McGuire Minute
Mustang PROUD! Empower Excellence!
Staffirmations-Strategic Plan Goal #4: Personnel and Leadership
Let us know how our staff is doing and help us to recognize them by completing our Staff Shout Out. You can recognize an amazing teacher by filling out a few questions in the link below. We will present them with a Staffirmation Certificate that tells what they were recognized for and by who.
Good Things!
Students of the Month-October
McGuire Elementary 2024-2025 Student Council
Youth Services Monthly Update
MPPS uses the A.L.I.C.E lockdown model. We have been discussing each letter acronym individually and conclude this segment with a brief overview of all of the letters and how we implement this.
The A in A.L.I.C.E stands for Alert.
Being fully aware of one's surroundings is at the heart of situational awareness. Awareness includes recognizing suspicious persons or packages and knowing where the exits are inside a building. Alert is also about overcoming denial and accepting reality. A speedy response can save lives. Knowing when something isn’t right and being able to recognize it is crucial.
L stands for Lockdown. MPPS is fortunate to have the night lock system throughout the district. This system greatly increases the safety of staff and students during a lockdown.Barricades can be desks, shelves, chairs, or any object to prevent/slow down anyone from entering.
Enhanced lockdown provides time for law enforcement’s arrival or safe evacuation. ALICE’s enhanced lockdown has five key strategies:
Control Doors
Spread Out
Prepare to Evacuate or Counter
Area Denial
Important Upcoming Dates
- September 30 - October 4 - Homecoming Spirit Week
- October 4 - Homecoming Parade and Game
- October 9 - Parent Teacher Conferences, 4pm-8pm
- October 10 - Parent Teacher Conferences, 9-12am, 1-4pm/No School for Students
- October 11 - No School for Students Staff
- October 14-18 - Book Fair
- October 15 - Picture Retake Day
- October 31 - Fall Festival Day @ McGuire
- November 5 - No School for Students / Staff in Professional Development
- November 27 - 1st Trimester End
- December 2 - 2nd Trimester Begins
Strategic Plan Goal #3: Communications and Community Engagement
Check below for what is coming up!
PTO-Discount Card Fundraiser GOING ON NOW!
We will be starting a McGuire PTO Fundraiser-Coupon Book sales beginning FRIDAY, September 20!!! Our fundraiser will kick off September 20 and will run until October 14.
Friday, Sept. 20- Monday, Oct. 14. All monies and unsold cards are due to McGuire on Monday, October 14 at the beginning of the school day to be eligible for all prizes!
Biggby Discount Card - $25 ($250 value)
Culvers Discount Card - $25 ($250 value)
Tropical Smoothie Discount Card - $25 ($250 value)
*Our goal is for every student to sell 5 cards but you can keep selling for AMAZING prizes!!
*If you are looking to have more than 15 cards sent home at a time, families can prepay for cards - either cash or check made to McGuire PTO. Families will continue to receive 5 cards at a time once money is returned, until STOP is written on the little manila envelope!
Monies raised support many activities at McGuire, such as: classroom supplies and resources, assemblies, field trips, playground equipment and more! It allows us to cut down on the cost for 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade field trips such as 5th grade camp.
Thank you for your support and selling with the McGuire Fundraiser!
McGuire PTO
Heather Halstead, hjhalstead12@gmail.com
LeeAnn Arens, leeann.arens@gmail.com
2024 Fall Parent Teacher Conference Sign Up Directions Parent/Guardian
Parent Teacher Conference Sign Up Directions Parent/Guardian
MPPS is using Google Calendar to schedule parent -teacher conferences. Click on the link provided by your child(ren)'s teacher or school. Select Oct. 9 or 10 to view available conference times. Clink on a time that will work best.
McGuire Spirit Wear
The McGuire Elementary School back-to-school spirit wear sale begins NOW!! You can order a variety of garments that are delivered to your home in days! Visit https://1stplacespiritwear.com/schools/MI/Mount%20Pleasant/McGuire+Elementary+School/collection_detail.html
Sale Details:
- up to 30% off sitewide through September 24th
- Free shipping on orders over $75
School Pictures will come to you via email with a link to order!
Reporting to Parents Update
Students receive reports three times per year at the elementary level; at the end of each trimester. As an upper elementary student, your student will earn numbers that are rubric-based at the end as we report on student academic progress. Students will be receiving a 3, 2, or a 1 just as you are used to seeing in the past on their report card. Students will not be receiving letter grades. The scale will be as follows:
3-Meets Standards
2-Making Progress
1-Skill Not Developed
N-Not Assessed this Trimester
School Safety Drills
Strategic Plan Goal #5: Operations
During the course of the school year, our buildings are obligated to practice at least 5 Fire Drills, 2 Tornado Drills and 3 Lockdown drills. At times, we do have our YSU Liason or other officers from the Police Department assist in our drills. We cover with our students the locations of where to go for each drill, what to do during specific drills, and how to properly evacuate when it is needed. You can also find this information in your child's Handbook at the front of the student agenda.
