It IS That Time Of The Year Again
Welcome Everyone To The 2024-2025 School Year !!
2024-2025 CMS Admin Team
Miguel "RJ" Baca Principal
Katelynn Stone Assistant Principal
Jason Cole Assistant Principal
Important Information
Let's Talk District Call Center 575--812-8573
School Starts
School starts for 6th graders on August 7th. We will have a day for them to get acquainted with their new campus and teachers. 6th-8th graders will all be on campus starting August 8th.
School ID's
Open House
Schedules will be printed and available for distribution.
Schedule changes will not be done at open house. There will be a sign up sheet so that one of our counselor can address a schedule change if needed.
Available Information - We will have information available for the upcoming school year, including information about Title 1 funding, athletics, clubs, and other extracurricular activities.
Most importantly everyone will have the chance to meet our wonderful faculty and staff !!!
If you have a concern about a schedule please email one of our awesome counsoler.
Jeremy Patton ----- jeremy.patton@alamogordoschools.org
There will be times when a correction is necessary. Students will not be allowed to change their schedules unless there are extenuating circumstances and administrative approval is given. Changes will be considered from now and during the first 10 days of a semester for the following reasons.
- Does not meet prerequisites for the course
- Requesting a different elective (beware space is extremely limited at this time)
- Is requesting a change to a course with a higher degree of difficulty in the same subject area (must also have a teacher recommendation)
STUDENT ID's -- ID's will be mandatory for ALL students to wear daily. Students will need their ID's to swipe for lunches, library, bus riders and eventually many other aspects of their day. Students should be receiving these the first days of school.
School Breakfast and Lunch -- School Breakfast and lunch will continue to be free for all CMS students. Our wonderful Cafeteria staff offer options for students daily.
Social Media And CMS
CMS has a Facebook page. We will showcase school activities, celebrations and all the cool things we do on campus.
Cell Phones at School -- We have all become attached to our phones. Please understand that the expectation is that students will not be allowed to use phones and headphones during instructional time. Phones are to be off or on silent and put away during instructional time (in backpacks). Students are more than welcome to access their phones during their lunch period and before/after school. If you need to communicate with your student during instructional time please feel free to call the office and we will get a message to your student. The case of an emergency students will be given access to their phones.
Clubs and Extracurricular Activities-- Chaparral Middle School is a place were every student can thrive. We want all students to find a place to belong at CMS. We want to encourage students to be a part of a club, sport, or activity that engages their interest and will help them belong and support them moving through their middle school years.
This year CMS students will "dress out" for PE. Our PE uniform this year includes the CMS Physical Education T-Shirt, Athletic Shoes and socks, and any dress code acceptable athletic shorts or sweats of your choice. Flip-Flops, boots, and sandals are not a good choice for the PE environment. There is an option to purchase a CMS PE t-shirt for $8 and it can be purchased at the Winners Circle on 10th St.
Food deliveries will not be accepted. We cannot be responsible for doordash or other fast food being dropped off. A forgotten lunchbox from home is ok.
Sports Schedules Go Tiger Cubs !
We are looking Forward to a Great Year !
Chaparral Middle School
Website: https://cms.alamogordoschools.org/contact.stml
Location: 1401 College Avenue, Alamogordo, NM, USA
Phone: 575 812 6300
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ChaparralMiddleSchool/