Husky Happenings " Family Edition"
February 2. 2025

Principal's Message
It is going to be a FUN week at Dowell! We have the Glow Run and 100th day of school on Tuesday, Thursday Valentine's Dance, and Valentine's Day on Friday! I can't wait to see everyone's dance moves! I am still waiting for the 5th graders to tell me what viral dance I will be recording when we meet our 18,000 with BoosterThon.
I couldn't be prouder of the growth our Huskies showed this week on their I Ready assessments. Your child's teacher should be sending home their reports to show their growth. It was amazing to hear all of the wonderful stories from your student.
Our orchestra and band students participated in all county concert this week and they were amazing! We also had some great work from our students at the DI/Rising Stars competition on Saturday. Ms. Jones-Slappy would like to thank all of the parents that dedicated time to support their students with DI and Rising Stars!
Fall to Winter I Ready Scores
Green- precent of students on grade level, yellow slightly below grade level, red below grade level. While we want all of our students to be in the green. Growth is the most important thing to worry about! Our students are exceeding expectations when it comes to individual growth and that is reason to celebrate!
Fall Math Percents
Winter Math Percents
Fall Reading Percents
Winter Reading Percent
Let's Play is coming for 1st and 2nd graders this spring after school
A Note from Nurse West
With the recent increase in illnesses, I just want to remind everyone to diligently practice good hand hygiene and cough etiquette. If your child is displaying symptoms of illness or is possibly contagious, please keep them at home. Additionally, if your child needs cough drops in school, per CCPS School Health guidelines, you can send cough drops in (in the original packaging) with a note, to be left in the nurse's office. The cough drops can only be given to the student for a max of 3 days.
The mobile dentist and hearing screenings were a big success at Dowell this week. Thank you to the parents that supported!
Any questions, please feel free to reach out to Nurse West by email or phone. Westl@calvertnet.k12.md.us/ 443-550-9488
Important Upcoming Dates
Monday Feb 10 340 DI rising stars
Tuesday Feb 11 340 Music Theatre, Roy Rogers Night
Wednesday Feb 12 340 Music Theatre, GATE
Thursday Feb 13 340 DI rising stars , SMECO Math Team, Valentine's Dance
Friday Feb 14
Please fill out the
School Lunch Application
Please see the bus locater link below. At this time bus routes are not published or finalized. Transportation should be communicating more information with parents/guardians once they complete bus routes. You can check back with the link at any time.