
#lifeisaballinthe210 and #ivebeendraftedbyhjh
This Week @ HJHS
Welcome to 2025!
The Spring Semester is always busy and we are hitting the ground running this week.
Here are some important upcoming dates.
2/4 - ELAR Benchmark - Testing Schedule
2/6 - SCIENCE Benchmark - Testing Schedule
2/12 - SOCIAL STUDIES Benchmark - Testing Schedule
2/25 - MATH & ALGEBRA I Benchmark - Testing Schedule
One Act Play Public Performance MONDAY 6:30pm
One Act Play Results
January 2025 Students of the Month
HJHS Students of the Month January 2025:
7th Grade Boy: Jose Morales Zamudio -
-Jose is consistently friendly and engaging with those in the building. He can be found wearing a smile and assisting those around him. He is a great friend, peer and role model for all students at HJH
-He is always active in class and is a joy to have.
-I love teaching Jose because he thinks deeply and connects to what I teach on a daily basis. Jose is also extremely well behaved and works beautifully in a large and small group. Again, Jose is just a joy to teach!
-He encourages every student in class. He always goes out of his way to help 1 student in class everyday.
7th Grade Girl: Giselle Campos-
-Giselle is an outstanding student who consistently works hard in class. She has made incredible progress in her math abilities this year, and her dedication to improving is clear every day. Giselle is always looking for ways to get better, and she takes the time to ask questions and fully understand the material. On top of that, she is a great teammate, always offering help to classmates who are struggling. Her kindness and work ethic make her a truly exceptional student.
-Giselle pays attention to detail which is not a typical 7th grade trait. She may quietly wait to gather her thoughts, but when she does share, she has carefully considered her answer and reasoning. This makes her a strong student. She also is very encouraging with her work partners. I love that she gives confidence to others for them to succeed.
8th Grade Boy: Danery Garcia -
-Despite the language barrier he has done very well in ELAR and he tries very hard. He comes in everyday and tries his best at every assignment I give him.
-He is a model student whose hard work and diligence shines in class.
8th Grade Girl: A.D :)-
-She is a top student in math.
-She is a remarkable young woman who possesses both intelligence and a strong work ethic. Her dedication to academic excellence is evident in all she does. Furthermore, she quietly inspires those around her, serving as an admirable leader.
BIM Students Create Board Report and Calendars
Mrs. Buxkemper's BIM Classes are learning Microsoft Publisher.
The students created February Calendars for the School and the January Board Report. One calendar and one board report were selected to be used on our website and submitted to the School Board.
Michael Davis' Calendar was selected and Emily Serrano's Board Report was selected.
Congratulations to these two students for their designs and hard work!
January 2025 Perfect Attendance Winners
HJHS January 2025 Perfect Attendance Winners
Each month all students with perfect attendance are put into a drawing for a prize.
Our winners for the month of January are Alek'Zavier Cephus and Marcos Martinez.
Homerun Hero for the Week of 1/30/2025
Mrs. Stepp
Here is what our staff had to say about Mrs. Stepp:
-She does so much to keep this school running smoothly. I truly appreciate that she is always ready to help make any situation I bring to her attention come out better than it was before.
-My most trusted employee.
-Worked hard on organizing the testing
-Testing this week was very organized and ran smoothly from the teacher's side.
-This was the best and most efficient testing I have ever been a part of! These were organized and without many issues.
-Because she is amazing!!!
Congratulations Mrs. Stepp - We know you wear so many hats and do so much behind the scenes that people don't see.
January 2025 Teacher of the Month
Mrs. Volcik
HJHS Leadership Team
Principal: Patrick Harvell
Assistant Principal: Jamie Stepp
Instructional Coach: Melissa Brake
Counselor: Lacey Tadlock
The U.S. Department of Education named Hillsboro Junior High School (HJHS) a 2024 National Blue Ribbon School!!
HJHS is one of 356 campuses selected across the country.
This prestigious recognition highlights campuses that excel in academic performance and serve as models of effective and innovative practices for educators across the nation.
We are SO PROUD of our students, educators, and staff members who contributed to the achievement of this award. Earning a National Blue Ribbon Award is an honor for our entire community.
Please follow this link to view the announcement video: https://buff.ly/2XEbzF9
or this link to view HJH's awards webpage: https://buff.ly/3XSLaPU.