Hillsboro Title 6
Native American and Alaska Native Education Program
JUNE 2023
Camp Invention is back this summer at Brookwood Elementary School! The Title VI program has some scholarships available for elementary students who are going to be in 1st through 6th grade for the 2023-2024 school year. This is a hands-on, inquiry-based week of science that engages students in activities and fun. Scholarships are awarded on a first come first served basis.
Brookwood Elementary
July 10th - 14th
9:00 am - 3:30 pm
Email me if interested: francomb@hsd.k12.or.us
Thank you for making this first year for me as your Title VI Coordinator a great one! I learned a lot very quickly and stumbled a bit in the beginning, but as the year wrapped up we had Dance and Drum classes, consistent meetings, and parents coming together to help make senior gifts. I have lots of plans and ideas for next year based off of parent input from the parent meetings. Looking forward to growing and building our community more next school year!
Barb Francom
Title VI Coordinator
Congratulations to our Graduating Seniors!
We were able to celebrate our graduating seniors at the Community Powwow on June 3rd. They were invited to be honored during grand entry and then after receiving their gifts were honored with an honor song by Four Directions. Several of our graduates were unable to attend the powwow so their gifts were delivered so they could wear their stoles and necklaces at graduation should they choose to. Thank you to all the parents and community members who gathered to make the necklaces and stoles!
Thursdays, 4 pm - 8 pm
June 1st - August 31st