Sheffield Spotlight
May 30, 2024
Sheffield School Spirit Week
Thank you SES Cafe Team!
A HUGE shout out to the cafe team for putting on a delicious bbq lunch for the students at Hillcrest and Sheffield! It was a hot day to be grilling for that many hours, but it was absolutely delicious. Thank you to Firefighter Ellis for helping serve the ice cream! It was a very special day!
Third Grade Art with Ms. Castro-Santos
Third grade artists listened to the story "Over and Under the Pond" by Kate Messner. They generated a list of what you might see under the water. Together, we drew an S shaped swan and added individual items both above and below the pond's surface. Students painted their drawings with tempera paints and experimented with mixing colors for their pond water and sky.
Grade 4 Art with Ms. Castro-Santos
Fourth grade artists have been experimenting with a new medium, scratchboard. The element of art, fourth graders explored was "texture". Students worked from photographs to draw realistic detailed sea turtles showing texture on their shell and flippers. Students also experimented with a heavier grade scratchboard and completed under-the-sea drawings from their imagination.
I love their attention to detail and creative additions!
Science experiments with Ms. Lapan
Grade 5 students experimented with using different materials to filter water and make it clean! Be sure to ask them about their data and findings!
Green Team composting project
Thank you to Ms. Amy Donovan from the Franklin County Solid Waste Management District came to work with the new and current members of the Sheffield Green Team to install our new Earth Machine composting bin. Next year we will compost our leftover fresh fruits and veggies from our snack. We will then use that compost for our newly installed garden beds in our courtyard. Thank you so much Amy!
Friends of Sheffield (FOS)
Field Day
📢 Calling all Sheffield caregivers! 📢
PE teacher, Liz Tyler, is gearing up for an amazing Field Day on Tuesday, June 4th, and needs your help to make it unforgettable! 🎉 If you can spare some time to be part of the fun, please sign up as a volunteer: All volunteers will need a CORI check which is good for 3 years in the district. If you need a CORI form, you can download it here: You will also need to provide a copy of your driver's license. That information can be dropped off at the main office, or it can be emailed to Tara McCarthy: The cut off date to have your CORI check performed is Friday, May 31st. If you do not get a CORI check, you will not be allowed to volunteer. We currently have 6 volunteers, but we need more!!
We are so grateful to the amazing families and community members who so generously made donations for field day! Liz's dunk tank project and supplies have been fully funded. Thank you for your continued dedication to providing enrichment to our school. It's going to be an AMAZING field day! ♥️
Book Fair Update
We are thrilled to announce that the incredible support of our families at the Scholastic Book Fair back in March has enabled us to purchase new books for both the Sheffield & Hillcrest libraries! Your contributions made a significant impact, and will help foster our student's love for reading and learning. Thank you for being a community that values education and literacy.
Friends of Sheffield
Upcoming Programs at Montague Public Libraries
Save the Date!
Friday, May 31 from 9 am - 2 pm -Grade 3 field trip to Historic Deerfield
Friday, May 31 time TBD -Grade 5 step up day at GFMS
Monday, June 3 to Friday, June 7 - School Spirit Week
Monday, June 3 -Grade 5 Old Deerfield History Labs
Tuesday, June 4 - Sheffield Field Day
Wednesday, June 5 from 9:15 - 1:15 pm - Grade 2 field trip to Fish Ladder/GF Discovery Center/Unity Park
Thursday, June 6 from 8:45 am - 2 pm - Grade 4 field trip to Springfield Museums
Thursday, June 6 from 10:40 am - 1:20 pm - Grade 5 field trip to the French King Bowling
Friday, June 7 at 9:30 am - Grade 5 Step Up Day Celebration in the SES auditorium
Tuesday, June 11 - Summer Math and Reading Kick off Event
Tuesday, June 11 - Early Release at Noon
Wednesday, June 12 - Step Up Day to Meet your Teacher
Wednesday, June 12 - Early Release at Noon
Thursday, June 11 - School-wide Kickball Tournament
Thursday, June 11 - Early Release at Noon & Last Day of School