SeaHawk Highlights
Quinhagak School Newsletter
Principal Message
Hello Seahawks! This week we distributed quarter one report cards and had our first honor roll assembly. We also had parent teacher conferences and a basketball game hosting meeting on Friday. If you were not able to come, you can call the school to schedule a parent teacher conference. Our Health and Science classes were engaged in interactive student-centered projects, and our wrestling team placed 3rd at the Bethel Scramble.
Next week, there will be a medical team in the building to do the annual TB sweep, and some of our students will be traveling to Bethel for the Sources of Strength Annual training. On Wednesday we will have our monthly SOAR Gameroom party for students that have been have been exhibiting positive behavior, and on Thursday we will have our October Fest: Halloween Costume Contest. Parents please make sure you read the costume rules and guidelines. Students wearing inappropriate costumes will need to call home for a change of clothes. Also the wrestling team will be traveling to Anchorage to compete in the Mountain City Academy match. Lastly, our student council campaign has started and the election will be on Friday November 1. As always, my door is open and our team welcomes your input as we continue to SOAR to Success!
Dr. Crystal Cunningham
End of Quarter Dates Oct 18, Dec 17, March 6, May 22
Breakfast & Lunch Monthly Menu
Upcoming Events
TB Medical Sweep- October 29
SOAR GameRoom -October 30
October Fest -October 31
Student Council Election November 1
Spirit Week November 4-8
Students of the Month
Carly Cleveland 4th grade
Carly Cleveland is an outstanding student she has shown great citizenship, willingly participates in our classroom activities, and treats everyone with respect. She strives for success and works to the best of her abilities. She is a joy to have in our classroom.
Alice Berezkin 7th grade
Alice comes to school every day and always has a smile and never fails to say hi. She comes into class ready to learn and always makes sure that she finishes what she's working on. She always follows the three R's of being responsible, ready, and respectful.
Kindergarten Scholars
1st/2nd Grade Scholars
1st/2nd Grade Scholars
1st/2nd Grade Scholars
1st/2nd Grade Scholars
Perfect Attendance
3rd/4th Grade Scholars
3rd/4th Grade Scholars
3rd/4th Grade Scholars
5/6 Grade Scholar & Perfect Attendance
Science Scholars
Science Scholars
Food Prep: Carbohydrates, Proteins, and Fats
8th Grade: Chemical Reaction Experiment
Biology Class
Yeast Fermentation & Cellular Respiration Experiment
Staff Spotlight
Ms. Shella Casis
Our middle and high school science teacher Ms. Shella keeps her students engaged with weekly hands-on interactive lessons. She is also our student council advisor and has been instrumental in our current student council elections.
5th & 6th grade Hallway Gallery
Student Council Elections
9th Grade President Candidates
Candidate 1: David Williams
Candidate 2: Alakcuaq Smith
10th grade President Candidate
11th Grade President Candidate
12th Grade Student Council President
Sport Updates
Bethel Wrestling Scramble
Brendon Brown & Eric Beebe 3rd place Winners
Bethel Wrestling Scramble
Bethel Wrestling Scramble
Region 1 Coach of The Year Award
Coach Thomas Nicori
Sports Schedule
Cross Country- Coach Tracy Pleasant
Season Start Date: August 16-17
Regional: September 27-28
State: October 5
Varsity Boys Basketball-Coach Adam Petluska Varsity Girls-Coach Gloria Cleveland & Emma Petluska JV CoEd Coach Richard Cleveland
Season Start Date: December 4
District: March 1-3
State: March 12-15
Wrestling-Coach Thomas Nicori & Dennis Brown
Season Start Date: October 2
Regional: December 13-14
State: December 20-21
NYO- Coach Edward " Sammy" Mark
Spring Start Date: Feb 24
Regionals: TBA
State: April 17-19
ESports- Coach Sean Nasir Perkins
Preseason: Weeks of 9/9/24 & 9/16/24
Regular Season: Weeks of 9/23/24 - 11/11/24
Playoffs: Weeks of 11/18/24 - 12/6/24
Fall Championships: Weeks of 12/9/24 & 12/16/24
From the Principal's Desk
Location: Quinhagak, AK 99655, USA
Phone: 907-556-8628