LISD Expect Excellence Newsletter
September 3, 2024

January 13th, 2025
Hello Levelland Lobos!
Over the weekend, I was reminded of how amazing our students are! Levelland ISD Lobos make everything that they do look easy, when in fact it is not. When I was watching our Levelland Chapter livestock show, I was anonymously entered into the "Old Farts" division of the swine show. The senior boys judge this division of the livestock show so it is a lot of fun. My take away from this experience is that everything that our students do is harder than it looks and they obviously put in a lot of effort and time to excel at what they do. I was also reminded that there are cameras everywhere, so there is evidence of my performance in the show ring. I would say my performance was not at all stellar!
In the words of Pele, "Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice, and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do."
Have a great week!
Go Lobos!
Expect Excellence
Becky McCutchen, Superintendent
All Things LISD..................
FFA Chapter Show Success
Our Levelland FFA held their Chapter Show over the weekend and many were pleased with the results. Thank you, Ms. McCutchen for #expectingexcellence and for getting involved in the show ring too! The Hockley County Junior Livestock Show is the week of January 21-23rd. We wish everyone the best of luck.
eSports Success!
LHS eSports sponsor took her eSports players to compete in the Lubbock ISD Hub City Esports Tournament. Our LHS teams performed exceptionally well, securing 2nd and 4th place finishes. The team that placed 2nd earned a spot to compete at the State level in the Spring, which will be held at Baylor University. Mrs. Austin says, "It was an incredible experience for the students and a proud moment for all involved." In addition to the competition, Mrs. Austin also took her Shoutcasting team, who had the incredible opportunity to cast the games live. Their commentary was broadcast on the Lubbock Christian University Twitch channel, providing them with an amazing platform to showcase their skills. Well, this is so exciting! LHS #expectsexcellence and is so proud of this program that opens doors for students after graduation and gives them a career they love!
LMS National History Day
LMS National History Day students were rewarded with a nice lunch after hours of research in the Texas Tech Library. They were engaged in finding facts and new ideas to support their Rights and Responsibilities in History project. NHD allows students to self-direct their learning in a way unique to each project. Students develop essential skills and foster intellectual curiosity. Through this process, they gain critical thinking and problem-solving skills to manage and use information now and in the future. LMS is so proud of this NHD program that pushes students to learn above and beyond the classroom. We look forward to seeing these spring projects.
What would you make from a circle? ABC art teacher Lyndi Nicholson shares that her first graders were given an opportunity to show their creativity in art class at ABC. Mrs. Nicholson drew a circle randomly on each child's paper, and they had to use their own creativity to incorporate the circle in their drawing. Only ten students were chosen out of the entire grade level to put their pieces in a local art show. We are so thankful for Mrs. Nicholson and the art program at ABC that fosters creativity, encourages self-expression, develops fine motor skills, helps children learn to problem-solve, and provides a way to explore and understand their emotions, all while laying a foundation for critical thinking and visual literacy, which are important skills for learning across the curriculum. Way to go littles! Keep creating and expressing yourself!
Cocoa Bar
NJHS Gives Back
NJHS members and Chair Patricia Johnson were honored at LMS today for raising $1,654.00 to help LMS Families during the holiday. Congratulations to these students who made a difference for others. The National Junior Honor Society teaches members to give back, and these kids certainly filled that role. We are so proud of you and your leadership!
Read For 15 Mahommies
Capitol and South Elementary students were awarded a pizza party for completing the Patrick Mahomes Reading Challenge. These students committed to reading every day for 15 minutes for 15 weeks—that's a lot! We thank Librarians Mrs. Alexander and Mrs. Harkins for #expectingexcellence and for motivating students to read! We will be watching to see if our kids get another award from Patrick Mahomes' Read for 15 Program. Way to go, readers who are leaders!
NHD Showcase
NHD Sponsor Olivia Magee #expectsexcellence and shares that our LMS National History Day students have finished their research and will present their Rights & Responsibilities Showcase Wednesday night at LMS at 6 pm. We hope you can attend to "quiz" these students on their learning and help prepare them for their NHD competition. You just might learn a thing or two yourself!
Taco Tuesday
You're invited to the Breakfast Rotary Club Taco Tuesday tomorrow. This annual fundraiser raises money for our graduating seniors. You have to eat so we hope you can come out and support them and catch the basketball games in the LHS Commons.
Our Loboettes are 2 and 1 in District! Keep working ladies, we are proud of you.
Our Lobos finished 5th and our Loboettes finished 2nd in the Brownfield Powerlifting Meet over the weekend! Great job kids!
Bill's Backpacks!
The food item of the month is............
cereal cups.
BBP is always accepting donations.
Noon Rotary Gives Back!
Thank you to the Non Rotary for hosting the Food Drive that helped fill our Bill's BackPack Pantry!
Levelland ISD
Email: rmccutchen@levellandisd.net
Website: www.levellandisd.net
Location: 704 11th Street, Levelland, TX
Phone: 806-894-9628
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LevellandISD/
Instagram: levellandindschooldistrict