Jefferson Family Newsletter
September 2024
School Pictures will be September 18th . Ordering information will be sent home soon.
Good Morning Jefferson Families,
If you are dropping off/picking up on the east side of the school, there are two lanes. The lane closest to the school is for dropping off/picking up, and the other lane is for exiting the parking lot. Please unload/load your children from the curb closest to the school for safety and traffic flow purposes.
Thank you!
Nick Jurrens
Jefferson Elementary Principal
For the safety of our students PLEASE be sure to have your child ENTER and EXIT from the CURBSIDE closest to the school.
Thank you for your cooperation in keeping everyone safe in the dropoff area.
Por la seguridad de nuestros estudiantes, Por Favor asegúrese de que su hijo ENTRE y SALGA por la ACERA más cercana a la escuela.
Gracias por su cooperación para poder mantener a todos Seguros en el área de Entrega.
Muchas Gracias.
Student Drop Off and Pick Up
Jefferson Elementary
The following guidelines for student drop off and pick up were created through a collaborative effort of The City of Faribault, Faribault Police Department, and Jefferson Elementary Administration.
Students should be dropped off and picked up on the east side of the school.
Please enter from 9th Street, drop off/pick up your child/ren, and exit on 10th Street.
9th Street and 10th Street are city property, therefore under the jurisdiction of the City of Faribault and/or Faribault Police Department.
Jefferson Elementary staff may park on 9th Street and 10th Street in accordance with city ordinances.
Families may drop off/pick up on these streets, however Jefferson Elementary staff are not responsible for supervision of these areas.
Dejar y Recoger Estudiantes
primaria jefferson
Las siguientes pautas para dejar y recoger a los estudiantes se crearon a través de un esfuerzo de colaboración de la Ciudad de Faribault, el Departamento de Policía de Faribault y la Administración de la Primaria Jefferson.
Los estudiantes deben ser dejados y recogidos en el lado este de la escuela.
Ingrese por 9th Street, deje o recoja a sus hijos y salga en 10th Street.
9th Street y 10th Street son propiedad de la ciudad, por lo tanto, están bajo la jurisdicción de la Ciudad de Faribault y/o el Departamento de Policía de Faribault.
El personal de la Primaria Jefferson puede estacionarse en 9th Street y 10th Street de acuerdo con las ordenanzas de la ciudad.
Las familias pueden dejar/recoger en estas calles, sin embargo, el personal de la Primaria Jefferson no es responsable de la supervisión de estas áreas.
Ardayga Dhig oo soo qaado
Dugsiga Hoose ee Jefferson
Tilmaamaha soo socda ee dejinta iyo soo qaadista ardayda waxaa lagu abuuray dadaal iskaashi oo ay sameeyeen Magaalada Faribault, Waaxda Bilayska Faribault, iyo Maamulka Dugsiga Hoose ee Jefferson.
Ardayda waa in la dejiyaa oo laga soo qaadaa dhinaca bari ee dugsiga.
Fadlan ka soo gal Waddada 9th, soo deji/kaxee ilmahaaga/carruurtaada, oo ka bax Waddada 10th.
9th Street iyo 10th Street waa hanti magaalada, sidaas darteed hoos yimaada awooda Waaxda Booliska ee Magaalada Faribault iyo/ama Faribault.
Shaqaalaha dugsiga hoose ee Jefferson waxa laga yaabaa inay baarkin ku dhigtaan 9th Street iyo 10th Street si waafaqsan sharciga magaalada.
Qoysasku waxa laga yaabaa inay ku soo degaan/qaadan karaan waddooyinkan, si kastaba ha ahaatee shaqaalaha Dugsiga Hoose ee Jefferson mas'uul kama aha kormeerka meelahan.
Fadlan iska hubi in ilmahaagu aad ku dejiso oodna ka qaadid albaabka dhinaca Qarqarka darbiga.
Waad ku mahadsan tahay kala shaqaynta iskuulka dhanka badbaadinta ardayda.
I am Safe
I am On Task
I am Accountable
I am Respectful
Falcon Pride is grounded in the core components of PBIS - Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports. PBIS is a researched-based framework for implementing systems, practices, and data to improve student achievement. Jefferson Elementary has been a PBIS school since 2016.
