Bee Cave Beehive
WELCOME 2024-2025 BOBCATS !!!
Dear Bobcat Families,
I hope everyone has had a fun and relaxing summer! As we all know, the first day of school is right around the corner and our campus administrative team is already back working diligently to make sure everything is ready to go for your kiddos.
This Beehive is PACKED with information, so please read carefully and thoroughly. Over the next few weeks I will be sending this out multiple times to make sure that you receive it and have all necessary information for the start of school. Between now and the start of school there might be slight changes and I will note those as they happen. In addition to this newsletter, you will be receiving notifications from me called "Highlights", which will highlight specific information from the newsletter for you to review.
Even though our offices are open right now Monday through Thursday, from 9am to 1pm, our front office is still under construction. If you have any questions or concerns please contact us via email or phone.
Upon completion of the security upgrades to our front office, our sign in/out procedures (noted below in this newsletter) in the front office may change a little. You will be notified of any changes the closer that we get to the start of school.
I hope that you enjoy the rest of your summer and we will see you soon!
Principal Kellner
2024 - 2025 School Supply Lists
Mark Your Calendars !
***August 9th***
Class Assignments will be emailed to parents ..... 4pm
***August 10th***
Kinder Popsicles
BCE Large Playground
9am to 11am
Come experience being on a bus!
Car rider tags available for 1st time Bobcats!
***August 11th***
LTISD Administration Building front drive
9am to 11am
***August 12th***
Where you will find VERY important information regarding:
Car-Rider Tags
FANS (Food & Nutrition)
LTISD Transportation
LTEF (Lake Travis Education Foundation)
Raptor (in front office)
Please take the opportunity this evening to register your information in Raptor (using your driver's license) so that any and all future visit check-ins to the campus take less time.
***August 14th***
- Doors open to receive students from car rider and off of the bus at 7:20am.
- Front office door opens at 7:40am for visitors.
- Tardy bell rings and instruction begins promptly at 7:40am
- Kinder parents ONLY, may park in the front lot and walk their student to class for the first short week (August 14th, 15th, & 16th). Starting the second day (August 15th) a parent must sign in first in the front office through Raptor, as this will support our safety and security protocols. Please plan accordingly.
- 1st grade through 5th grade may park and walk their child in on the first day ONLY.
BCE 24-25 Parking, Arrival and Dismissal Information
Parent parking for visiting campus will be at the front entrance facing Hamilton Pool Road (as noted in the diagram below).
Parent parking for afternoon dismissal (Kinder ONLY) will be in the back of the school (as noted in the diagram below) for the first nine weeks (ending October 10th). Kinder Parent Pick-up will begin each day after the busses leave the campus. For safety, please stay in your car or up on the hill until the busses leave the parking lot.
Again, October 10th, those participating in Kinder Parent Pick up will change to the car rider option.
**** PLEASE NOTE****
For the first short week of school, staff will be encouraged to use the back (car-rider) lot so Kinder parents can park and walk their children in.
AM Arrival Drop-off Locations & Traffic Flow
Morning arrival will happen in the following ways:
Kinder parents ONLY can drop students and walk then in the first week.
Everyone has the opportunity to use the car rider line for morning drop off, or
students can ride the bus. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE work with your children to help them to buckle and unbuckle their seat belt to get in and out of the car independently. This will help keep the line moving efficiently. For your child's safety, it is extremely important for the students to exit the car on the passenger side only.
There should not be parent/visitor/car traffic through the bus drive in the mornings.
PM Dismissal Locations & Traffic Flow
There are only two afternoon dismissal/pick-up locations:
- The back, side lot for car riders and
- The back lot for buses and Kinders (this will be an option for Kinders ONLY from 8.14 to 10.10)
Kinder parent pick up will be in the back bus drive for the first grading period ONLY. Parents, please park in the parking spots, and stay in/near your car (until the buses leave) and do not block the drive for the busses. Once the busses leave you can walk down the hill and towards the hill so we can begin calling for your student(s). The students will be dismissed out of the middle back door (noted below by a star).
Car rider line this year will fill to the stop sign at the edge of the fence and stop (noted by the stop sign below) , then resume at the Hamilton Pool street entrance in the turning lane (as noted by the Yield sign below). Once the cars move forward at the stop sign more cars can enter the car rider line in the campus.
PLEASE do not block cars from entering or exiting the campus. Emergency vehicles need to be able to have access to the campus at ALL times.
A staff member will be out front for the first few weeks to get the process going. Then we will rely on you to maintain it as the year continues. Student pick up spot for car rider will be in the back car rider lot (as noted below by the heart).
Dismissal will take longer for the first couple weeks of school until everyone gets used to the routine. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE be patient as we work out all of the kinks.
***September 2nd***
Labor Day
Student & Staff Holiday
***September 3rd***
K-2 .......... 5 - 5:45
3-5 .......... 6 - 6:45
(More info to come closer to date)
Friday Morning Assemblies
Bobcats will enjoy assemblies in our Gym once a week from approximately 7:50 - 8:15 am. If parents want to join our assembly, they MUST sign in in the office first. Please bring your ID.
