The Mustang Messenger
Monday, September 25, 2023
Traducción en Español
- Para ver el boletín en español haga clic en el cuadrado negro ubicado en el lado derecho donde dice Traducir boletín.
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A Message from Dr. Di Nicola
Another awesomely successful week is in the books at JL Simpson MS as of Friday, September 22, the first official day of the fall season as well. From Oreo Cookie Moon Phase Labs in science, interactive review games and workstations in mathematics classes, and digital film production project work in Social Sciences and Global Studies to sight singing, scale practice, and performance preparation in music classes and watching students engage in our National Hispanic Heritage Month scavenger hunt in our hallways...it was an absolute blast as always! :-)
This coming Friday, September 29 will be a GOLD OUT at Simpson in honor of Loudoun County High School's homecoming football game and weekend...so we hope to see as many Mustang staff, students, and families as possible celebrating the occasion!
As a friendly reminder, please also mark your calendars for Monday, October 2 and Tuesday, October 3 as our school picture days. Our Health and Physical Education Department will be supporting our students as their pictures are taken over the course of these two days. Check out the section below dedicated specifically to our school picture days for more information on how to order your photo selections ahead of time.
Members of our staff met this past Wednesday to discuss the formal introduction of our JLS Clubs/Organizations During The Day Program and AM / PM Co-Curricular / Extracurricular Clubs/Organizations Program. Watch for a special edition of the Mustang Messenger later this week for details regarding both of these programs, including how your Mustang can sign up to express an interest in joining one or more of our clubs...and even how to start a new club/organization at Simpson!
Finally, we are approaching the interim date for the 1st Quarter on Monday, October 2. This is a great week for you to work with your Mustang to have them log into StudentVue/Schoology to review current performance and any assignments which may still need completion for their courses. We encourage you to have your Mustang reach out to their teachers in person or via e-mail with any questions that they may have about their classes to support their continued success.
Wishing you all a fantastic week ahead...and thank you as always for your kind support!
Dr. Frank G. "Tripp" Di Nicola, III
JL Simpson MS
Odyssey of the Mind Volunteers Needed
At minimum we need 6 student members, a coach(adult), one judge (adult) and at least one volunteer (adult) to form our team. Please reach out to Deval Khan devalkhan83@gmail.com if you are interested in being part of the team or have questions.
PTO Volunteer Opportunities
The PTO has two volunteer opportunities coming up for parents!
We are bringing back Monty's Cafe once a month. If you would like to volunteer please sign up here. You will help sell hot chocolate and lemonade for about 20 minutes before school.
Picture day is coming up on October 2nd and 3rd. We need two parents at each block to help line the kids up. Pictures for students will occur during their PE block. Sign up here if you would like to help.
Exploring the Academies - Virtual Session
The Division of English Learners, Family and Community Engagement (EL FACE) Office is excited to invite families to join our next The Family Room session titled:
“Exploring the Academies”
Join us for a virtual session to learn about the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) magnet programs offered at the Academies of Loudoun!
Meet The Office of Admissions and Outreach to learn about:
- STEM Programs
- Admission Criteria
- Application process and deadlines
Join us on Tuesday, September 26th, 2023:
6 pm (English & Spanish) or
7 pm (English & Arabic)
Click on the flyer link below to learn more and find the meeting links!
Please contact Sarah Ocampo, FACE Coordinator, with any questions.
Congratulations All County Chorus Students
Bullying Prevention and Awareness Lessons for Students
During the month of October, the school counseling team will be presenting lessons to students in grades 6-8 as part of National Bullying Prevention and Awareness Month. Lessons for students in grades 7 and 8 will focus on healthy relationships. The LCPS Department of Student Services has selected the One Love Foundation Couplets Program to help facilitate these discussions.
For more information about the program please visit https://www.joinonelove.org/act/couplets/ Please submit the PermissionClick form linked below if you do not want your 7th or 8th grade student to participate in the One Love lessons. https://permission.click/kzJ58/int Please reach out to the grade level school counselor if you have any questions.
A Message of Congratulations from LCPS School Counseling Services
School Counseling Services would like to take a moment to congratulate J. Lupton Simpson’s School Counselors for the extraordinary initiatives they have taken to submit comprehensive components for School Counseling Services to review. We would like to celebrate their success by announcing their achievement in earning a RED STAR for the 2022-2023 school year, as part of the LCPS Comprehensive School Counseling Program (Star System).
Attached you will find a letter explaining the LCPS School Counseling Star System Program as well as a certificate of recognition. This award is extremely impressive! Earning a star recognition requires great diligence, planning, and drive and it has been remarkable watching our School Counselors build and maintain their comprehensive programs. We are extremely proud of the work of your School Counselors, as they are agents of change and difference makers in the lives of their students and community.
Click here for the letter of explanation for the RED STAR Program.
See You at the Pole
For more information, visit the See You at the Pole website.
We Are Seeking Student Equity Ambassadors!
Show Your Simpson Spirit AND Celebrate LCHS Homecoming!
Some Highlights from Our Amazon Web Services Think Big Space Dedication
Picture Day is Almost Here!
School Picture Day is coming Monday October 2nd & Tuesday October 3rd, 2023. Pictures will be taken during students' PE block.
Images will be available to view and purchase approximately two weeks following our school's picture day. Save time and Pre-order online here: https://vando.imagequix.com/g1001030255#login
For questions about ordering school pictures please email underclass@vosphoto.com
For paper copies of the order form for school pictures, our Mustangs can stop by their house office.
Thank You!
Of course, thank you to our 7th grade English teachers, Ms. Maulfair and Ms. Moulton, for your hard work and dedication to providing an exceptional learning experience for our students!
