EVHS Weekly Announcements
Thursday, November 7, 2024

January 23, 2025
January 24 - No School, Staff Development
February 7 - No School, Staff Development
February 17 - No School, Presidents Day
February 18 - No School, Staff Development
March 6 - EVHS Family/Teacher Conferences, 5:30-8:30pm, in-person
March 7 - No School, EVHS Family/Teacher Conferences, 7:00-9:00am, Zoom
Parking Permits
**Parking Permits for 3rd and 4th quarters are SOLD OUT.
To park in the student parking lots, students are required to have a current semester parking permit purchased on Edutrak Connect . Semester Two parking permits went on sale January 6 for juniors and seniors and January 13th for sophomores.
Semester Two permits may be picked up in the Security Office near the west doors beginning Tuesday, January 21st.
Reminder: All students must hand in overdue books and clear fines in the Learning Commons before picking up their parking permit. You can view your current status in Destiny Discover. Other fees/fines may be paid online or in person at the Eastview High School Main Office.
Parking permits are optional. There is free parking available for students in the lot near the tennis courts south of EVHS. (Winner Lot) 😁
Students taking three or more PSEO courses during the school day may be able to purchase a parking permit at a discounted rate. Contact Mr. Habeck in student services for more information.
Apply for National Honor Society
NHS: Interested in membership to Eastview’s National Honor Society Chapter for 2025-2026?
Current NHS members do not need to reapply.
EVHS Sophomores and Juniors are eligible to complete a Candidate Form. It is strongly encouraged that the eligible candidate have a cumulative 3.8 GPA or higher.
Optional informational meetings will be held on Wednesday, March 12 at 7:15 AM OR 2:35 PM in C232. Interested candidates are strongly encouraged to attend ONE of the meetings.
If a candidate is unable to attend an informational meeting, more info can be found here: https://sites.google.com/view/eastviewnhs/home
Responsibility matters, therefore, late Candidacy Forms will not be considered.
If you have questions, see Mr. Kelly in C232 or email him at john.kelly@district196.org
AP Euro Trip 2026
Attention current 10th and 11th grade students – travel to Paris and Spain for spring break 2026! Experience the history, culture, and sites of Paris, Madrid, Seville, Cordoba, and Costa del Sol with your friends. The trip is led and chaperoned by experienced Eastview teachers. Click on THIS LINK to learn more and REGISTER today! Space is limited. If you have question, reach out to Dr. Beach via email at todd.beach@district196.org
Educational Benefits - More Than Just Lunch
Families are encouraged to complete an Educational Benefits Application. Your children may qualify! Applications are now open.
While meals are free for all students, all families are highly encouraged to complete an Application for Educational Benefits. Your approved application provides critical funding to our school district. This compensatory aid helps increase funding for teachers, paraprofessionals and social workers to include math and reading support. An approval for educational benefits also allows families to receive discounted Activities/Community Education fees. Learn more about the Educational Benefits Program.
Questions or concerns: ask our Nutrition Services department at Nutrition@district196.org or 651-683-6958.
Eastview High School and District 196 Text Messages
Zapp Mascot Loose Change Fundraiser
Zapp, the EVHS Mascot, was last seen in public during The FLASH credits on March 9, 2017 (4:32 mark on YouTube). Official history of Zapp and origin story. The original Zapp costume is in bad shape and needs to be replaced. Eastview’s Student Council will be collecting loose change to fund a new ZAPP mascot costume. The cost to replace ZAPP is about $6,000. Bring loose change to Mr. Kelly in C232 or drop in buckets during morning collection at the Student Doors before Period 1. EVERY PENNY COUNTS! See Mr. Kelly (john.kelly@district196.org) in C232 with questions. Go Eastview Lightning!
New: Attention, Juniors Interested In Taking Developmental Psychology
Juniors interested in taking Developmental Psychology (DP)—There will be an interest meeting to learn more about this course on Wednesday, January 29th at 2:35 and Thursday, January 30th at 7:15 in the A302 classroom. Students can pick up an application for this course in the main office or from their junior social studies teacher. Students can also complete this application online using the following link:https://forms.gle/5NFXqTLwngPYX52y7 or scan the QR code.