Playground Project
If interested, fill out this form:
Health Office Absence Procedures
Students are expected to stay home and will be asked to go home if any of the conditions below are present:
A fever over 100 degrees (stay home 24 hours after temperature is back to normal without fever reducing medicine)
Vomiting or diarrhea (stay home 24 hours after last episode)
A new persistent cough that occurs multiple times a day
Any undiagnosed rash
Strep throat (return to school 12 hours after antibiotics are started)
Any undiagnosed draining wounds
A positive COVID 19 test (stay home (isolate) until all three of the following are true: it’s been 5 days from symptom onset or date of test, and their symptoms have improved, and they have had no fever for 24 hours)
Hand Hygiene and Illness Prevention
Stay well everyone!
Arrival and Dismissal Times:
Classes begin at 8:15 am and conclude at 2:55 pm. Students who do not ride the bus should arrive at 8:00 am.
School is dismissed at 2:55 pm. Students need to be picked up promptly. Students are not allowed to play on the equipment after school, they are to go directly home.
Please do not leave your car unattended at the curb during drop-off / pick up times or block driveways. Thank you for your cooperation.
Please call the attendance line if your child is absent for any reason.
Before 7:30 am
After 7:30 am
Infinite Campus Parent Portal
A reminder for Faribault Public Schools families:
It’s important that you log into your Parent Portal account at the beginning of every school year to update your information and complete once-a-year verifications and permissions. Here’s what you need to do to update your Parent Portal account:
Log in on a computer (not a mobile device)
Click “More” in the left column menu
Click “Click here to go to Existing Student Verification”
‘Click “Begin”
Review your information, make updates, and complete your verifications and permissions
Click SUBMIT to complete the verification process
Be sure to click “Next” to move forward. Click “Save and Continue” if you have to leave Parent Portal before finishing and if the “Next” button is no longer available.
If there are items you are unable to change, please contact your child’s school office after you complete the above process.
We're hoping for all parents to complete their family Census Verification through their Campus Parent accounts this year to update permission forms, busing options, Digital Equity answers in place, etc. It allows parents to review and update their phone numbers, address, emergency contacts for their children as well.
View this article from our district's Incident IQ Knowledge Base related to acquiring a Campus Parent account:
Parents can also complete the attached form to request Parent Portal access (only one needed per parent) and return to the school office for verification of relationship information in Campus. The Administrative Assistants then route them to me for the next step.
Important! A legible parent email is a required element on the form.
Raptor visitor management systems to enhance school safety
Raptor visitor management systems to enhance school safety
Faribault Public Schools implemented the Raptor visitor management system at all district buildings January of 2022. Raptor is an automated check-in system that replaces the paper sign-in process.
Once a visitor is cleared through the system, a badge is produced that includes a photo, name of the visitor, date and time, and destination. The badge enables personnel within the building to quickly determine if visitors are in areas where they should or should not be. A consistent, standardized system to track visitors and volunteers is especially useful in the event of an emergency as it allows us to know who is in the building.
What will I need to enter my child’s school?
The quickest way to check in is to have a government-issued form of identification. Raptor is only scanning the visitor’s name, date of birth, photo, and the last four digits of the ID card for comparison with private alert lists at the school, such as restraining/custody/sex offender orders. Additional personal data will not be gathered and no data will be shared with any outside company or organization.
If you don’t have an ID, you can check in by providing your full name and birthday. This information will be entered into Raptor manually.
If a visitor is flagged, the system sends alerts to designated school officials, who can then respond to potential threats to keep our students, staff and visitors safe.
Do I have to scan every time I enter the building?
No. After the first scanning at each school, the office staff would find the visitor’s name in the system and use the record of the previously-scanned ID to sign the visitor in and print a badge. This makes check-in much easier after the initial visit. The school secretary is able to view the ID card picture in Raptor to make a visual verification of the person signing in.
What is the checkout process?
The checkout process doesn’t involve scanning the card again. The secretary will simply find the name of the person who is signing out and click a ‘sign out’ button. This provides a record of entry and departure and time in any school. The visitor badge should be returned to the secretary.
If you have questions about the Raptor system, please contact your school’s administrator. For more information about the Raptor visitor management system, visit
What is Raptor?
How does Raptor work? FALCON APP
For regular activities updates on your phone, download the
Jefferson Elementary School
Location: 922 Home Place, Faribault, MN, USA
Phone: (507) 333-6500