Wayland Union High School
February 2025
Upcoming Dates
February 7: Wayland Theatriks presents "Tuck Everlasting", 7pm, FAC
February 8: Wayland Theatriks presents "Tuck Everlasting", 10am and 2pm, FAC
February 10: WUHS Choir Festival Concert, 7pm, FAC
February 12: 7-12th grades Band Festival Preview Concert, 7pm, FAC
February 14-17: Mid-Winter Break, no school students and staff
February 20: Blood Drive hosted by Student Council, Aux Gym
February 20: WUHS Winter Dance Concert, 7pm, FAC
February 26: WUHS Dance Theatre "Dancing with the Star Staff", 7pm, FAC
February 27: Final Exams
February 28: Final Exams, End of Trimester 2
March 3: Trimester 3 begins
March 7: Report Cards Published to Parent Portal
March 9: Daylight Savings Time
March 14: No school for students and staff
March 17: No school for students, Teacher PD Day
March 27: WorkKeys Testing, all Juniors, Aux Gym
March 28: Murder Mystery Dinner, 6pm, FAC
April 4 - 11: No school, Spring Break
From the Guidance Office
Upcoming Dates and Happenings
February 4: Open to seniors only- The Barry Community Foundation (BCF) is coming to help seniors get started with the BCF scholarship applications during PRIDE Time. This is open to all WHS seniors. There are scholarships for college and trades! Use this link to sign up. Students must sign up by February 3.
February 5: Junior Meetings in all Post Secondary Prep classes. Students will have an opportunity to learn about the college application process, as well as apprenticeships and military information.
CareerQuest - This is an amazing, unique, hands-on career exploration experience that is open to all 9th-11th grade students. Spots are limited, and sign up is required. More information is available here! CareerQuest 2025 is March 3. We encourage our students to take advantage of this opportunity!
Credit Recovery - Students who failed a first trimester class or who are behind in graduation credit status should still strongly consider Credit Recovery. Please see your counselor to register!
Capturing Kids' Hearts
We have an opportunity and responsibility to teach kindness by example. Empower your children to show compassion to those around them.
Bond Construction: Coming Soon
Due to ongoing bond construction, student parking locations will be changing. We are working on a plan to arrange parking for everyone and will share more details as we get closer to implementation. Please stay tuned for updates, and thank you for your patience and understanding during this transition.
Coaches vs. Cancer Recap
THANK YOU to all of the students, staff, parents and community for your support in this year's Coaches vs. Cancer events. Together, we were able to raise $22,000 for the American Cancer Society.
Student Council students worked very hard coordinating a fun week of activities, and made changes to include all winter sports. Thank you for all your efforts!
Congratulations to the 2025 Snowcoming Duke and Duchess: Lane Button and Harmony Laker!
This year's Snowcoming dance was held Saturday, February 1st from 7 - 10pm, in the FAC. The theme was Candyland.
Thank you, LOC Club, for putting on this event!
Dancing with the Star Staff
Mark your calendars! Dancing with the Star Staff will take place Wednesday, February 26th in the Fine Arts Center. Wayland Union Schools staff will compete for the Mirror Ball Trophy. Bring cash to vote for your favorite dancer!
Tickets can be purchased online at https://wufactickets.ludus.com/index.php
WorkKeys Testing
All Juniors will be taking the WorkKeys test on Thursday, March 27th, in the Aux Gym.
This is a graduation requirement. Please note, there are no electronic devices allowed in the testing space.
Students will check in first thing in the morning, as testing will begin at 7:40am. STUDENTS ARRIVING LATE WILL NOT BE ALLOWED ENTRY.
Students will return to class at the completion of testing. This will be a normal school day for all other grade levels.
Attention SENIORS
Let's talk Graduation.
Graduation information was sent to your school email from Mrs. Ewing. As we move closer to graduation, more information will be sharedl! Please make sure you take time to check your email!
- If you have not yet ordered your cap and gown, please email or see Mrs. Ewing in the main office. Orders can be placed online at Jostens, or visit the link here. This cap and gown unit is the only requirement, and will be delivered to the high school.
- Please make sure that you've stopped in the office to initial the spelling of your name for your diploma!
- Need to register for Grad Bash? Registration forms are in the office, and questions can be emailed to: waylandgradbashinc2025@gmail.com.
A list of upcoming dates can be found on the "Just for Seniors" page on the high school's website.