Below are just a few of the highlights from these great interviews.
Friday, October 6 is Pink Out Day at Simpson and the LCHS Football Game
Monster Mash 5K Coming to PE Classes
Girls Tech Day - Click the Flyer Below to Register
Academies of Loudoun Applications Open for Current 8th Graders
Use this link for information about the fall application process:
Use this link to complete your application:
Student should see Ms. Jeane, 8th Grade Counselor, with any questions.
Writing Prompts for 8th Graders Interested in Academies of Loudoun
The Admissions & Outreach Office at the Academies of Loudoun will be releasing the writing prompts again this year for 8th graders. The released prompts will be shared with all 8th grade students through their science classes. A guided lesson has been constructed for 8th grade science teachers to introduce the nature of a STEM related critical thinking writing task.
8th grade science teachers will introduce the guided lesson anytime between now and October 18, 2023. This date coincides with the application due date. This timeframe will allow Academies of Loudoun applicants an opportunity to familiarize themselves with the admissions writing assessment before their scheduled test sessions on October 28, November 4, and November 11, 2023.
Order Your Yearbook for the 2023-24 School Year
Be sure to use our school code 13625
Need Chromebook Assistance? DES Can Help!
All students should bring their Chromebook (fully charged) and charger to school each day.
The office is located down the main hallway (SIMPSON STREET) just past Room M3 on the right. If Mustangs need any help locating the site, any staff member can assist.
What is a Family Liaison?
A Family Liaison is a LCPS staff member (not a volunteer) who works to bridge the gap between home and school by helping parents get the information and support they need to ensure their child’s academic and social success. As a parent, you have a private link, connection, and bridge to your child’s school. We are fortunate to have an outstanding Family Liaison at Simpson Middle School, Ms. Leslie Chisholm. She can be reached at leslie.chisholm@lcps.org.
Your Family Liaison can connect you to important information
· Contacting Teachers and Counselors
· School Expectations
· Directing families to the appropriate staff member when questions arise
Your Family Liaison can connect you to available resources/help
Financial assistance for school fees (based on need)
· School Supplies or fees
· Medical Assistance/Glasses
· After School Programs
. Resources in the community
Your Family Liaison can help you make a comfortable connection with the school
· Get Help from Interpreters
· Volunteering
Your Family Liaison works with our Simpson MS United Mental Health Team to connect you with support in crisis situations (emotional, physical, and academic)
· Housing
· Accidents
· Illness
· Bullying
· Substance and Physical Abuse
· Food stability
If you would like assistance from Ms. Chisholm at any time, feel free to connect via e-mail or see your counselor/dean and we can support your meeting with her.
How do I join the Simpson Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO)?
Are you trying to figure out how to stay involved during those middle school years?
There are small and big ways that really make an impact on our AMAZING school! Please reach out to Natalie Sutter nsutter@gmail.com or Sara Conner sbc070178@gmail.com if you are interested in helping with our PTO activities in any way. You can also sign up to help by clicking here!
The PTO has many things planned for our staff and students! Check out our Volunteer Signup! A board member will reach out with more details!
- FREE Grade Level Events for each grade
- Monty's Cafe (Coming back for a 3rd year)
- Family Bingo Night w/ Silent Auction and Concessions
- Enhance our social media platforms
- Lots of Appreciation Days / Weeks for Staff
- Joint 5K with other middle schools
Click here for the Official J.L. Simpson MS PTO Webpage.
We look forward to engaging all of our Mustang families in PTO in service and support of all of our children!
Be Sure to Join Remind to Receive More Important Updates
Dates to Remember
Be sure to check here often as we will continue to add dates and events as they become available.
September 25 - No School - Holiday - Yom Kippur
September 26 - Makeup Reading VGA Testing
September 27 - See You at the Pole - 8am / Student Equity Ambassador Forms Due
September 29 - Simpson and LCHS Gold Out - LCHS Homecoming
October 2 - Interims - Quarter 1
October 2 & 3 - School Picture Days (taken during Health and PE classes)
October 5 - PTO Spirit Night @ Chipotle 5pm-9pm
October 6 - Simpson Pink Out along with LCHS
October 9 - No School - Holiday - Indigenous Peoples' Day
October 18 - Unity Day - Wear orange! / Acadamies of Loudoun Applications Close
October 18-20: Bullying Prevention and Awareness Lessons presented by JLS Counselors to Mustang Students
October 19-20 - Monster Mash 5K during PE classes
October 24 - PTO Spirit Night @ ResQ BBQ 11am-9:30pm
October 27 - End of First Grading Period
October 30-31 - No School - Student Holidays
October 31 - All District Chorus Auditions
November 7 - No School - Election Day
November 13 - No School - Holiday - Diwali
November 22-24 - No School - Holiday - Thanksgiving Break
December 21-January 1 - No School - Winter Break
January 15 - No School - Holiday - Martin Luther King Jr. Day
January 19 - End of Second Grading Period
January 22 - No School - Student Holiday
February 9 - No School - Holiday - Lunar New Year
February 19 - No School - Holiday - Presidents' Day
March 5 - No School - Student Holiday
March 25 - 29 - No School - Spring Break
April 4 - End of Third Grading Period
April 5 - No School - Student Holiday
April 10 - No School - Holiday - Eid al Fitr
May 27 - No School - Holiday - Memorial Day
June 14 - Last Day of School/End of Fourth Grading Period
Follow Us On Social Media!
Email: Tripp.DiNicola@lcps.org
Website: https://www.lcps.org/jlsms
Location: J. Lupton Simpson Middle School, Evergreen Mills Rd, Leesburg, VA, USA
Phone: 5712522840
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JLSimpsonMS2020/
Twitter: @JLSMS_Official