Clark-Wilkins Elementary School
Weekly Update: January 10th, 2025
3rd Grade Circus Performance Tonight!
The circus is back! Artist-in-residency, Troy Wunderle, has partnered with our Physical Education program to work with 3rd graders all week. Tonight they will perform their new skills at 5:30pm in the Wilkins MPR. Come cheer them on for this community favorite event!
Invention Convention
If you are interested in participating in Invention Convention 2025, please complete this form!
This year, physical materials will be provided (nothing needs to be retrieved online). Upon receipt of your registration, Ms. Murrell will distribute Invention Journals.
Regionals will be held Saturday, March 22nd at UNH in Durham NH
Notes from the Nurses
Please continue to encourage effective hand-washing and re-enforcing effective cough covering!
Students should be kept home with fevers or GI symptoms until they are symptom free and fever free for 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medication.
Handwashing for an effective amount of time can be tracked by singing "Happy Birthday"
(or the chorus of Hakuna Matata if you're feeling carefree).
We're getting reports of extremely high respiratory illnesses, all-over the country, FLU, COVID and RSV increasing. Norovirus cases continue to stay abnormally high. Hand sanitizer does not work well against norovirus. You can use hand sanitizers in addition to hand washing, but hand sanitizer is not a substitute for handwashing, which is best. Surfaces contaminated can spread the virus and need to be thoroughly cleaned: bleach-based products are best on the affected area, for at least 5 minutes and let dry, and clean the entire area again with soap and hot water. Soiled laundry should be washed in hot water. We appreciate your efforts with your students for their help in slowing the spread of germs!
Thank you,
Alison Laliberte, Ashley Sarazen, and Heather McGibbon
OWL Expectations
Stickers, Hootie Shout Outs, and Special Recognition
As a school community we are always reinforcing that Our Bodies are Safe, We are Responsible, and we Listen and Respect Others. This can mean many things in different settings throughout the school. In the hallways, we keep to the right side and walk to ensure safety of ourselves and others. We keep our voices down so we are not disturbing other classrooms and offices. On the bus, we still have to remember our safe bodies, respectful words and voice volume, and responsible behavior.
In the lunchroom, OWL Expectations can be challenging, with this being many classes in one space, and students free time to socialize and relax with friends. OWL expectations are still important to stay safe and be respectful of all those around us. The focus is to eat to refuel our body and certainly socialize, but we try to emphasize reasonable volume, calm bodies and being respectful of lunch table space of our neighbors. It is everyone's responsibility to clean up after themselves, and leave a clean space for the next lunch group.
Each grade level has their own system for being responsible, and every class has the opportunity to demonstrate exceptional OWL expectations. Monthly, one class from each grade is recognized for exemplary behavior with a special Golden Spatula Lunch. Individually, you may see your student come home with a new sticker from the lunchroom: a showing of responsible, safe and respectful behavior will earn them a golden sticker.
This is separate and in addition to our Hootie Stickers for great expected behavior, and Hootie Shout Outs that are read out during morning announcements, for above-and-beyond observed behavior.
25-26 School Year Registration is Open!
SAU39 Kindergarten registration is now open for the 2025-2026 school year, for children who will be age 5 by September 30, 2025 - https://www.sau39.org/families/new_student_information.
Registering early helps our schools establish the appropriate number of classrooms and teachers. Please spread the word to your neighbors and friends who may be enrolling children in the SAU for the first time next year.
**Families interested in PRESCHOOL should please complete THIS FORM, not the above pre-registration**
We look forward to meeting all our new students and their families!
Amherst PTA
Read the latest from the greatest PTA!
Amherst Schools - Built for The Future - Info Nights
Click on the Image below for information
Upcoming Important Dates
- Friday January 10th, 5:30pm - 3rd Grade Circus performance
- Monday January 20th - Martin Luther King Jr. Day NO SCHOOL
- Wednesday February 12th - EARLY RELEASE DAY
- Mon Feb 24th through Fri Feb 28th - Winter Break
- Tuesday March 11th - Voting Day NO SCHOOL
Amherst Library
Come play the hottest game everyone is playing! "Tug of War" with dice and a game piece. Come hang out at the library and play with a friend. Tug of War is out for passive play in the Children's Room. Ask a librarian what cool new books we have too!
Amherst Rec Department
February Vacation Outdoor Discovery Camp
Children in grades K-5
February School Vacation will be here before you know it! What better way to spend it then take part in a fun-filled week at camp. This camp will be based around the beautiful outdoors and nature that PMEC has to offer! Each day there will be outdoor exploration, snow play, nature hikes, group games, and of course...arts and crafts!
February 24th-February 28th; 9:00am to 4:00pm
CLICK HERE for more information and to register.
Animal Detectives
Grades 1-4
Let's get outside and become animal detectives! Winter is the perfect time to track animals. We will focus on tracking animals and learning what signs to look for along the trails to find out who has been there before us and what they have been up to.
Wednesdays 2:30pm -4:30pm (1/15, 1/22, 1/29 and 2/5)
CLICK HERE for more information and to register.
Wednesday Monthly Clay and Sculpture Series
Wilkins Students, Grades 1-4
Come join us for a monthly class focusing all on clay and sculpture techniques! Each class will begin with a mini art lesson exposing participants to the art history and development of clay and sculpture in the art world. The class will focus on exploring different clay materials, sculpture and 3D art styles using a variety of materials. Clay and sculpture mediums are not only fun and engaging but also provide sensory development, motor skills and self-expression! All materials are included in the class.
Wednesdays 2:45-4:00pm (1/22, 2/5, 3/5, 4/2)
at Wilkins Elementary School, art room. Pick-up in front of Wilkins at 4pm
CLICK HERE for more information and to register.
Creative Skill Builders
Grades 1-4
An afterschool therapeutic educational program designed to assist children to develop social and emotional skills to support healthy development. These sessions will incorporate art therapy, mindfulness-based strategies, yoga, and nature-based experiences.
Tuesdays 2:30pm-4:00pm
at Buck Meadow: 32 NH101-A
Lunch and Breakfast Menus
District Calendar
Clark-Wilkins Elementary School
Website: https://www.sau39.org/cw
Phone: 603-673-4411
Twitter: @CWOwls