The Royals Report
June 2024
We are the Royals!
Mascoma Valley Regional High School Core Values Belief Statement
Mascoma Valley Regional High School strives to be a community of lifelong learners who demonstrate engagement and perseverance in academic and personal endeavors. Through a collaborative effort, the school community is responsible for fostering a safe and respectful environment that promotes a strong work ethic, intellectual curiosity, integrity, and movement toward academic excellence.
Academic Excellence~Lifelong Learner ~Integrity ~ Work Ethic ~ Respect
Special Olympics Torch Run
On May 30th, the Law Enforcement Special Olympics Torch Run once again came through MVRHS. Canaan Police Department, Lebanon and Canaan EMS, Enfield Police Department, Lebanon Police Department, and Enfield Police Department participated. Check out the YouTube Video of this great event!
Signing Day
On May 28th, five senior student athletes were recognized for their commitment to join athletic teams at the college level. Bryanna Thurston will be attending New England College and playing field hockey, James Thomas will be attending Plymouth State University and playing basketball, Emily Seiler will be attending Elmira College and playing soccer, TJ Mardin will be attending Plymouth State University and playing football, Kylie Rogers will be attending the University of Vermont-Caselton and be playing field hockey. We look forward to seeing these student athletes play at the collegiate level next season.
Destination Imagination at Globals
Last week nine of our district students competed in the 2024 Destination Imagination Global Finals in Kansas City, MO. Both teams worked on a Central Challenge all year where their performance could not exceed 7 minutes and were given an Instant Challenge at the competition itself.
Instant Challenges require teams to engage in quick, creative and critical thinking skills.
Each challenge posed different scenarios and objectives that were scored by the judges. Our teams competed in the Scientific Challenge and the Improvisation Challenge.
The Scientific Challenge blends the curiosity of scientific research with the creative expression of performance art.
The Improvisational Challenge is all about research, spontaneity, and storytelling. Teams receive topics and quickly produce skits.
While there, students watched performances and mingled with other students from all over the world, including Mexico, Australia, and South Korea to name a few.
Both teams did really well!
Nurse Information
Unused medications, prescription or over the counter, MUST be returned home at the end of the school year. If you provided a medication to the school for administration during the school day, please confirm a plan to pick them up not later than 6/14/2024. Medications CANNOT be sent home with a student. A parent/guardian or designated adult must receive the medication from the school nurse. I will prepare the medications and deliver them to parents who pick up their child(ren) at dismissal on 6/14/24.
Please contact the school nurse by June 7, 2024 to confirm your plan for collecting your child's medications by 1:00pm on June 14, 2024.
Please take a moment to help...
Every three years, Dartmouth Health members and partners conduct a Community Health Needs Assessment - a 10 minute survey – where we ask community members to tell us how we can make our communities healthier for everyone.
During our last cycle, over 1600 members of the DHMC and APD service region took our survey. Based on the results of the survey, we continued investing in substance misuse prevention, housing, and access to healthcare. At the same time, we invested new resources into food and family supports. The APD Smiles Program is one of the recipients of this funding.
What does your community need? Please take the survey here:
English Survey: []
Spanish Survey: []
Looking for an old MVRHS Yearbook? We have copies.
Principal's Message
Dear MVRHS Community,
As we reach the end of another school year, I am filled with pride and gratitude for the dedication and hard work of our students, staff, and families. It has been a year of tremendous growth, learning, and achievements.
I am so proud of the graduating seniors. It has been an amazing two years with these students and I can't wait to see them grow wings and be successful in the future. As they embark on this new chapter, remember that Mascoma will always be home. Stay connected, nurture the relationships you have forged, and draw strength from the bonds you have created. The journey may take you far and wide, but know that you carry with you the spirit of resilience that has been nurtured within the walls of MVRHS.
Have a fantastic summer and be safe!
Warmly regards,
Tina Fleming
MVRHS Principal
Useful Information Links
Food Service with links to My Meal Time and Free and Reduced Lunch Forms:
Upcoming Events
June 9 Senior Awards
June 14 Graduation
June 14 Last Day of School
August 27 First Day of School 2024-2025
How to reach us:
Location: 27 Royal Road, Canaan, NH, USA
Phone: 603-632-4308
Twitter: @MascomaRoyalsAD