Half Day

Students Tackle Earthquake Engineering Challenge
Fourth-grade students put their engineering skills to the test by designing and building earthquake-resistant structures! As part of their science unit on tectonic plates and earthquakes, students explored how architects and engineers create buildings that can withstand nature's tremors. They researched innovative strategies like shear walls, gussets, and mass dampers, then brought their ideas to life through hands-on construction and revision as seen in these pictures.
The big moment came when students tested their creations against simulated California earthquakes to see if their designs could handle the shaking. The excitement was palpable as students evaluated their success and learned how to improve.
Upcoming Events
- Grades 3 & 4 Concert: Chorus and orchestra perform at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 18.
Grade 5 Concert: Chorus, band, and orchestra perform at 6:30 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 19.
ASA Registration: Now open through Wednesday, Jan. 1.
- No School: Monday, Dec. 23, through Monday, Jan. 6.
- Students Return to School: Tuesday, Jan. 7.
We encourage you to subscribe to the Half Day calendar so meetings and events can automatically be added to your personal calendar. Copy the calendar. Right click the url to a new tab. Download the calendar to your personal calendar.
Chorus Sings at Lincolnshire Lights Ceremony
Our talented group of 130 third-grade chorus members performed at the Village of Lincolnshire's Lincolnshire Lights Ceremony last Friday, Dec. 6. The students brought joy to the community by singing a variety of winter and holiday songs. This performance not only showcased their musical abilities but also helped build their confidence and fostered collaboration within our community. Please enjoy pictures from the event.
Winding up for Winter Break
Join in the Hawk Week festivities.
Wednesday - Winter Mash Up - Dress in your favorite holdiay/winter clothing
Thursday - Anything But a Backpack - Get creative and tote your items to school in an item that is NOT your typical backpack.
Friday - Pajama Day - Wake up and come to school in your (clean!) jammies.
Spelling Bee School Winners
Congratulations to the following Half Day spelling bee winners. These students will move on to the districtwide final 2025 Spelling Bee competition on Thursday, Jan. 23.
Aamuktha Chilukur
Diya Gupta
Abhiram Mehta
Evangeline Naumov
Brynn Pyune
Anish Kalvemula
Bomie Park
Mahaan Sabbani
Khyati Srivastava
Reyna Taneja
ASA Registration Now Open
- Registration is now open for After School Activities that begin the week of January 7 and run for six weeks.
- Families may register for as many classes as days allow beginning Friday, Dec. 13.
Register for classes on the RevTrak Web Store.
- Classes are $25 total per class (not per week) for all six weeks. Some classes will have an additional material fee as noted when registering.
- Classes are held after school from 3:40 to 4:30 p.m.
Prompt parent pick up is required at 4:30 p.m. or 103 Club students registered for that day can return to The 103 Club after class.
There is no bus transportation.
Piano Clinic for Kids
Register for a 20-minute piano clinic lesson with Daniel Wright's eighth-grade instructors during A Day of Action onf Saturday, Jan. 11, between 11:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. This Leaders in Learning fundraiser will donate proceeds to Hungry for Music, a charitable nonprofit organization that supports less fortunate students who have a hunger to play.
Watch for Signs of Walking Pneumonia
D103 is seeing an increase in walking pneumonia cases. Please be aware of signs and symptoms. Please review the CDC fact sheet about the signs and symptoms.
Winter Party Volunteers Needed!
We have two exciting events on Friday, Dec. 20. We need your help to make them unforgettable for our students! 🎉
Third-Grade Pancake Party:
- Time: 8:30 to 10:15 a.m.
- Details: Help teachers set up, run, and clean up a fun breakfast party for our third-graders.
Fourth- Grade Winter Party
- Time: 1:30 to 3:15 p.m.
- Details: Assist with the PTO-sponsored ice cream float station as students enjoy cycling through fun activities. Supplies will be provided, but if you can bring an ice cream scoop from home, we'd be so grateful!
👉 Sign up to volunteer here: dub.sh/D103SignUp
The Half Day Fun Fair is back!
Tickets are on sale now. Each child's $15 ticket price includes over 30 different carnival games, inflatables, and activities along with prizes, one serving of popcorn and cotton candy, as well as a souvenir cup and drawstring bag.
All students MUST attend with an adult chaperone. Carpooling is encouraged. Parents/chaperones do not require a ticket to accompany the kids they are with. We need MANY volunteers! You will be there with your kids anyway so please consider volunteering for a shift.
👉 Register for this event here -> dub.sh/mxzagoo👉 Volunteer for this event here -> dub.sh/D103SignUp
Legacy Bricks as Holiday Gifts
What a wonderful way to leave your mark in the district by gifting your student a legacy brick that will be installed in the Daniel Wright walkway when they begin the last leg of their D103 journey. Please visit www.103learningfund.org to purchase your special brick today from the D103 Learning Fund Foundation.
Brad's Bookworm Initiative
Congressman Brad Schneider is launching the sixth annual "Brad's Bookworms" program to encourage reading and learning for elementary school students (grades K-5) and their families!
Children participating in the program are asked to read and log 10 books with help from parents, grandparents, older siblings, or other family members, and track their progress toward this goal. Young people who meet the 10 books goal will be invited with their families to a recognition ceremony with Congressman Schneider to celebrate their achievement. The deadline to complete logs is Sunday, Feb. 2.
Half Day Information
- Half Day Calendar
- Archived newsletters
- YouTube Principals
- Principal Jill Mau
- Assistant Principal Laura Delagrange
- 847-634-1484
- Hd_attendance@d103.org