our fan behavior. I know we can model excellent fan behavior. That was not on display Thursday night. Here are my collective thoughts:
- It is OKAY to cheer on our team (and be loud about it)
- It is okay to have friendly jeers re: ref calls (e.g. "you can't do that")
- It is okay to have friendly chants against the other team (e.g. "start the busses")
- It is not okay to call out specific players on the opposing team in any form
- It is not okay to refer to the familial (e.g. mother, grandmother, etc.)
- It is not okay to engage with the other team in anything other than a cordial manner
I will work on a message to all students by early next week. I hope we can continue to represent our best selves at all events, letting families (and athletes) know why PHS is a special, positive place. The NCS Spectator Code is attached, and I've highlighted the items this specific message tries to address.
Save The Date: February 28 (Career Day)
Valentine's Day PHS Staff Brunch
Help us show the PHS faculty and staff our LOVE for them with a Valentine's Day Brunch! Please drop off all donated items to the Teacher's Lounge by 9am on Friday, February 14, 2025. Also, please feel free to drop off donated items to 57 Bellevue Avenue by Thursday, February 13, 2025. If you have any questions, you can reach out to Shaya at 510-282-7899.
Sign up here.
How About Those Hash Brown?
Well, our hash browns have been a smashing success, selling out each day even as the nutrition services staff makes over 100 servings each time. They will continue to produce as much as possible, monitoring how well they sell each day.
In our continued encouragement of healthy choices, and in order to qualify as a reimbursable meal, we will ask that students also take an entree (e.g. coffee cake, cereal, etc.) or a fruit with milk. It can even be chocolate milk. We know our lunch is served pretty late, so the extra food will do them well in carrying them over until that time.
Counseling Corner
Course Registration
Counselors have gone into your students' classes to discuss entering their course requests for the 25-26 school year through their Infinite Campus account.
A signed printed copy of the course request from Infinite Campus is due to the counseling office by February 7th.
Things to know and use in this process:
In the counseling portion of the website, look for
a) course catalog where students can see course progression, prerequisites and recommendations.
b) course selection process documents- 4 year plan, AP/ Honors expectations, time management worksheet.
c) directions on how to enter course requests on the course selection process.
d) parent night presentations will be uploaded soon to the website
Please encourage your student to come by the counseling office to ask questions or email us.
Highlander of the Week
This week's student is Nate McKenzie. We start off by having staff share some thoughts on Nate.
What quality(ies) best describes this student? Nate is a friendly, studious, hard working individual who I've really enjoyed getting to know over the years. He always challenges himself in class and supports his peers.
How long have you known the student? I've known Nate for 3 years now, from freshman PE through weight training. Funny fact is I was good friends with his uncle in high school and my oldest sister went to Piedmont High with Nate's mom.
What is the most memorable event you have of this student? Though Nate is a singer/songwriter, he has not always been the most outgoing student in class. However, this year has been a bit different as Nate's humorous side has come out and he has made a few jokes at my expense.
How does this student Achieve the Honorable? Nate is just an outstanding individual who always strives to do his best.
If there was one word to describe this student, what would it be? Exceptional
And from Nate himself:
- So far this year, what has been your most memorable experience? This summer I went on tour to Vancouver, Canada with the Oakland Youth Chorus. It was really fun to explore the city and hang out with friends. My favorite part was visiting Stanley park and seeing the totem poles.
- If you were to describe PHS to someone who is thinking about coming, what would you say to them? It's a great environment. It's challenging, but people will be there for you.
- If you were in charge at PHS, what is one action you might take to make it better? I would continue to improve the arts.
- If you could share one sentence with your parents/guardians, what would you say? You're doing great.
- What is your favorite word? Joy
- What is your favorite song? Are We Still Friends? by Tyler, The Creator.
- What is your favorite food? Tacos
- Can you share a photo of something from your summer and why it is special to you? This photo is from a trip my family took to Yosemite this summer. It was great to hang out with them, especially my brother Scott who was back from college.
Thanks & Appreciations
- Shout Out to Ms. Moorhead for putting on a wonderful musical. You still have time to catch it, if you haven't done so yet.
- Much appreciation to Bruce for all his work with our student athletes. From minor ouchies to concussion and fractures, he is always ready to help.
- Kudos to Gen and Friede for their fearless leadership with ASB. This is definitely a big task with many moving parts. I'm impressed with how well you both manage it all.
- A special Thank You to Samuel B. This has got to be one of the nicest young men on campus. If you haven't had the pleasure of meeting him, you're missing out. Always a "hello" and smile from Samuel every time.
Find The Hidden Object
We are considering a new spirit activity for PHS. Don't worry, the Highlander Hunt is not going away. The main idea behind this activity is that a photo will be shown. The Highlander will then need to locate this item and take a picture of it. They must then ask the staff member a question about them, which will be provided (e.g. which college did you attend for your undergraduate degree).
They will then need to email their response to me. The first (mostly) correct response will win. This activity will serve a few purposes:
- Help our students better learn their campus.
- Develop social skills--they must interact with someone, most likely a staff member to build relationship.
- Communication skills--they must be able to articulate their answer to me.
Please consider answering the one-question poll below to provide some guidance on next steps.
Please let us know what you think about this new activity.
Highlander Trivia
Thanks to all those that participated in the Highlander Trivia question in the last newsletter. We had strong participation once again.
The questions was: Semester one grades are out, and I'm very proud of how hard our students worked. When looking at all our students, what is the average GPA for the first semester? (Round to the nearest thousandth). The correct answer to this is 3.868%
Our participants actually all did quite well and seem to also understand that grade wise, our students excel. Congratulations to Ella S. who got the closest with 3.842. Please come to the main office at your convenience to claim your prize.