November News from Rosedale
We are grateful for our Rosedale families.
Happy November!
Please continue to focus on your student attending every day. The three full weeks between Thanksgiving break and winter break are a great opportunity for academic growth.
We will be honoring students who have 100% attendance each week in December. We love having your student at Rosedale.
I am grateful for the opportunity to work with this amazing staff who are student centered. I am thankful for the opportunity to serve at Rosedale. I appreciate each member of our community.
Learning around our school!
Featured Grade: Fifth Grade
We are off to a great start this school year!
Calming Corner (here's a self regulation tip from our wellness center, THE LION'S DEN)
News from RPG (Rosedale Parent Group)
Dates to Remember
November 18 - December 6 - Food Drive
December 14 9:00-3:00- Holiday Bazaar
December 16-20 - Free Dental Sealants & Screening
December 20 - Spirit Day: Comfy Clothes/PJ day
December 20 2:00 - PBIS Assembly
December 23-January 3 - Winter Break
January 8 - January 22 - See's Candy Fundraiser
January 17 - Rosedale Parent Group Movie Night
January 20 - No school - Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
January 24 - Spirit Day: Sports Day
January 24 2:20 - PBIS Assembly
January 31 - No school - Grade Prep Day
We have Rosedale pride!
Phone: (503)844-1200
Twitter: @RosedaleLions