Cub Scouts Pack 4 Beverly
Monthly Update September 2019
Please read through this email for information regarding Pack 4, registration for this year, and upcoming September and October events. If you are a member of our private Facebook group, information regarding upcoming activities will also be posted there. Leaders will do their best to make scouting activities "Facebook events" to assist with managing busy schedules. Also, within this newsletter, you will find a link to a Pack 4 google calendar and a copy of the calendar for the year.
Please note that events specific to your child’s den will be communicated via your Den Leader and will not be listed in this monthly Pack 4 update.
A list of Pack 4 leaders and their contact information is listed at the bottom of the newsletter. Please reach out with any questions.
For returning scouts: Updated paperwork will be collected either at our September Pack Meeting or requested via email. We will be working to use Scoutbook more this year and will send you a parent link with information, if applicable.
For new scouts: An initial online registration must be completed to join Pack 4. If you have not done so already, please follow this link to begin your registration process. https://my.bsa.us/227paa00 04mb
Once Pack 4 receives this information, a second registration email will be sent out to you. There is often a delay between your initial registration and scout leaders receiving notice. Feel free to email your den leader (see list of den leaders below, match your child with the correct grade) with your child's full name, DOB, grade, and phone number. We will then add you to our email distribution so that you do not miss any information while your registration is being processed.
For non-returning scouts: Please let your den leader, cubmaster (Nathan Towne-Smith), or committee chair (Meghan Walsh) know that your child will not be participating in cub scouts this year. This will help us to plan for this year and complete our required BSA paperwork.
Annual dues for the 2019-2020 year will be $90 per scout. Please be reminded that the majority of that money goes to fees charged by BSA and that less than $20 directly goes to support Pack 4. As always, Pack 4 accepts direct donations. Annual dues must be paid at, or prior to, the September 27th Pack Meeting. Options for payment are Venmo, Check, or cash.
Saturday, September 7th
Lynch Park
This recruitment event is organized for families new to scouting to meet with leaders from all of the Beverly Cub Scout Packs and Boy Scout Troops. Current members of Pack 4 are not required to attend this event. However, they are invited to stop by (in uniform) and meet with new families or participate in some of the activities leaders have put together. New families interested in scouting should plan to attend to meet with leaders, ask questions, and receive information about scouting in Beverly. Current Pack 4 families should spread the word to friends to attend (drop in anytime between 1:00-4:00) this event if they are considering scouting for this year. Nathan Towne-Smith is the lead contact for this event. Questions/Ideas: nathan.townesmith74@gmail.com
September Pack Meeting/Sign Up Night
Thursday, September 19th
6:30 PM
Second Congregational Church, Conant Street, Beverly
This first pack meeting of the new scouting year will consist of the usual flag ceremony. Following the ceremony, the leaders will meet with parents to discuss the scout year, complete scouting paperwork and any registrations, as well as collect annual dues. During this time, scouts will attend a presentation that will be announced early in September. Class A uniforms should be worn to this event. For families new to scouting, our Pack 4 box of clean, recycled uniform pieces will be available to look through at this meeting. Information on where to buy new scouting uniforms is included below. Nathan Towne-Smith is the lead contact for this event. Questions/Ideas: nathan.townesmith74@gmail.com
Class A uniforms are the traditional cub scout shirt (with patches sewn on), cap, neckerchief, and belt. Uniforms can be tried on and purchased at the Woburn Scout Shop, located in Woburn. They recently moved. Scout Shop employees are able to guide you in selecting the appropriate uniform pieces. Most of our Pack 4 scouts wear everyday pants or shorts with their uniform shirts and do not purchase the pants. Be ready to tell the Scout Shop employees your child's den (Lion, Tiger, Wolf, Bear, or Webelos) and that you are part of Pack 4 in Beverly. The Scout Shop can become very busy in September, so plan accordingly. The address is: Tower Office Park 2, Woburn, MA 01801
Class B uniforms are t-shirts designed and sold by Pack 4 and available in adult and child sizes. Cost is $12.50 per shirt. Remaining shirts will be available for purchase at the September Pack Meeting.