Applications are due by the end of the day Friday, January 31st to the main office or to a DP teacher. See Ms. Dumonceaux or Mr. Oxley in the 3A office or Mr. Prax in the 2C office with any questions.
Calling All Students for WIN Wednesday!
Students can benefit from an opportunity for academic support every Wednesday afternoon from 2:40pm – 4:15pm in the flex room located in the learning commons. Students are supported to complete their schoolwork learning in a supervised setting. In addition students can also utilize the WIN program to make up tests they may have missed. Students can get this approved through their teacher ahead of time and the test will be ready for them to take during WIN. Faculty and staff are available along with upper-class peer tutors (especially skilled in Mathematics). Students will identify their priorities (“What I Need” or “What’s Important Now”), create a plan for the most efficient use of their time, celebrate their accomplishments, and leave with a plan for continued success. Students do not need to sign up in advance for WIN Time. We do ask that students plan to be there for the start at 2:40pm so they can benefit from the full support. We will keep a log of students and their engagement (arrival/departure time and their focus/work while they are there). For students needing transportation home, activity buses will be available departing at 4:45pm.
New: Check Out the Latest Episodes of The Flash & 4Cast
The Flash is Eastview's weekly student news production and the 4Cast is Eastview's bi-weekly student announcements newscast.
Check out the latest of both newscasts here.
Support EVHS Robotics at Culvers 1/30
New: Cane's Fundraiser for Senior Party
New: Senior Party Info
2025 Graduation all night party planning is in full swing. Tickets sale info will come out next week. We are also looking for donations to use as prizes for the Bingo fundraiser and monetary donations to use towards the all night party. If you or someone you know owns a small business and would be willing to donate a small basket, we would appreciate the support. If you are interested in donating, please reach out to Michelle at mwatroba2@gmail.com or Leah at lsutherlin1031@gmail.com.
FAFSA Support
Dakota County Library will be offering FAFSA and MN Dream Act application help at four library locations this winter. This is in partnership with College Possible, who will staff the event and offer one-on-one guidance to students and their families. This is completely free and open to all high school seniors who need to apply for financial aid for college.
Galaxie (Apple Valley) - Saturday, Feb. 1, 10 a.m.–1 p.m.
Kaposia (South St. Paul) - Tuesday, Feb. 4, 4:30–7:30 p.m.
Burnhaven (Burnsville) - Tuesday, Feb. 11, 4:30–7:30 p.m.
Wescott (Eagan) - Monday, Feb 24th, 4:30-7:30 p.m.
Escape the Vape Video Challenge Returns for 2025
The Escape the Vape Video Challenge, a youth vaping prevention video contest, is back for 2025. Minnesota middle and high school students are invited to create and submit a 30-second public service announcement (PSA) video to educate their peers on the dangers of e-cigarette use, also known as vaping.
Contest submissions are being accepted now through January 2025. Submissions will be entered into a competition for cash prizes for both students and their schools.
More Information: https://content.govdelivery.com/accounts/MNMDH/bulletins/3c442ce
College and Career Planning
Financial Aid Updates
The Department of Education has changed the FAFSA launch date to December 1. The hope is that the delay allows any glitches to be resolved in advance.
Need help understanding the financial aid options for college? Attend free virtual sessions for high school students and families offered by a collaborative of financial aid experts starting October 1. All sessions will have interpretation in Spanish, Somali and Hmong. Students who attend any of the sessions will be entered into a $1,000 scholarship drawing. For session dates, topics and to register, visit https://bit.ly/RSFAFSA. Contact tpribnow@ecmc.org with any questions.
New scholarship opportunity for EVHS class of 2025!
Wallin Scholarship
Up to $16,000 over four years in financial aid
Due on 1/31/25
Apply @ https://www.wallinpartners.org/apply.html
Minimum eligibility requirements:
Graduating senior (class of 2025)
Minimum 3.0 GPA (unweighted)
Demonstrated financial need (adjusted gross income (AGI) falls between $95,000-$135,000 depending on household size)
New: College, University, and Military Visits
Prior to the university/college visits students should stop by the Counseling Office and get a pass to attend. The university/college visits are small group meetings typically lasting 20/30 minutes. These admission reps are often times the same people that review college applications, it's a great connection for students. Military visits are during the lunch hour in Student Services.
