CHS Community Newsletter
June 13, 2024
Principal's Message
Good afternoon Canby High School Students & Families,
Today is the last day of the 2023-2024 school year. It has been a great year, with lots of fantastic memories. Graduation was incredible! It was amazing to honor our graduates and celebrate with the whole community.
We are eternally grateful for the opportunity to work with our outstanding students. Students, thank you for sharing your talents, energy, and enthusiasm with us, and thank you for all of your hard work. Families, thank you for your partnership and trust as we work together to serve our students.
This will be the last newsletter of the school year. CHS will be closed during the month of July. Please see the information below about summer school and fall registration. Incoming 9th graders and families, you will get one more welcome video from me next week. Watch for that.
Thanks again for a wonderful year. We look forward to seeing you in the fall.
Have a great summer!
Cari Sloan
Canby High School Principal
#CanbyProud #RollCougs
Upcoming Events
Thursday, 6/13: Last Day of School, Early Release at 12:20pm, Finals Period 2 and 4
Friday, 6/14: Start of Summer Break, see you in September!
Save the Date
Summer School: June 24-July 18
Registration Packets: mailed in the end of July
CHS Office reopens: Monday, July, 29, 8:00 am - 3:00 pm
Incoming 9th grade Summer Jump: August 5-16
CHS Registration: Wednesday, 8/21 and Thursday, 8/22, 12-7pm
First Day of School: Tuesday, 9/3, classes start at 8:40am
Important Information
2024-2025 Registration
Registration and Verification is completed online. Packets with information about this process will be mailed in late July. CHS will host in person registration in order to get lockers, pictures, school IDs, and parking passes on Wednesday, 8/21 and Thursday, 8/22 from 12-7 pm.
Cars and Lunch Safety
Beginning in the fall, we will reestablish our rules regarding students in cars during the school day. Prior to returning to in-person learning from COVID, we did not allow students to access their cars during the school day for any reason, but loosened up to relieve anxiety around being close to students during eating times with no masks. We will be reestablishing this rule for the fall so that students will not be able to access their cars during the entirety of the school day. Please email Ben Winegar (ben.winegar@canby.k12.or.us) for questions regarding specific circumstances and he will help you problem solve.
Here is a link to the Graduation Photo Gallery where you can purchase and download pictures!
We understand that a portion of the live feed for graduation did not work. We apologize for this inconvenience. Please enjoy the entire event at this link: Canby High School Graduation 2024
Senior Transcripts
Class of 2024 can order final transcripts for their colleges on Naviance until July 1st. After July 1st, please use the Alumni Transcript order form on the Canby High School website under the Quick Links menu option. CHS is closed during the summer, but we will be processing transcripts periodically.
Summer EBT
Summer in Oregon just got more awesome thanks to Summer EBT!
Summer EBT’s mission is to help get healthy meals to kids throughout the summer break from school. Eligible school-aged children will each get $120 for groceries this summer, and the program will renew each year.
If your household has an EBT card (Oregon Trail Card), your funds will be added to that card this summer. Otherwise, you’ll get a new card in the mail after you’ve been determined eligible.
Get more info at sebt.oregon.gov, and stay tuned for details on how to enroll.
Athletics and Activities
Fall Sports
Practices for Fall sports begin on August 19th. All students wishing to participate must be fully cleared on registermyathlete.com prior to August 19th. Registration will open on the site July 2nd. Impact tests will be offered by appointment only, two weeks prior to tryouts. Athletes need physicals every 2 years. Please plan ahead for physicals. The athletic office will open up on August 5th, emails will be checked once a week during summer break. If you have any questions regarding summer workouts and camps, please contact the coach directly. Coach information can be found on the Canby High School website under athletics. If you have questions regarding the fall season or registration, please contact Heather Britt at heather.britt@canby.k12.or.us.
Fair Parking
Each summer, the CHS athletics and activities programs participate in parking cars at the Clackamas County Fair. This community event is a great opportunity to both showcase our amazing students and to raise money for our programs. Fair week is August 13-17. Please mark these dates on your calendars. Your coaches will be communicating what shifts each team will work during this week.
Moratorium Week
Moratorium week is July 28-August 3. During this time there shall be no contact between administrators/coaches/directors/advisors and students involved in any OSAA-sanctioned sport or activity. In addition, there shall be no high school athletic facility usage by athletic staff and students/teams during the OSAA Moratorium Week. Canby Girls Soccer has filed and received an exemption with the OSAA to shift their moratorium week to July 21st-27th.
Summer Camps:
Summer Strength & Conditioning: The summer strength and conditioning program will run from July 8 - August 15, from 8:00am-9:00am three days a week (Monday, Wednesday, Thursday). This program is open to 7-12 grade students. Coach Orion Sobel-Smith will focus on core strength, agility, quickness, and circuit training. The cost for the summer is $25. Sign-up at registermyathlete.com. Contact Heather Britt (heather.britt@canby.k12.or.us) or Orion Sobel-Smith (orion.sobel-smith@canby.k12.or.us) for more information.