- Mark your calendars! improv.anonymous' annual Murder Mystery Dinner will be held Friday, March 28th in the Fine Arts Center. Enjoy a three-course meal while solving a 90s themed mystery! Tickets on sale at https://wufactickets.ludus.com/index.php. Get yours today before they sell out!
- improv.anonymous will perform at 4one2 on Tuesday, February 25th at 6pm. Don't feel like cooking? Order dinner while you enjoy the show!
Outstanding People in Education Nomination
The Allegan County School Board Association is accepting nominations for the "Outstanding People for Education" award! The purpose of this award is to recognize and honor people in education who are excelling in their field and/or are making an impact in the quality of education in Allegan County.
Examples of whom to nominate could include: a teacher, classroom aide, administrator, secretary, board member, volunteer, bus driver, custodian, support staff, social worker, therapist, consultant, community member, or anyone who supports education.
Nominations can come from anyone (students, parents, school staff and community members) and can also be kept anonymous.
Please click the link or scan the QR code in order to access the Google Form. Nominations are due by Friday, February 28th, 2025.
Blood Drive
Student Council is hosting a blood drive with the American Red Cross on Thursday, February 20th. Anyone who is 16 years or older is qualified to donate blood. To sign up for a time slot, email Mrs. Cardosa (cardosan@waylandunion.org) or sign up at lunch the week of February 1-13. Anyone who donates is eligible for a red cord at graduation.
FUTURES: Facilitating Understanding Through Unique Real-life ExperienceS
FUTURES is an external/non-traditional learning experience for our students. FUTURES is designed to allow students to learn about subjects not traditionally taught during the regular school day. It is also a chance for many to have an educational experience at a site that pertains to their particular program.
Goals of the FUTURES program include:
Non-traditional learning experience designed to:
- Challenge all learners to apply critical thinking and life skills
- Inspire hands and minds-on engaged learning
- Contribute to a growth mindset and lifelong learning for all students
Enrollment will OPEN in March 2025! Stay tuned for the 2025 Course Offerings Catalog!
Junior/Senior Prom
Tech Center News
Upcoming Dates
- February 11: Tech Center Open House
- February 14: Mid-Winter Break, no Tech Center classes. All tech students report to the Media Center.
- February 28: End of Trimester 2
Alumni Hall of Fame Nominations
Wayland Union Schools is seeking nominations for the 2025 Alumni Hall of Fame.
Nominate a candidate for consideration by filling out the Google Form. Deadline for submitting nominations is at 2:30pm on March 7, 2025.
Nomination Criteria:
Nominees must be a graduate of Wayland Union High School.
Individual must have made an important contribution to Wayland Union Schools, the Wayland Union Schools Community, or society in general.
Posthumous induction is possible.
Students of Wayland Union High School may be considered for induction ten years after graduation.
The Alumni Hall of Fame Ceremony will take place on Tuesday, April 15, 2025 at 6:30pm in the Wayland Union Fine Arts Center as part of the Scholastic Honors Night celebration.
New York City 2026
🛫🌆Do you love to travel? Do you love Broadway? This could be the trip for you!
Join us on an exciting and educational trip to NYC! Read on for more details.
Please reach out to Mrs. Black for any questions: blackr@waylandunion.org
Purchasing Yearbooks
Walsworth is our yearbook publishing company. Order your 2025 yearbook this fall at yearbookforever.com. The deadline for ordering is Wednesday, April 30, 2025!
Reminders from the Main Office
Please remember to call the office if your student will be absent. A parent or guardian must still call for any student who is 18 years of age. Students may not call themselves in.
Student Handbook
Deliveries: No food or drink is to be delivered during school hours.
Items are school related items and items needed for school sponsored extracurricular activities. These may be dropped off by parent/guardian as an exception to the policy.
Dress: Please make sure your student is dressed in accordance with the dress policy, page 58.
You may find the handbook below:
MSU Gifted and Talented Education (GATE)
Mr. Santino Di Cesare
Email: dicesares@waylandunion.org
Location: 870 East Superior Street, Wayland, MI, USA
Phone: 269-792-2254
Mrs. Karyll Russell
Assistant Principal
Email: russellk@waylandunion.org
Location: 870 East Superior Street, Wayland, MI, USA
Phone: 269-792-2254
Mr. Brett VanDeRoer
Assistant Principal
Email: vanderoerb@waylandunion.org
Location: 870 East Superior Street, Wayland, MI, USA
Phone: 269-792-2254
Mr. Adam Valk
Athletic Director
Email: valka@waylandunion.org
Location: 870 East Superior Street, Wayland, MI, USA
Phone: 269-792-2254