During the first weeks of school, classes read the story, I'm Not Scared, I'm Prepared book in their class with their teachers. This book focused on the main components of the safety protocols that we work on with children.
I also encourage you to check out our district website where we have information that pertains to our district school safety. Click here to get to the website.
Mcguire Mustangs are Safe, Respectful and Responsible!
At McGuire Elementary, our school expectations are Be Safe, Be Respectful, and Be Responsible and we are committed to teaching and reinforcing positive behavior expectations in all areas of the school from the classroom to the playground. Each area of our school day, has a focused set of positive expectations that we teach, model, and practice - on what it looks like to be safe, respectful, and responsible.
Our Mustang matrix is at the front of your student's agenda in the pages included for the student handbook, we encourage you to review these expectations at home with your child too.
Daily our students earn Dojo Points for meeting positive expectations, we recognize students with our Mustang Tickets, Weekly Drawings, Positive Office Referrals, Positive Postcards mailed home, and Students of the Month.
We know our students are still growing and developing mentally and socially, so we recognize it is always a work in progress when teaching and reteaching expectations. We utilize restorative practices - including repairing the harm, circle ups, and more.
We appreciate your partnership in supporting our McGuire Mustangs to help make McGuire a great place to be!
Mrs. Erin King and the McGuire Elementary Staff
Capturing Kids' Hearts
Care Solace Information-How to ask for help
Nutrition Club
MPPS Nutrition Club is a unique community support that provides supplemental, weekend food twice a month to participating students.
If your son or daughter qualifies for free or reduced school meals and this nutritional support is needed, he or she is welcome to be enrolled and participate in the MPPS – Nutrition Club.
MPPS - Nutrition Club is made possible through an amazing partnership with the Community Compassion Network and Greater Lansing Food Bank. Financial support is provided by generous donations from many community members and organizations including Mount Pleasant City Women’s Club, Mount Pleasant Area Community Foundation, First United Methodist Church and many other local businesses and groups. In addition there is a multitude of volunteers who donate their time to make this program happen.
To enroll your son or daughter in the MPPS - Nutrition Club, simply complete the following enrollment form. You must also complete the Free & Reduced Lunch Application, which can be found here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1keAoTS3rmP_WAq4wIblJ__s_9WxuIGdq/view
All Student/Parent Information Needs Updated!
McGuire Student Council
Student Council will be up and running soon at McGuire. Students will be able to learn about what Student Council is at McGuire and how to get involved. More information to come soon!
Upcoming Community Events
Medication at School
If your student will be taking medications at school we have a form for that:
All medications must be brought to the office with the appropriate health form. Please do not send medications to school with your child. This includes inhalers and epi-pens.
Morning Drop-Off 8:35am
Afternoon Dismissal 3:49pm
Reminder-No outside food for student lunches
Request for Transportation use the form linked here
https://mtpleasantschools.net/district/transportation/Other forms linked on the Transportation website:
- Permission to Leave Alone
- In City Busing Reduction
Website: https://mtpleasantschools.net/district/transportation/
Phone: 989-775-2323
Before and after school care
PEAK (after school): https://www.mtpleasantschools.net/page/peak-program
SACC (before school)- School Aged Child Care (Before School Program)- 775-2340
No Student Cell Phones, Hats, or Hoods
McGuire has a no student cell phone policy in our student handbook. If a cell phone comes to school with a student it should be turned off and stored in their locked from 8:40am-3:49pm.
We also have a no hats or hoods policy inside the school building, students can wear them outside during recess.
Attendance Policy
Join us here at McGuire as a Lunch Supervisor!
Like @McGuire Elementary
MPPS Website and App
Have you checked out our website?
Download on the App Store
or Get it on Google Play
*scroll to the bottom of the MPPS website and see Stay Connected and the links to download
What's on the Menu?
Bright by text shares tips for you based on your child's age and where you live.
Mary McGuire Elementary
McGuire Elementary Mission Statement:
Empower Excellence
Office Hours 8:00-4:00 p.m.
Erin King, Principal
Email: eking@mp.edzone.net
Website: mtpleasantschools.net/McGuire
Location: 4883 East Crosslanes
Phone: (989) 775-2260
Facebook: facebook.com/McGuireElementary
Twitter: @McGuireschool