During our assemblies, Bobcats will say the pledges, sing songs, hear announcements, and recognize special events throughout the school year.
This year we will continue having our assemblies by alternating Fridays for grades Kinder-2nd and 3rd-5th, starting with 3rd through 5th. Our first assembly (3rd though 5th) will be on Friday, August 23rd. The schedule for the fall assemblies will come in a future newsletter.
Visitors for lunch are welcome to start on Friday, September 3rd. You MUST raptor in at our front office kiosk each time you come to eat lunch with your child[ren].
It is our elementary practice across the district to hold off visiting for lunch until we have made it through the first two weeks of school. The reason for the requested delay is that we have found that the children need to spend time with our staff learning lunch account information, finding their seats in the cafeteria, lunchroom etiquette, and arrival and dismissal routines. This time is sacred for us to establish routines in the lunchroom.
Also, please be respectful of other families' privacy concerns. Please do not take photos inside the school unless it is of you and your child[ren]. Please be careful not to have other students in any photos.
Kindergarten.......10:25 - 10:55
1st Grade............11:35 - 12:05
2nd Grade...........1:30 - 2:00
3rd Grade............11:00 - 11:30
4th Grade............12:55 - 1:25
5th Grade.............12:10 - 12:40
Please visit the Bee Cave website to access the district’s Food and Nutrition (FANS) website to add money to your child’s lunch account, view your child’s purchases, access the daily menu, and to set restrictions for your child’s lunch. It is not permissible for the cafeteria and school staff to restrict your child’s purchases. Please take the time to review the FANS site and establish your child’s lunch account. It is suggested that all students have an account with a few days credit on it in case lunches or money are misplaced or forgotten.
We are still running one lunch line, so if you can send your child with a lunch that can give your child more time to eat. However, please know that your child can stay in the cafeteria to finish eating after the lunch is over if they need to.
Dismissal is at 3:00pm. If you need to sign your student out early on a particular day, please make certain that the student's departure time from school will be prior to 2:30 pm.
Please do not pick up your child early every day for the convenience of avoiding the traffic. Our system works only if everyone participates. Our front office is NOT a daily dismissal pick up location and your child would be missing over two hours a week of their education. If it is brought to my attention that this is occurring frequently, then I will be reaching out to schedule a conference. Some important points to remember:
SMART Tag- There is an option in SMART Tag that you can select which will notify us that your student will be leaving early. Notifying us of an early departure via SMART Tag is helpful in that your student can have their items (lunchbox and backpack) ready to go when you arrive. To select this option, you will log into your Parent Portal, select 'View Profile,' select 'Add Attendance Change,' and then select 'Early Dismissal.' You may even add a note to indicate the time that you plan to pick up the student. If the pick up time is going to be before 1 p.m., please email your child’s teacher as well.
Security of our students is a priority, so when signing a student out from school you will need to have your have your photo ID scanned into our Raptor System as a designated guardian for that child, it will have to be confirmed that you are a designated guardian or that you are listed on the student's emergency contact list. Once confirmed, we will need one of the following to scan into the Raptor security system:
Valid Driver’s License (any state)
State-Issued Identification Card
Work Visa Green Card
We want to make sure your student does not miss any of their important classroom curriculum or school activities; so when picking up a student early (before 2:30) I will call for your student when you arrive in the front office.
When picking up a student early, students might be in their Specials Class, Lunch or Recess so it's best to arrive a few minutes early to give them time to grab their backpacks and lunch boxes from their classrooms.
After the first day of school, parents, guardians and others who have scheduled appointments are welcome to visit our school on or after September 1st.
Once your photo ID has been scanned into the Raptor Visitor Management System, it should retain your personal information, making it possible for you to obtain your own visitor or volunteer badge at one of our Raptor kiosks without a need to have your photo ID scanned into the system again. The kiosks are located in the Front Office.
Once you have obtained your visitor or volunteer badge, please be sure to wear your visitor or volunteer badge while you are on our campus. As you depart, you can electronically sign out and return your badge to the Receptionist.
When signing in, It's important that you correctly identify yourself as either a visitor or volunteer. The Raptor system helps us to track your volunteer hours of service, and we like to recognize our volunteers for their service. We don't want you to miss out on any opportunities to be appropriately recognized and thanked for your service.
Volunteers can perform any job that does not require working alone with students. Note: If volunteers plan to work alone with one or more students, they must agree to a complete criminal background check to be conducted by the Texas Department of Public Safety. Inquire with the campus Volunteer Coordinator for more details.
Volunteers will be required to sign in through Raptor each time they visit.
Volunteers will be required to sign a Confidentiality Pledge each school year. (inside Volunteer Handbook)
Volunteer opportunities are available as soon as the campus is ready to receive assistance.
Elementary Monitors Needed - Please Apply
We currently have two open Monitor positions. If you, or anyone you know, would be interested in joining our Bobcat family by being a lunch monitor, please click here to apply. It is a 5 hour position each day.
