The Cheetah Coalition #5
Weekly Updates from the Atkinson Office — 9/20/24
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Greetings, Atkinson families,
Just a reminder that Principal Armendariz is on leave, taking care of her husband after his knee surgery, and will be returning on September 25th. In her absence, we have Dr. Kehaulani Haupu as a substitute Principal. Her contact info is:
Dr. Kehaulani Haupu
Substitute Administrator
School Main Number: (503) 916-6333
Debbie Armendariz
Atkinson Elementary School
It was great seeing and meeting many of you at Back to School Night! Please see this THIS FLYER to meet the school counselors at Atkinson this year and to learn more about our counseling services!
We have officially kicked off the Student Store and it’s been wonderful seeing students spend their Cheetah Paws on fun items. At Back to School Night, students gave us great ideas about what types of items they’d like to see in the Student Store!
The Student Store visits students at their classrooms once a month. The store is a great way for students to use the Cheetah Paws they earn for being Safe, Responsible, and Respectful. We always welcome donations towards the Student Store so we can continue to stock it with fun items that students enjoy. If you are able to contribute, please do so HERE! Thank you!
We've had some students get injured recently before or after school due to rough play on the playground. Teachers remind students that play-fighting and hands on other bodies is not allowed at school at any time. We formally teach playground rules 3 times each year and then it is reinforced as teachers see necessary. Please reinforce these rules as parents outside of school times, so that the rules of the school playground are clear, whether it's during school or outside of school time.
Please also be aware that we do not provide supervision before or after school, so students must be supervised by parents until the bell rings and school begins.
See the photos below for areas that ARE NOT play areas before, during, or after school. Please do not allow your children to play in these areas.
We are so grateful for the support of our community. If you would like to contribute to one of our teacher's Amazon Wish Lists or Donors Choose Fundraisers, see the links below:
- Kinder - Maria Tobon Olguin's Amazon Wish List
- Kinder - Christine Klein-Leong's Amazon Wish List
- 1st Grade - Laura Humphrey's Amazon Wish List
- 1st Grade - Brittney McAleer's Amazon Wish List
- 1st Grade - Janeth Hernandez-Solis' Amazon Wish List
- 2nd Grade - Mary Beth Bitzer's Amazon Wish List
- 2nd Grade - Omar Casillas' Amazon Wish List
- 3rd Grade - Amy Nunn's Donors Choose Fundraiser
- 3rd Grade - Emilia Schwing's Amazon Wish List
- 4th Grade - Mady Hampton's Amazon Wish List
- 4th Grade - Martha McArthur's Amazon Wish List
- 5th Grade - Kathy Zipp's Amazon Wish List
- 5th Grade - Natalie Vega-Juarez's Amazon Wish List
- PE - Codi Sanchez's Amazon Wish List
- Art - Amy Close's Amazon Wish List
- Speech Language - Cate Lopez's Amazon Wish List
- Office - School Supplies Fund
Student school pictures will be on Monday, September 23 for grades K–2, and Tuesday, September 24 for grades 3–5 (except Ms. Mady's 4th grade class will be on Monday). Don't forget to look your best!
Greetings from the Atkinson Yearbook Committee! We are excited about another great year at Atkinson, and look forward to commemorating it in the yearbook. Throughout the year, we'll be asking you to submit pictures of your kids at school events, after school activities, outings such as field trips and cultural events, seasonal fun (like snow days) and holidays. If you have pictures of the first day of school, popsicles on the playground or back to school night, please email them to atkinsonyearbookpps@gmail.com.
Also, if you would like to join the yearbook committee (or need more info before committing), please contact Jenny at 503-475-8642 or email atkinsonyearbookpps@gmail.com. We will meet sometime in October. Thank you!
- Monday, September 23 — School Photos for Grades K-2
- Monday, September 23 — Dine Out at Migration Brewing on Glisan, 5–9 p.m.
- Tuesday, September 24 — School Photos for Grades 3-5
- Wednesday, September 25 — Early Release at 11:50 a.m.
Thursday, September 26 — Online with the Principal, 7 p.m. (link here)
Friday, September 17 — Principal’s Coffee in the cafeteria, 8:10 a.m.
Thursday, October 3 — PTA Family Game Night, 5:30–7:30 p.m.
Thursday, October 10 — PTA Meeting, 6:30 - 8 p.m.
Friday, October 11 — NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS, Statewide Teacher Inservice Day