The Met Memo
Elementary School Updates for the Week of June 18
Upcoming Dates and Deadlines
Monday, June 19: Grade 5 Promotion Ceremony; MAP Family Reports due to be sent to parents
Wednesday, June 21: All-Staff Meeting in the Nest; report cards go live
Thursday, June 22: Last day of school for students -- 10 school days left!
Sunday, June 25: Last day of school for teachers! Woohoo!
General Updates
PLCs for Homeroom Teachers This Week
We will not meet for PLCs this week.
End-of-Year Awards
We will do our Trimester 3/End-of-Year Awards this week, on the following days:
- Monday: Grade 1 and Grade 2
- Tuesday: Grade 3
- Wednesday: Grade 4 and Grade 5
End-of-Year Tasks
Team, thank you for your hard work on getting our reporting finished.
Homeroom teachers, we just have a few final tasks to close out the year:
- If you haven't already, please download your MAP Family Reports. You should share those with families by Monday.
- We have already informed families that RAZ-Kids and IXL will be available to students over the summer. Please make sure that reading levels on RAZ and MAP scores on IXL are updated this week.
Please send a confirmation email to Matt and Dina once you're finished with these tasks.
Thanks Team!
No Library This Week
Please remember that there will be no sessions in the library this week. Thanks!
This Week at a Glance
Sunday, June 18
Monday, June 19
Morning Lines: Grade 1 and 2 Awards
8:30 - 9:30 Grade 5 Bridging Ceremony in the Big Gym
By End of Day: HR teachers send MAP Family Reports to parents
Tuesday, June 20
Morning Lines: Grade 3 Awards
Wednesday, June 21
Morning Lines: Grade 4 and 5 Awards
3:15 - 4:15 All Met Meeting in the Nest
Thursday, June 22
Last day with students!