The Mountain Vista Voice
(Parent newsletter) October, 2024
Principal's perspective
Greetings Mountain Vista Families!
Can you believe that we are almost finished with the first quarter of the school year? Time flies when you are having fun and every day is a great day to be a RAM!
Here are a couple of important updates:
If your child is going to be absent, to get the absence excused, please either call 719-527-3400 or complete the following link
There is no school for students the week of October 14th. Parent teacher conferences will be held on October 15th. More info to come!
We would love your feedback about how we are doing as a school. Please complete the survey link and email a screenshot of the completion screen to Please include your child’s name and grade. Your child will then earn a dress-down pass on Friday, October 24, 2023. Please go to our school website at Home - Mountain Vista Community School ( and find the PARENT SURVEY box under the announcements.
Our administration team is here to serve you and our students. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to us via email, phone, or Facebook messenger. We are always happy to talk through any questions or concerns that you may have.
If you have not already, please “LIKE” us on Facebook!
Principal-Dr. Angela Valdez,
Assistant Principal-Dr. Nicole Paxton,
Assistant Principal-Mr. Aaron Vandewarker,
At your service,
Dr. Angela Valdez
¡Saludos, familias de Mountain Vista!
¿Pueden creer que casi hemos terminado el primer trimestre del año escolar? El tiempo vuela cuando uno se divierte y todos los días son excelentes para ser un RAM.
A continuación, se incluyen algunas actualizaciones importantes:
Si su hijo no va a asistir, para obtener una justificación de la ausencia, llame al 719-527-3400 o complete el siguiente enlace
No habrá clases para los estudiantes la semana del 14 de octubre. Las conferencias de padres y maestros se llevarán a cabo el 15 de octubre. ¡Pronto habrá más información!
Nos encantaría recibir sus comentarios sobre cómo nos está yendo como escuela. Complete el enlace de la encuesta y envíe por correo electrónico una captura de pantalla de la pantalla de finalización a Incluya el nombre y el grado de su hijo. Luego, su hijo obtendrá un pase de vestir informal el viernes 24 de octubre de 2023. Por favor, visite el sitio web de nuestra escuela en Home - Mountain Vista Community School ( y busque la casilla ENCUESTA PARA PADRES debajo de los anuncios.
Nuestro equipo de administración está aquí para servirle a usted y a nuestros estudiantes. Si tiene alguna pregunta o inquietud, no dude en comunicarse con nosotros por correo electrónico, teléfono o mensajería de Facebook. Siempre estaremos encantados de hablar sobre cualquier pregunta o inquietud que pueda tener.
Si aún no lo ha hecho, ¡haga clic en "ME GUSTA" en Facebook!
Directora: Dra. Angela Valdez,
Subdirectora: Dra. Nicole Paxton,
Subdirector: Sr. Aaron Vandewarker,
A su servicio,
Dra. Angela Valdez
District corner news
October 2024 District-Corner News
Hello D2 Families,
Harrison School District 2 is asking for your feedback via the 2024 – 2025 K12 Insight school quality survey. This is an excellent opportunity for all of our D2 parents to have their voices heard. The survey will close on Thursday, October 17, 2024.
Thank you!
Hola, padres y tutores de D2:
El Distrito Escolar Dos de Harrison solicita sus comentarios sobre la calidad de la escuela a través de las encuestas K12 Insight. Esta es una excelente oportunidad para que todos nuestros padres de HSD2 hagan oír su voz. La encuesta se cerrará el Jueves 17 de octubre. Los padres pueden acceder a la encuesta a través del sitio web del distrito o de la escuela.
Our busy classrooms
1st grade
First grade has finished learning about the human body and is switching to learning about fairytales! We are learning about responsibility and continuing to learn how to read and do subtraction!
3rd grade
The big news in 3rd grade is we are departmentalizing on September 30th! In Ms. Curl's math class, students will continue to work on rounding, simplifying strategies, and addition/subtraction. Mrs. Cowan's reading class will start our unit on the human body including senses and different systems.
5th grade
5th grade had been working hard while learning how to divide! We’re also learning about our universe in science and loved seeing the history of space exploration at the Discovery Center.
7th grade
Science: Students created models of plate boundaries using cookies and frosting. They explored the effects on the mantle (represented by frosting) when the plates (cookies) collide and spread apart. (I apologize for not taking pictures!)
Forensic Science: Students examined trace evidence under the microscope. They compared human hairs, animal hairs, and various fibers such as cotton, satin, and nylon, focusing on their microscopic structures.
Special education
In Ms. Smith's classroom, students were working towards their writing goals. Everyone was focused and engaged in their writing task working towards mastery.
Our CLDE team has been busy gathering books, resources, and various products to create “Bright Beginning” bags for all newcomer CLDE families to help them navigate the district, the town, and the English language. These bags will be given to all families who have been in our country for less than a year, in the hopes they feel supported and valued in our community. There will also be a punch card included to mark attendance as a way to earn incentives for attending our school events.
Sports and clubs at Mountain Vista
Calendar highlights
Teacher conferences 10/15/24
Teacher conferences are on 10/15/24. Please sign up for a conference with teachers.
Trunk or Treat 10/30/24 5-7pm
Come join for us trunk or treat. Dress up and join in the spooky fun!
We have partnered with a local family owned business to bring MV apparel to our students, staff and families. Click the title above to shop and place your orders now.
Student of the month
Congratulations to our students who won student of the month. Keep up the Ramtastic work!
Kindergarten Emilayah Monastero
1st grade - Ezequiel Rubio
2nd grade - Olivia Sosa Rios
3rd grade - Aubriella Zavala
4th grade - Jade Allicock
5th grade - Ka’Leah Slaughter
6th grade - Jayvion Edwards
7th grade - Blake Munson
8th grade - Noah Hernandez
Special education - Ethan Leon Flores
Elementary School- Whitley Walsh (K)
Middle School- Alan Boche Ruiz (8th
Food pantry
Food Panty will be opened on Thursdays this year from 2:35-3:45. Parents may come in and shop or their students may shop. Resources provided through the pantry are free. If this day/times does not work, families may contact the school to set up an appointment to come in and shop.
Year book
Contact us
Dr. Angela Valdez - Principal
Dr. Nicole Paxton - Assistant Principal
Mr. Aaron Vandewarker - Assistant Principal