Army National Guard
Saint John's University (with College of Saint Benedict)
New: Eastview Baseball Interest Meetings
All 9th graders interested in playing baseball should attend a meeting on Tuesday, Feb. 11th in C235. Options are before school at 7:15am or after school at 2:40pm.
All 10th– 12th graders interested in playing baseball should attend a meeting on Wednesady, Feb. 12th in C235. Options are before school at 7:15am or after school at 2:40pm.
Baseball Open Gym:
Athletes interested in trying out for baseball this spring can attend open gym. Athletes can hit, throw, and workout to prepare for the season. Open gym runs from 8-9:30pm on the following dates:
- Sunday, Jan, 26th
- Sunday, Feb. 16th
- Sunday, Feb. 23rd
- Sunday, March 2nd
New: Boys Volleyball Open Gym
The Lightning Boys Volleyball program is hosting an open gym for new players only (grades 8-10) on January 29, from 7-9 pm in the main gym. If you’re thinking about trying out volleyball and would like to get started on some skills and play, come in and check it out. It’s free and no experience is necessary. It’s a great time to become a volleyball player…it’s the first sanctioned year and there will be a lot of new guys playing around the state. Come be a part of one of the fastest growing boys HS sports in the country!
Attention Current and FORMER Unified Students
EVHS Unified is hosting a district wide volleyball tournament (see this flyer). Open to all CURRENT and FORMER Unified students. The tournament will be held at Eastview on Friday, January 31st from 9:30-12:45. You will be excuse from your classes if you opt to participate. We are looking for Volleyball players and help running the tournament, so contact Mr. Buckley or Mr. Groebner if you are interested.
Athletics Scoreboard
Eastview Alpine Ski Team Varsity Results from South Suburban Conference at Buck Hill on Thursday January 16th 2025.
Boys Varsity Alpine Ski Team – 4th place – 310.0 Points
9th Place Finish – Simon Gruman – Junior
10th Place Finish – Alex Kier – Junior
21st Place Finish – Ian Graham – 7th Grade
32nd Place Finish – Max Espena - Senior
33rd Place Finish – Grady Barnidge – Senior
37th Place Finish – Yuji Suzuya – Junior
38th Place Finish – Simon Elvrum – Sophomore
41st Place Finish – Wes Johnson – 8th Grade
48th Place Finish – Isaiah Markov – Sophomore
56th Place Finish – Myles Barnidge - Freshman
60th Place Finish – Brennan Miller - Sophomore
Girls Varsity Alpine Ski Team – 6th Place – 80 Points
7th Place Finish – Kinsley Oberding – 7th Grade
34th Place Finish – Emma Graham – Freshman
40th Place Finish – Emma Scott – Freshman
49th Place Finish – Millie Roland – Freshman
- Their next Eastview Alpine Ski Race is Thursday January 23rd at 4pm at Buck Hill in Burnsville.
The Apple Valley-Eastview Gymnastics team traveled to Rosemount High School on Tuesday where both varsity and JV took home wins! The varsity team won with a score of 138.15 and the JV team won with a score of 127.5. Top place finishers in the JV competition were Junior Carly Johnson in the all-around in first place with a score of 31.45, and 2nd place on bars with a score of 7.7; freshman Charlotte Paul in 3rd in the all-around with a score of 30.35; freshman Nola Parke tied for 3rd on vault with a score of 8.2, sophomore Maddie Nguyen first place on beam with a score of 8.55; and 7th grader Olivia Moore 2nd place on beam with a score of 8.3 and 2nd place on floor with a score of 8.6. Top place finishers in the varsity competition were junior Lauren Heidemann in first in the all-around with a score of 35, first place on bars with a score of 9.125, and 3rd place on beam with a score of 8.75; 8th grader Lily Brackin 3rd place on vault with a score of 8.725; 7th grader Olivia Moore 2nd place on bars with a score of 8.3; senior Jocelyn Pittman first place on beam with a score of 8.85; and junior Brianna Gootee first place on floor with a score of 9.45. Great job girls!
Eagan vs Eastview 1/18
In the latest matchup, Eastview faced off against Eagan, with #32 Charlie Scanlon guarding the net for Eastview.
