Friday Focus Newsletter
306th Issue - October 25, 2024
Marian Central Catholic High School
From the Desk of Mrs. Debra Cunico
It is exciting to think that we have successfully navigated through the first quarter of this school year already! I can only imagine how our seniors must feel, realizing that there is so much to do in so little time! I know how stressful senior year is with students feeling that they still need to accomplish so much before the end of the school year as well as the anticipation of all of the changes yet to come post-Marian. My wish is that our senior class take in every moment of every day, every experience, and every relationship and cherish each one…. holding it close to their hearts. These high school years will most certainly be looked upon with fondness for years to come, so make the best of it!
Speaking of the end of the first quarter, I am proud of the many students whose work ethic shines as they are always on top of their work and doing their very best. I am also glad to see more and more students realizing the importance of submitting missing work or making up/remediating their assessments and other work due to absences. This speaks volumes to the commitment our students have towards their education. I encourage students to be vigilant in their studies… both while they are in their classes and when they are working on homework, projects, and studying for assessments.
Parent-Teacher conferences are now in our rear-view mirror, having seemed to be a success as they allowed Marian families to meet with the faculty and discuss student progress. We are very blessed to have a faculty that always has students’ best interests in mind; always focused on raising the bar and holding students accountable for their learning. Our faculty continues to improve on clarifying the standards, utilizing effective teaching strategies, and challenging our students with rigorous curriculum, while at the same time developing relationships and modeling our Catholic beliefs. It isn’t easy, and there are always bumps in the road, but our entire staff realizes that it takes a collaborative effort in order to push the needle on student achievement, and they do just that.
In closing, please know that our teachers and administration are continuously available for an email or phone call throughout the year. Please remember that it is always best to go to the specific teacher for questions about that class first, as they would be able to give you the most specific answers related to their content.
I am looking forward to Quarter 2 and seeing how our students continue to grow academically, socially, and spiritually. Thank you for supporting our school and students!
For wisdom will enter your heart, and knowledge will be pleasant to your soul.
Proverbs 2:10
Mrs. Cunico
2025-2026 School Year Financial Aid Application is Open NOW!!
- Complete FACTS Grant and Aid Assessment online with all necessary
financial documents, including the 2023 tax return and 2023 W2s,
by November 22, 2024
Simple Steps to Apply for Financial Aid Online
1. Choose “Sign In” or “Create a user name and password”
2. Then click on the Start Application Link
3. Select the appropriate school year (2025-2026)
4. Complete the steps as prompted (be sure to upload required 2023 tax documents
after submitting application)
All families must apply by November 22, 2024, for tuition assistance for the 2025-2026 school year.
Award letters will be sent in January 2025.
Attendance Hotline
Reminder - If your student is going to be absent, please call the attendance hotline versus emailing or leaving a voicemail message for an individual at the school. The attendance hotline is monitored throughout the day, and messages can be retrieved by any member of the office staff. We don't want to miss any messages if the staff member you leave a message for happens to also be absent. Thank you!
Attendance Hotline: 815-338-4220 - and press "2"
Open House - Sunday, November 3rd
Do you know someone with a grade school student who might be interested in attending Marian Central? Does your grade school student want to learn more about Marian? If so, spread the news about our upcoming Open House!
ARK Testing - October 31st
All schools in the Diocese of Rockford will be using ARK testing this year as a tool to assess student knowledge and growth in specific areas. Please click below for additional details about the testing.
Marian Central will be giving the test to students this year on Thursday, October 31st during the regular school day (8:00 am – 2:40 pm). Students will follow an adjusted schedule to accommodate for the testing and all regular classes will still meet.
2024-25 Yearbooks - Pay Now and Save!
Have you ordered your 2024-25 yearbook yet? If you order and pay for your yearbook by November 1st, you can take advantage of the discounted rate of $90 each. After November 1st, the cost is $100 for each yearbook. Money can be paid online by clicking here (4% fee) or sent to the office (no fee).
Don't miss out on this chance to preserve your memories!
School Picture Day is October 29!
All freshmen, sophomores, and juniors will have school photos taken on Tuesday, October 29 during their PE/First Aid or Economics class period. Our photographer, Higher Focus Photography (HFP), uses a paperless ordering system. The only thing students need do is come picture-ready in their blue or read sweater or red fleece uniform! Please refer to school guidelines for additional information and uniform guidelines. (Note, that the black uniform fleece is not an approved uniform item for these photos.)
Photos will be shared via private online photo albums after Picture Day and will include savings opportunities for orders placed within the first week. You'll receive an email as soon as these albums are active online. Students not photographed on Picture Day will have a make-up opportunity at the school on Tuesday, December 3 during lunch periods.
Seniors who missed Senior Portrait Day will be photographed during Advisory on the 29th.
Additional Picture Day info is available in the flyer below and online at https://higherfocusphotography.com/faqs-schools
Sweater Season Begins October 28th
As we enter the fall/winter seasons, Marian Central students will enter "Sweater Season".
“Sweater Season” begins October 28, 2024, and ends as we leave for Spring Break on March 21, 2025. During this season, students are expected to wear school uniform sweaters OR red fleece quarter-zip jackets and uniform slacks. Shorts and polos are not permitted during this season.
College Visits Next Week
All juniors and seniors may attend these visits. Students must receive permission from their teachers to attend each visit and must sign up for all visits in SCOIR.
Monday 10/28:
Loyola University Chicago-3rd Period
University of Dayton-8th Period
Augustana College-9th Period
Tuesday 10/29:
Lawrence University-8th Period
Upcoming Calendar
Tuesday, November 5th - Election Day; Noon Dismissal; Office Closes at Noon
Wednesday, November 6th - Late Start; Classes Begin at 9:45 am
Wednesday, November 27th - Noon Dismissal
Thursday, November 28th - Friday, November 29th - Thanksgiving Break; no school
Wednesday, December 4th - Late Start; Classes Begin at 9:45 am
Wednesday, December 18th - Semester 1 Exams (periods 1,3); 10:40 am dismissal
Thursday, December 19th - Semester 1 Exams (periods 4,567,8); noon dismissal
Friday, December 20th - Semester 1 Exams (periods 9,10); 10:40 am dismissal
Monday, December 23 - Friday, January 3 - Christmas Break; No school
Monday, January 6th - Teacher Inservice; No School
Tuesday, January 7th - Classes Resume
Friday Focus - Past Issues
Did you miss an issue of our weekly newsletter? You can find past issues posted on our website under "Quick Links" or click below.