EECV Family Newsletter
December/January - News and Information for our Families
Happy Holidays
Dear EECV Families,
I want to take a moment to wish you and your family a very happy and healthy holiday season. During the next few weeks EECV will be buzzing with activity as our students continue learning through hands-on engaging activities. Their energy and creativity continues to be an inspiration to our staff!
As the weather turns colder and inclement weather is upon us, I want to remind you to please dress your student for indoor and outdoor play each day they are here. We don't mind changing from boots to shoes when students come in during snowy weather. We also encourage winter coats, hats, and gloves each day for outdoor play as well.
Also, just a reminder that if your child will not be at school please call our office at 440-284-8250 and leave a message so that we can note the absence and the reason.
Finally, a reminder for our students who ride the bus. Although, Elyria Schools is no longer requiring students to wear masks while at school beginning on January 3rd, it is still a requirement of all students who ride the bus. Please ensure your child is wearing a mask each day they are riding on a school bus. Thank you!
We love being a partner in your child's education. Thank you for your support each day!
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us at any time.
Jackie Plantner, Principal
Myia Bruening, Secretary -
Dawn Resar, Secretary -
Jennifer Packman, School Nurse -
Holiday Spirit Week 12/20-12/23
- December 20 - Candy Cane Day. Wear red & white.
- December 21 - Santa’s Workshop. Dress like one of Santa’s helpers.
- December 22 - Grinch Day. Wear green.
- December 23 - Pajama Day. We encourage school and weather appropriate pajamas. Please no slippers or stuffed animals. Thank you!
Simple Questions for Early Readers
Here are a few simple questions you can use while reading to your child.
Questions to Ask BEFORE Reading:
- What do you think this book is about?
- What do you think will happen?
- Do you think this book is real or make believe?
- What do you think is going to happen next?
- How do you think it is going to end?
- How does the main character feel?
- Do you like this book? Why?
- What happened?
- What is your favorite part? Why?
- Who was your favorite character? What did you like about them?
Happy reading!
From the Desk of Nurse Packman
It takes a village to stay healthy! Please do your part by keeping your child home if they are showing any signs of illness including, but not limited to:
Fever—any temperature of 100 degrees Fahrenheit (F) or greater.
Loose watery stools or diarrhea
New or persistent cough, congestion or difficulty breathing
Complaints of pain (like a headache, sore throat, or earache)
A rash, especially when other symptoms are present
Runny nose or nasal congestion
Red or itchy eye(s)
If your child has a fever or cough overnight or in the morning, please DO NOT give them Tylenol/Motrin/cough syrup and then send them to school. Call Nurse Packman at (440) 284-8099 if you have questions about your child’s health.
Get a FREE Kinsa thermometer by texting JOIN to 24020.
Please take a minute to make sure that we have up to date contact information so that we can reach you in case of an emergency. If you need to change your contact information or report that your child will be absent, please call the EECV office at (440) 284-8162.
Last month we highlighted a video from Sesame Street on belly breathing. This month you can check out this video introducing Julia. Julia reminds us that all children are unique and have different needs.
Upcoming Events
- Thursday, December 16th - Story Time with the Elyria Public Library for Orange, Burgundy, Green, Gold, Pink, and Gray Rooms
- Monday, December 20th - Holiday Spirit Week Begins
- Friday, December 24th through Sunday, January 2nd - Winter Break, SCHOOLS CLOSED
- Monday, January 3rd - School Resumes
- Thursday, January 6th - Story Time with the Elyria Public Library for Lilac, Silver, Peach, Aqua, Yellow, and White Rooms
- Monday, January 17th - Martin Luther King Jr. Day, SCHOOLS CLOSED
- Thursday, January 20th - Story Time with the Elyria Public Library for Orange, Burgundy, Green, Gold, Pink, and Gray Rooms
- Monday, January 24th - Records Day, NO SCHOOL for students
Elyria Early Childhood Village
Elyria Early Childhood Village
Location: 42101 Griswold Road, Elyria, OH, USA
Phone: (440) 284-8250
Twitter: @EECVschool