In the first period, Eastview took an early lead when #4 Wooten scored with an assist from #13 Berberena, making it 1-0. Eastview extended their lead with a goal from #15 Hyster, assisted by another player, bringing the score to 2-0. Eagan managed to score at the end of the first period, reducing the deficit to 2-1.
In the second period, Eagan capitalized on a power play with a 5-on-3 advantage, scoring to tie the game at 2-2. They continued to take advantage of the power play, scoring another goal to pull ahead 3-2. Eagan added another goal, making it 4-2. Eastview's #4 Wooten responded with a goal, assisted by #14 O'Donnell and #18 Powers-Brekke, bringing the score to 4-3.
In the third period, #4 Wooten tied the game for Eastview, making it 4-4. #20 Nigro then scored with an assist from #11 Klinkhammer, pulling Eastview ahead 5-4. Finally, #4 Wooten scored again to extend the lead, resulting in a final score of 6-4 in favor of Eastview.
The JV Boys Hockey team faced Eagan last Saturday. The teams were evenly matched with a scoreless first period. In the second period, the Wildcats got the first goal of the game on the powerplay with the period ending 0 to 1. The close game continued into the third period however Eagan was able to get one more goal and the game ended with a 0 to 2 Wildcat win. Chris Ernster was strong in net as he faced 31 shots. The JV Boys Hockey team will play tomorrow (Friday, January 24th) against Rosemount at 12:30pm at the Rosemount Community Center Ice Arena.
Girls Varsity Hockey
Shakopee vs. Eastview 1/16
The Eastview girls hockey team put up a good fight against Shakopee, even when battling team illness, but came up short. The final score was 6-3 Shakopee but they scored two empty net goals at the end. Ella Schaefer had two goals for the lightning, Sari Cords had a three point night with a goal and two assists, and Ellie Patterson and Ireland Murphy each had an assist in the game. Beth Bigalke had 33 saves.
Eagan vs. Eastview 1/18
The Varsity Team had a decisive 8-0 win against Eagan. Eastview got out to a fast 5-0 start in the first period. Jaden Slominski got the scoring going on the Power Play assisted by Sari Cords and Ella Schaeffer. Jenna Nelvin got the second goal of the game assisted by Ireland Murphy and Layla Glassen. Next up Brielle Clardy scored assisted by Jaden Slominski and then Jaden Slominski scored assisted by Brielle Clardy. Sari Cords finished the scoring for the period assisted by Ella Schaeffer and Shanley Murphy. It was a more quiet second period with only two goals. Sari Cords scored assisted Ellie Patterson and Shanley Murphy and Sari Cords completed her hat trick scoring the seventh goal of the game unassisted. The final goal of the game was scored in the third period by Brielle Clardy assisted by Sari Cords. The team played strong defense and goalie Jaden Ruzzi got her first Varsity shutout and Varsity win making 25 saves in the game.
Girls Junior Varsity Hockey
Eagan vs. Eastview 1/18
The Junior Varsity team had an exciting win against Eagan by a score of 3-2. After Eagan took an early 2-0 lead in the first period, Eastview battled back for the win. Dani Dundon scored two goals for the Lightning and Olivia Kane scored the game winner. Beth Bigalke had 39 saves in the game.
Apple Valley vs. Eastview 1/20
The Junior Varsity team had a big 3-2 overtime win against Apple Valley! Eastview scored early on a goal by Olivia Kane assisted by Mikaela Seiler. Apple Valley went ahead 2-1, but Jenna Nelvin tied it up at two in the third assisted by Dani Dundon and Elcie Rudolph. Less than two minutes into overtime, Jenna Nelvin scored the game winner assisted by Mikaela Seiler and Kennedy Deutsch. Jaden Ruzzi had 20 saves in the game.
New: Eastview Trap Team Spring Season 2025
Registration runs from Feb 4th through March 24th. March 24th is a hard deadline at noon.
Season Cost is $330 plus the cost of jersey and shooting bag (purchased separately).
Season Dates: March 30th-May 21st
Wednesday is the normal shooting day at 4 p.m. at West End Gun Club unless student is in a conflicting schedule with spring sports or religious reasons. Option for that is Sunday a.m.
