Words from LTHS Guidance & Counseling
| Holiday Edition |
In this edition, the following will be reviewed:
1. UPstanders!
2. Mental Health Resource Guide
3. Fajitas and FAFSA and FAFSA Waiver
4. Challenge Day: A Success
5. Lacey College Academy Informational Night
6. Counselor Contact
1. UPstanders!
UPstanders (noun):
A community-engaging anti-bullying program that facilitates celebration, family togetherness and local economy stimulation.
The UPstander program recognizes students for contributing to a positive school climate. The spirit of this program is multi-pronged and seeks to achieve the following:
1. Encourage the facilitation of a positive school climate;
2. Celebrate our youth for being contributory to a healthy community;
3. Engage our local small businesses;
4. Promote family togetherness through a meal.
Each UPstander was rewarded a gift card to a local restaurant. Parents will be strongly encouraged to take their whole family to this family dinner.
As our UPstander partner, we are very thankful to the following sponsor for their
generosity this fall season:
Via Napoli
Click on the icons below to order today!
We appreciate this community partnership, our student’s positive behaviors and our nominating staff, and are pleased to announce our Fall UPstanders of the 2024-2025 school year, who have represented either leadership, inspiration, or optimism:
Amelia Lamberti
Madeline Sullivan
Alexander Barneman
Katrina Conti
Payton Edwards
Landon Cline
Amy Barrett
Thomas Cassella
Nathan Sabie
Matus Flynn
Mia Knieriemen
Congratulations to these young adults, their parents and their families! Enjoy a night out celebrating this success!
2. Mental Health Resource Guide
The winter months can often be a challenging time for our youth and families. Please consider utilizing our District's Mental Health and Resource Guide. You may click on the icon to review many resources in our community.
As always, the counseling team continues to be ready to help our students and their families.
3. Fajitas and FAFSA and FAFSA Waiver
Seniors and Parents:
Please see attached flyer for our upcoming Fajitas and FAFSA event. This will be the second FAFSA event of this school year, after a successful one in December!
Lacey Township High School Guidance & Counseling Department strongly encourages all of our seniors that plan to attend college to attend our upcoming January 22nd Fajitas and FAFSA workshop, as early FAFSA completion may aid in financial aid packages for colleges.
Also, as the flyer states, FAFSA completion is a graduation requirement this year; this workshop style event provides guidance in completing this process. (And of course, a free fajita dinner is included!) Registration may occur through this form. We are very thankful to the LTEA for sponsoring this event!!!
Though Fajitas and FAFSA attendance is encouraged--***it is the FAFSA completion itself, or a FAFSA waiver form, that is a new NJDOE graduation requirement. ***
For students or families that are not completing the FAFSA this year, please review this FAFSA waiver form. These are available in paper form in the Lacey Township High School Guidance & Counseling Department, which is also where completed forms can be submitted.
4. Challenge Day: A Success
Lacey Township High School hosted its third annual Challenge Day on December 16, 2024; this event took place during the entire school day and was generously sponsored by the Ocean County Prosecutor's Office. This video encapsulates the spirit of Challenge Day. Overall, the goal of Challenge Day is to unite students and provide a safe space for them to focus on their deeply-rooted similarities instead of their differences.
During Challenge Day, students worked in small groups with 3-4 peers, called "families." Each "family" was led by an adult--most of whom were staff members. Any student or staff interested in joining the BE THE CHANGE CLUB post-Challenge Day may complete this form.
5. Lacey College Academy Informational Night
All sophomores and their parents are invited to attend our annual Lacey College Academy Informational Session. For preliminary information regarding this program, which allows students to receive their Associate's Degree prior to a high school diploma, please see our manual.
This event is occurring on the evening of January 22, 2025, in the Lacey Township High School Lecture Hall. No RSVP is required!
6. Counselor Contact
We are thankful for our strong counseling team at Lacey Township High School. Feel free to contact a member of our team via their email address or phone extension, as noted below!