Primary Function: Under the direction of the Principal, assists students in the cafeteria during the lunch period and maintains order. Establishes control in the cafeteria and playground and insures students a safe and pleasant environment. Provides support services to the staff in the area of duplicating, mail distribution, telephone answering, preparation of teaching materials, and supervision of students.
Please go to this link for a full job description and go to this link to apply.
Celebrating Birthdays
To celebrate birthdays, the classroom teacher will provide the student with a special birthday ticket (shown at the top of this section) that entitles him/her to a free, yummy, healthy treat from the cafeteria during lunchtime. (Summer birthdays or birthdays falling on other days that are not school days will be recognized so that no one is left out of the fun!)
We are respectful of parents' concerns about food being shared which is why we celebrate with special lunch treats in the cafeteria IN LIEU of cupcakes, cakes, flowers, and gifts being distributed in the birthday Bobcat's classroom.
Extended Care 24-25
From the School Nurse
Emergency care plans must be updated every school year. Please see the following forms if your child has asthma, seizures or allergies requiring epinephrine. Any forms completed over the summer can be faxed to 512-533-6251 or emailed to .
If your child is getting vaccines over the summer, please make sure all records are signed/stamped by the doctor. Feel free to email or fax the records to 512-533-6251. All 5th grade medical files will transfer over to the middle school campus nurse. Any updated vaccines should be sent to the middle school nurse :) !
Water bottles & Other Personal Items
2024- 2025 New Student Registration
- Go to
- Click on Students New to the District: 2024-2025 School Year
- ·Have the following documents ready to upload into the online enrollment:
- Certified copy of birth certificate (incoming kindergartners must be 5 years old by September 1)
- Proof of residency (i.e. lease agreement, closing documents, property tax statement, or property deed AND a current utility bill – water, electricity or gas – with matching address)
- Immunization records – Signed by a doctor
- Social Security Card (preferred, but optional)
- Photo ID of parent/guardian enrolling child
Questions regarding filling out online enrollment form in Skyward email
Questions regarding enrollment requirements: email BCE Registrar Julie Gayler at
Consistent school attendance is critical for the development of your child. When they miss school, we miss them! The entire school day is needed to deliver the full instructional program. Students need to come to school and attend the full day unless they have fever, a communicable disease, or family emergency. Help us communicate the importance of daily attendance to your child and schedule necessary appointments around school hours. When an absence is necessary, report the absence using Smart Tag. For questions regarding attendance concerns, please e-mail Julie Gayler at A note explaining any absence is required upon the student’s return to school.
Safety and security is our top priority. We believe relationships are critical to successful schools, and ultimately, our families and students are the best partners in keeping our campuses safe. Our principals and school administrators investigate every reported tip or threat. We have a full time LTISD Police Officer, Donnie Williamson, on our campus that we collaborate with daily to be ready to take quick and appropriate action, including notifying families, if there is a valid danger on campus.
We ask all of our families and students to please share any information regarding school or student safety by either directly contacting a school staff member or by using the Cavs Who Care Tip Line, our anonymous alert system. As LTISD grows, we will continue to explore and collaborate with other school districts to find new ways to improve safety and security at our campuses.
Standard Response Protocol
A critical ingredient in the safe school recipe is the classroom response to an incident at school. Weather events, fire, accidents, intruders and other threats to student safety are scenarios that are planned and trained for by students, teachers, staff and administration.
LTISD is expanding its safety program to include the Standard Response Protocol. The SRP is based on these five actions: Lockout, Lockdown, Evacuate, Shelter and Hold. In the event of an emergency, the action and appropriate direction will be announced on the PA system.
Students and staff will be trained and the school will practice these drills over the course of the school year.
Please Read - Regarding Electronic Devices
Norton's notes
Lake Travis ISD Superintendent of Schools
Paul Norton is excited to share "Norton's Notes," a weekly update with news,
notes, and shout outs across the District.
From Our Amazing PTO
Dear Parents,
The BCE PTO newsletter is automatically sent out to everyone who has an active account on our PTO website, If you haven't yet registered or need to update your information, please do! You won't want to miss out on all the important updates for PTO meetings, volunteer opportunities, fundraisers, and more!
Our BCE PTO Board
Natalie Nugent- President
Ashley Gilbert- Vice President
Tiffany Bennett & Precious Haines - Treasurer & Co-Treasurer
Katie Olson & Jade Stewart - Membership
Kirsten Krupa - Fundraising
Meagan Gafford - Secretary
Katie Boyd & Jaclyn Clor - Room Parent Coordinators
Kristy Solominsky - Volunteer Coordinator
Need Tech Support? Here is where to go.
Skyward Questions
Technology issues - password resets, computer issues 512 533 6545
TEA on Minimum Standard Health Protocols on Visits to Schools During Campus Closures Cave Elementary
Location: 14300 Hamilton Pool Road, Austin, TX, USA
Phone: 512-533-6250
Twitter: @BCEBobcats
Website (linkable)