Youth Soccer Camps: Canby High School Soccer staff and athletes will host a youth soccer camp June 24-27 and August 5-8. Ages 4-14. Cost: 4-7 is $70 and 8-14 is $100. Contact Ryan McCormack (ryan.mccormack@canby.k12.or.us) and Dallas Hill (dallas.hill@canby.k12.or.us) for more information. Campers can register at tinyurl.com/chsyouthsoc24
Pay at https://or-canby-lite.intouchreceipting.com/Canbysoccer
Dance Camp: Canby Dance and Cheer Team will be holding a youth dance camp for kids in grades K-8. The camp is July 3, 4:00-6 pm. The campers are also invited to march in the parade on July 4th. The camp will be held in Canby High School’s new commons and Auxiliary Gym. The cost is $30. Contact Jenn Chaffee (jennifer.chaffee@canby.k12.or.us) for more information. Sign up using this form: https://forms.gle/Sd6Td8RiCPpTRzAB6
Boys Tennis Camp: Canby Boys Tennis is hosting tennis camps for youth ages 7-18. The dates are July 16-19 and August 13-16. Camp times are 3-4:30pm for 7-13 year olds, and 5-6:45pm for 14-18 year olds. The cost is $80 for 1 week or $140 for both weeks. Contact coach Luke Schroeter (luke.schroeter@canby.k12.or.us) for more information.
Girls Tennis Camp: Canby Girls Tennis is hosting tennis camps for girls ages 6-13. The camp dates are August 5-8. The cost is $70 for 4-7 year olds and $90 for 8-14 year olds. Contact Arika Evans (arika.evans@canby.k12.or.us) or Josie Warren (josie.warren@canby.k12.or.us) for more information. Sign up at https://tinyurl.com/2024chsgirlstennis.
Girls Basketball Camp: Canby Girls Basketball is hosting a Girls Youth Basketball Camp June 17-20. First through eighth graders are welcome to attend. The camp will take place at Baker Prairie Middle School. 1st-5th grade is from 9:00 am - noon. 6th-8th grade is 9:00am - 3:00pm. Sign up at https://tinyurl.com/2024chsgbx. Contact Dana Avgi (dana.avgi@canby.k12.or.us) for more information.
Boys Basketball Camp: Boys basketball coaches and players are offering a Boys Youth Basketball camp June 17-20 at Canby High School. 3rd-5th grade is from 9:00 am - noon. 6th-8th grade is 9:00am - 3:00pm. Sign up at https://tinyurl.com/2024chsbasketball. Contact Matt Taylor (matt.taylor@canby.k12.or.us) for more information.
Volleyball Camp: Canby High School is hosting a Junior Volleyball camp from August 12-15th from 9:00am-11:30am. Contact TJ Schlatter (tj.schlatter@canby.k12.or.us) for more information: Sign up at https://tinyurl.com/2024chsvolleyball.
Summer Running Program: Coach Tom Millbrooke is hosting a summer running program Monday through Friday at 9:00 am each day beginning Friday June 14th. Cost is FREE. Contact coach Tom Millbrooke (tom.millbrooke@canby.k12.or.us) for more information.
Incoming 9th Grade Corner
Here are the links for the first three Welcome Videos:
Summer Jump Transition Program for incoming 9th graders!
August 5-16, 8:30am-12:30pm at Canby High School
SafeOregon Program
SafeOregon is a 24-hour anonymous tip-line individuals can use if they see or hear about instances of bullying, violence, threats, drug use, suicidal thoughts and more.
There are a number of ways to report, including:
Texting or calling 844-4-SAFE-OR (844-472-3367)
Emailing tip@safeoregon.com
Online at safeoregon.com
Via the SafeOregon app
For more information, please visit our CSD SafeOregon website.
Bus Transportation
If you have any questions or problems with school bus transportation, please email Student Transport of America (STA) at canbyschoolbus@ridesta.com.
Nutrition Services
Free Food Resources
For Mental Health Resources
**Emergency Services- for life threatening emergencies - 911**
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline - 988
Clackamas County Emergency/Crisis Mental Health Services - 503-655-8585
Non-emergency: 503-742-5335
Crisis Text Line - Text HOME to 741741
National Alliance on Mental Illness - Text NAMI to 741741
Oregon Youthline 877-968-8491 or Text teen2teen to 839863
Trevor Project (LGBTQ+) -866-488-7386 or text START to 678678
Call to Safety: If you are an adult and worried about your safety at home. Interpretation line available.1-888-235-5333
Proyecto Unica: Spanish version of Call to Safety. 503-232-4448
DHS Hotline (Oregon Department of Human Services) If you are worried about the safety of a child, Interpretation services available. 855-503-7233
Update CSD Communications List: CSD Email/Text preferences online
Connect with CHS
Email: chsoffice@canby.k12.or.us
Website: www.canbyhs.canby.k12.or.us
Location: 721 Southwest 4th Avenue, Canby, OR, USA
Phone: 503-263-7200
Facebook: facebook.com/CanbyHighSchool/
Twitter: @canbyhighschool