Fun shoot is May 28th.(optional but not required).
Minnesota State Shooting Championship June 9-17 2025 in Alexandria, Minnesota.
Eastview will shoot one of dates depending on team size. TBD
Questions? Contact: Head Coach Pete Nichols (651)-492-9246 sirgona1@gmail.com
New: BRAVO! Audition Dance Workshop 1/25
BRAVO! Audition dance workshop. Saturday, January 25th 9:00am-10:00am in the center commons. Contact Mrs. Lewison with any questions. Lorene.Lewison@district196.org
Audition for BRAVO! 2025: I Want My MTV
If you love to sing and dance, then BRAVO! is for you! Auditions for BRAVO! 2025: I Want My MTV are on January 27th and 28th. Scan the QR code on the poster for more information.
New: Art Club's Next Meeting 1/27
The NAHS (Art Club) will be holding their next meeting on Monday, January 27 from 2:30-4:00 in B126. Please bring your primary drawing tablet/ iPad/ stylus to the meeting. We created lots of good ideas for our mural last meeting- if you were unable to make it, take a look at Emily Brewster's post in our Schoology page and sign up for an idea/ object (or 2) to illustrate. See Mr. G with questions.
New: EVHS Speech Team Earns 2nd Place
Congrats to the Eastview Speech Team on their 2nd place team sweepstakes at the Chanhassen Invitational Tournament. Congrats to the following individuals for their first place finish in their respective categories:
Maxwell Espena and Nina Galindez in Duo, Nina Galindez in Storytelling, and Sahiti Atluri in Creative Expression.
Tri M Music Honor Society Salon Nights
Come watch your peers perform! Tri-M Music Honor Society is hosting Salon Nights in the Learning Commons 5 to 7 p.m. on Thursday, January 23 in the Learning Commons. Performances range from vocal solos to jazz to original pieces. Everyone is welcome!
Kung Fu: Beginner, White and Yellow Belt (ages 5-adult)
Mon | Jan 27-Mar 17 | 6:30-7:00 p.m. | 7 sessions | $79 | CP
Safety and Self-Defense (ages 10-15)
Wed | Jan 29 | 6:00-8:00 p.m. | $55 | DHMS
Four Strategies for a Smarter College Search
Mon | Feb 10 | 7:30-8:30 p.m. | $15 | Live Online
Karate and Mixed Martial Arts-Kick Boxing (ages 6-adult)
Tue & Thu | Feb 18-Mar 20 | 7:00-8:00 p.m. | 9 sessions | $105 | WV
Additional class dates available!
Allegro Choral Academy (grades 6-9 – Bel Canto)
Thu | Feb 20-May 8 | 6:20-8:00 p.m. | 12 sessions | $155 | EVHS
Eagan Wildcat Football Quarterback Clinic (grades 6-9)
Sun | Feb 23-Mar 16 | 6:00-8:00 p.m. | 4 sessions | FREE | DHMS
Archery Adventure Camp (ages 9-17)
Mon | Feb 24-Mar 17 | 6:30-8:30 p.m. | 4 sessions | $85 | PW
Advantage ACT Prep Course (grades 10-12)
Sat | Mar 1-Apr 12 | 9:00 a.m.-noon | 4 sessions | $180 | FRMS
Sun | Mar 2-Apr 13 | 1:00-4:00 p.m. | 4 sessions | $180 | BHMS
Tue | Mar 11-Apr 8 | 6:00-9:00 p.m. | 4 sessions | $180 | RMS
Thu | Mar 13-Apr 10 | 6:00-9:00 p.m. | 4 sessions | $180 | DHMS
Online options available as well…visit ce.district196.org for more information.
Lightning Boys Volleyball
The Lightning Boys Volleyball program is hosting some middle school clinics for future Lightning who want to try volleyball, learn the skills, and play some games. Clinics are on Sunday afternoons in January and February. Registration is on the Community Education website HERE.
About Eastview High School
Email: Eastview@district196.org
Website: evhs.district196.org
Location: 6200 140th Street West, Apple Valley, MN 55124
Phone: 952-431-8900
Facebook: facebook.com/EastviewHighSchool
Twitter: @EVHSLightning