This Pack 4 Monthly Update serves to keep everyone in Pack 4 in the loop about upcoming events and activities specific to our pack. It is usually sent out within the first week of each month after the Pack 4 Leaders Meeting (which is when all officers and den leaders meet to plan for upcoming events). This update can sometimes be lengthy, but it is often helpful to keep it saved to reference when looking for dates, times, and explanations of events. Welcome and we are excited to have you in Pack 4!
If anyone would like additional email addresses/family members, etc. added to this mailing, please reach out to Nathan Towne-Smith to update the roster: nathan.towne-smith74@gmail.com
Pack 4 also has a private Facebook page which is also used to share information. If you are on Facebook, please request “Cub Scout Pack 4 Beverly Mass.”
PACK 4 CALENDAR 2019-2020
Please note that some dates may change throughout the year. Leaders will do their best to update calendars and communicate changes as soon as possible. We appreciate your understanding that changes may occur.
Use this link to connect the Pack 4 google calendar with your own google calendar:
9/7 Citywide Sign Up Event 1:00-4:00 pm Lynch Park
9/10 Leaders Meeting 7:00 pm TBD
TBD Geocache Hike TBD
9/19 Pack Meeting/Sign Up Night 6:30 pm 2nd Congregational Church
10/1 Leaders Meeting 7:00 pm TBD
10/5-6 Bobcat Campout 4:00 pm Camp Paradise
10/24 Pack Meeting - Halloween Theme 6:30 pm 2nd Congregational Church
11/10 Greenery Order Turn in ALL DAY
11/11 Veterans Day 11:11 am Odell Park or City Hall
11/12 Leaders Meeting 7:00 pm TBD
11/23 Greenery Delivery
12/1 Holiday Parade TBD Beverly High School
12/11 Leaders Meeting. 7:00 pm TBD
1/7 Leaders Meeting/PWD Prep 7:00 pm TBD
1/23 Pack Meeting 6:30 pm 2nd Congregational Church
1/25 Pinewood Derby 1:30 pm 2nd Congregational Church
2/2 Scout Sunday TBD 2nd Congregational Church
2/4 Leaders Meeting 7:00 pm TBD
TBD Winter Hike or CoCo KeysTBD TBD
TBD Maple Sugaring Jamboree 1:00-4:00 pm Ipswich River Wildlife Sanctuary
2/27 Pack Meeting/Soldier Service Project 6:30 pm 2nd Congregational Church
3/10 Leaders Meeting 7:00 pm TBD
3/?? Pack Overnight TBD TBD
3/26 Pack Meeting/Webelos Crossover TBD TBD or 2nd Congregational
TBD Spring Hike with Boy Scouts TBD TBD
4/7 Leaders Meeting 7:00 pm TBD
4/27 April Pack Meeting/Earth Service Project TBD TBD or 2nd Congregational
5/5 Leaders Meeting 7:00 pm TBD
5/16 West Beach Campout 2:00 pm West Beach
TBD Memorial Day Flagging TBD Cemetery TBD
5/25 Memorial Day parade TBD Meet at TBD
5/26 Leaders Meeting 7:00 pm TBD
6/6 Cross Over/Blue & Gold Ceremony 6:00 pm 2nd Congregational Church
& Dads’ Cake-Baking Challenge
6/23 Leaders Meeting- Year Wrap Up 7:00 pm TBD
7/4 Ryal Side Parade 10:00 am TBD
TBD Navigators Game 7:00 pm Fraser Field, Lynn
Cubmaster- Nathan Towne-Smith: nathan.townesmith74@gmail.com
Committee Chair- Meghan Walsh: dohertywalsh@gmail.com
Lion Den Leader (Kindergarten) - Shane Fisher: masonsdad2011@gmail.com
Tiger Den Leader (1st Graders) - Mike Feldman: mike.keefe.feldman@gmail.com
Wolf Den Leader (2nd Graders) - Sarah Byrne: sarahbyrne4@hotmail.com
Bear Den Leader (3rd Graders) - Eric Wilder: eric.wilder@clearesult.com
Webelos I Den Leader (4th Graders) - Kyle Archibald: kylearchibald115@gmail.com
Webelos II Den Leader (5th Graders) - Chris Rodkey: crodkey@gmail.com
Pack 4 Treasurer/Greenery Organizer- Chelsea Fisher: cfisher32809@gmail.com
Service Project Coordinators- Cindy Feliciano: cfeliciano1@icloud.com; Melissa More: melrody@yahoo.com